rc.conf 880 B

  1. ## Preview images
  2. ## Waiting on ueberzug support
  3. #set preview_images true
  4. set preview_images false
  5. #set preview_images_method urxvt
  6. set use_preview_script true
  7. set preview_script ~/.config/ranger/scope.sh
  8. ## Add version control indicators
  9. set vcs_aware true
  10. ## Add trash can binding
  11. map DD shell trash %s
  12. ## Deletes
  13. map <DELETE> shell -s trash-put %s #integrated trash (recycler) - see below how to set up.
  14. map <a-DELETE> shell -cs trash-put %f #delete the current file only - not all the selected ones!!
  15. map <S-DELETE> console delete
  16. ## Add borders
  17. set draw_borders both
  18. ## Add icons
  19. ## expects: git clone https://github.com/alexanderjeurissen/ranger_devicons ~/.config/ranger/plugins/ranger_devicons
  20. default_linemode devicons
  21. ## Extrenal
  22. map du shell -p du --max-depth=1 -h --apparent-size
  23. map dU shell -p du --max-depth=1 -h --apparent-size | sort -rh