#84 Add translations for Czech and French language names

nipos sloučil 1 revizí z větve Aditoo/langoptions do větve halcyon-suite/master před před 5 roky
Aditoo okomentoval před 5 roky

So that they don't show up as "Language_cs_CZ" and "Language_fr_FR"

So that they don't show up as "Language_cs_CZ" and "Language_fr_FR"
Niklas Poslovski okomentoval před 5 roky

Normally new strings for translation are only added each 2.X.0 release but in this case it's more important as these Language_* texts are really ugly. I merged it,thanks for your help!

Normally new strings for translation are only added each 2.X.0 release but in this case it's more important as these Language_* texts are really ugly. I merged it,thanks for your help!
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