123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239 |
- --[[
- Sample output: https://pastebin.com/raw/ciay6HXj
- File name: "no message" (no extension)
- Instructions:
- Symlink this file into the GI working directory
- That's usually where GenshinImpact.exe is.
- Function description:
- sb_1184180413 c-call function with args
- Hints for modifying this script:
- 1) There is mostly no error handling in GI!
- 2) Run the script in Lua CLI (i.e. 'lua "no message"') to check for syntax errors
- 3) Uncomment functions until you see basic log information again
- ]]
- local HOOK_RECURSIVE = true -- more precise hooks, but may stall the game
- local DUMP_ON_XPCALL = true -- xpcall is called once after login. dump _G there
- local LH = {} -- file-wide access
- local function dump(val, depth, seen)
- depth = depth or 0
- seen = seen or {}
- if seen[val] then return "<CIRCULAR REF>" end
- if depth > 10 then return "<TOO DEEP>" end
- if val == nil then return "nil" end
- local txt = {}
- if type(val) == "table" then
- seen[val] = true
- txt[#txt + 1] = "{"
- for k, v in pairs(val) do
- txt[#txt + 1] = string.rep("\t", depth + 1) ..
- ("[\"%s\"] = %s"):format(tostring(k), dump(v, depth + 1, seen))
- end
- txt[#txt + 1] = string.rep("\t", depth) .. "}"
- elseif type(val) == "string" then
- txt[#txt + 1] = '"' .. val:gsub('\n', "$LF"):gsub('"', '\\"') .. '"'
- else
- txt[#txt + 1] = tostring(val)
- end
- return table.concat(txt, "\n")
- end
- local sb_c_exec, sb_alt_time = sb_1184180413, os.time
- LH.get_time = function()
- if true or not sb_c_exec then
- -- Special func missing (for script dry run)
- return sb_alt_time()
- end
- -- I don't know why, but os.time() yields better results
- return sb_c_exec("GetTickCount64") / 1000
- end
- local F = io.open("lualog_" .. os.date("%H%M-%S") .. ".txt", "a")
- F:write("=== LOG START: " .. os.date() .. "\n")
- local start_time = LH.get_time()
- local function LOG(msg)
- if LH and LH.get_time then
- F:write(("[%.2f] "):format(LH.get_time() - start_time))
- end
- F:write(msg)
- F:write("\n")
- F:flush() -- Causes delays but that's okay
- end
- table.unpack = table.unpack or unpack -- Lua compatibility
- local function hook_wrapper(func, name, ...)
- -- These must not be logged -> deadlock
- local no_log = (name == "getmetatable" or name == "setmetatable"
- or name == "rawset" or name == "rawget")
- LOG(("> CALL %s = %s"):format(name, no_log and "<>" or dump({...}, 1)))
- local ret_vals = {func(...)}
- LOG(("< RET %s = %s"):format(name, no_log and "<>" or dump(ret_vals, 1)))
- LH.interval_func()
- if DUMP_ON_XPCALL and name == "xpcall" then
- LOG("=== XPCALL!!")
- LOG(dump(_G))
- end
- return table.unpack(ret_vals)
- end
- local hooked = {}
- local recursion_depth = 0
- local function hook_recursive(tb, name, v, path_text, seen)
- path = path or ""
- v = v or tb[name] or tb
- path_text = path_text or ""
- if not seen and recursion_depth > 0 then
- return -- Recursion still ongoing
- end
- seen = seen or {} -- For circular references
- -- If a custom table is provided, hook all functions
- if type(v) == "table" then
- if not HOOK_RECURSIVE and v ~= _G then
- return
- end
- if seen[v] or v == table or v == io or v == math
- or v == package.searchers
- or v == debug or v == string then
- return
- end
- -- Traverse table to hook all functions
- recursion_depth = recursion_depth + 1
- seen[v] = true
- for k2, v2 in pairs(v) do
- if type(v2) == "table" then
- hook_recursive(v, k2, v2, path_text .. k2 .. ".", seen)
- else
- hook_recursive(v, k2, v2, path_text, seen)
- end
- end
- recursion_depth = recursion_depth - 1
- return
- end
- if hooked[v] or type(v) ~= "function" then
- return
- end
- -- Do not hook common functions to avoid recursion
- local k = name
- if k == "tostring" or k == "tonumber" or k == "type" or k == "typeof"
- or k == "ipairs" or k == "pairs" or k == "next" or k == "select"
- or k == "rawget" or k == "getmetatable"
- or k == "print" then
- return
- end
- LOG("HOOK " .. path_text .. name)
- tb[name] = function(...)
- return hook_wrapper(v, path_text .. name, ...)
- end
- hooked[tb[name]] = true
- end
- local last_time = 0
- local func_locked = false
- local my_pcall = pcall -- Not hooked
- local my_sethook = debug.sethook
- LH.cfuncs = {}
- LH.ctimers = {}
- LH.interval_func = function()
- if func_locked then return end
- my_sethook(LH.interval_func, "r", 1E10)
- local new_time = LH.get_time()
- if new_time < last_time + 0.1 then
- return
- end
- -- Lock it to avoid recursion deadlocks
- func_locked = true
- last_time = new_time
- hook_recursive(_G)
- LOG("==> Running " .. #LH.cfuncs .. " callbacks")
- for i, func in ipairs(LH.cfuncs) do
- local due = LH.ctimers[i] or 0
- if due <= new_time then
- -- Trigger it!
- local ok, delay = my_pcall(func)
- if not ok then
- LOG("==> Callback error:")
- LOG(delay)
- -- Retry later
- delay = nil
- end
- -- Trigger again in at least X or 10 seconds
- LH.ctimers[i] = new_time + (delay or 13)
- end
- end
- func_locked = false
- end
- local function reg_interval_func(start_delay, func)
- LH.cfuncs[#LH.cfuncs + 1] = func
- LH.ctimers[#LH.cfuncs] = LH.get_time() + (start_delay or 0)
- end
- reg_interval_func(0.1, function()
- -- This is pretty huge.
- LOG("=== DUMP OF _G")
- LOG(dump(_G))
- return 99 -- never again
- end)
- reg_interval_func(0, function()
- if not sb_75657375 then
- return 0 -- Call asap again
- end
- -- Use launch arg "-nolog" to see this (Linux)
- io.stdout:write(">>> CALLING FUNCTIONS\n")
- local ok, pkg = pcall(require, "Hotfix/Hotfix")
- if okg then
- pkg.PrintTime()
- LOG(dump(pkg.GetPatchTable()))
- end
- local ok, console = pcall(require, "Console")
- if ok then
- --[[
- "ConsolePrint"
- "onSocketData"
- "onSocketConnected"
- "socketCrFunc"
- ]]
- end
- --[[if xlua then
- xlua.load_assembly("")
- end]]
- return 0.1
- end)
- LH.interval_func()