Ralph Giles rillian

rillian pushed to ycm at rillian/nvim-config

  • 569589ca0b Re-enable YouCompleteMe for browser development. This seems to still be the only completion plugin with hooks for asking the build system about flags, which is essential in large projects. So use this version for developement there.
  • a5687cd839 Try new colour schemes. The previous default is too low-contrast most of the time, at least on a laptop screen where we're minimizing screen brightness.
  • 09997ea60e remove vim-markdown. This always autofolds sections including the one I'm currently editing, whenever I leave insert mode.
  • 12e25ffe2a Remove YouCompleteMe in favour of ale. This doens't have the same C++ support, but it's easier to maintain and suits my current needs better.
  • dad3818c22 Use a base16 colour scheme. This is a system of colour swatch designs and matching templates for various programmes to implement unified theming. Install and use such a thing for neovim's status and syntax highlighting. Note that to get correct output we need to use 24-bit colour, which requires an ISO 8613-3 terminal. That's the termguicolors variable.

2 years ago

rillian created new branch ycm at rillian/nvim-config

2 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/nvim-config

  • 92c0b510f8 Switch from ALE to the build-in language server. Neovim 0.5 and later have built-in support for the language server protocol. Use this instead of the ALE implementation. This is kind of an experiment since it's definitely harder to use at this point. Along the way, switch from Vundle to Plug.vim following their quickstart. Vundle hasn't seen updates in a while, although it's not clear this is better for our git-backed setup. Also adjust the plugin list while we're here. The LSP protocol support is built in, but connecting specific language servers is not. Use the lsp-config plugin to activate ones for C/C++, python, and rust, and add their recommended keybindings. Hopefully this will become easier to set up in the future! Finally, clean up some settings from the even older YouCompleteMe plugin, which we haven't used in some time.

2 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/nvim-config

2 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/nvim-config

  • a5687cd839 Try new colour schemes. The previous default is too low-contrast most of the time, at least on a laptop screen where we're minimizing screen brightness.

2 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/nvim-config

  • 09997ea60e remove vim-markdown. This always autofolds sections including the one I'm currently editing, whenever I leave insert mode.

4 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/nvim-config

  • 12e25ffe2a Remove YouCompleteMe in favour of ale. This doens't have the same C++ support, but it's easier to maintain and suits my current needs better.

4 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/nvim-config

  • dad3818c22 Use a base16 colour scheme. This is a system of colour swatch designs and matching templates for various programmes to implement unified theming. Install and use such a thing for neovim's status and syntax highlighting. Note that to get correct output we need to use 24-bit colour, which requires an ISO 8613-3 terminal. That's the termguicolors variable.
  • e739fc07ab Replace YouCompleteMe with ALE. This plugin uses RLS for better Rust language support. I haven't tried it with C/C++ yet, so leaving ycm commented out for now.
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5 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/akkad

  • c4e11cc034 Reset left margins on common elements. Removing the margin on the body element to get the full-bleed header places the text uncomfortably close the edge of the viewport. Rest a margin for <div> and <footer> so they look better.

5 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/akkad

  • 1adf2c91ca Handle pre-filled transliteration at page load. When reloading the page, Firefox will propagate any text in the input element to the new page instance. Trigger an input update event manually at page load time, after we've installed the event listener to make sure the cuneiform block is updated to match. Without this, no signs show until the text is changed, which is confusing.
  • 53afcaa5d9 Experiment with a contrasting header strip. Make the layout a little more clear by banding the header.
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5 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/akkad

  • 205488fdd4 Fix DINGIR typo. The reading was mis-spelled.
  • 2130222492 Add a viewport tag to prevent scaling on mobile. Opt into mobile-aware design so browsers on small screens don't scale everything down thinking we're a desktop-only layout. The prevents everything from rendering zoomed-out to unreadably small sizes on my phone. Copied from the list of suggestions on MDN.
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5 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/akkad

  • 27188b00b1 Update checksum for Akkadian.zip 7.18. New upstream release.
  • 0800fb6c67 Fix font checksum verification. This apparently never worked? Join and escape the script lines correctly so we actually verify the checksum. Also move the verification step to the unpacking target so we repeat verification even if the download has already happened.
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5 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/akkad

  • 05fe9906e4 Use 'var' in for loop variables. This binds the loop variable to the enclosing scope instead of the global scope, which avoids cluttering up the global namespace. It doesn't help with the table inversion, since it runs in global scope anyway, but it's still better style.
  • a66c5d5224 Repeat clobbered readings. Splitting the sign list into sections by lesson makes it easier to have unintentional duplicate entries, which happened with 'an' and 'mu'. The result was that the later entry replaced the earlier so 'AN' or 'DINGER' worked, but 'an' did not. Work around this by duplicating the earlier readings in the later entry for the same sign.
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5 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/nest312

5 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/nest312

  • d11ce52fc5 Further save. Just to be sure I've gotten everything. Probably only differs in last update time.

5 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/nest312

  • 10373cd461 Add a figure with the judgement vignette. Public domain image from wikimedia commons, https://www.webcitation.org/63ZdUemZU
  • 8e4681b96c Fix typos and awkward phrasing. Prefer 'judgment' to 'judgement'. Not sure which is correct Canadian spelling. Maybe both.
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5 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/nest312

  • 1c9ba6e124 Final draft for now. Will print this and proofread.

5 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/nest312

  • d13cbef57a Reformat references. Things are mostly MLA-correct now, as far as I can tell, except for the object references.

5 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/nest312

  • 727a89f5dd Third formatting pass. Correct typos, paragraph formatting for references. Try to restore italics where appropriate.

5 years ago

rillian pushed to master at rillian/nest312

5 years ago