Matthew Allan MatthewAllan93

MatthewAllan93 pushed to master at MatthewAllan93/Configurations

6 years ago

MatthewAllan93 pushed to master at MatthewAllan93/Configurations

  • ab57eb54a3 Edited i3 configuration file and .Xresources file.

6 years ago

MatthewAllan93 pushed to master at MatthewAllan93/Configurations

6 years ago

MatthewAllan93 pushed to master at matthewallan93/configurations

8 years ago

MatthewAllan93 pushed to master at matthewallan93/configurations

8 years ago

MatthewAllan93 pushed to master at matthewallan93/configurations

8 years ago

MatthewAllan93 pushed to master at matthewallan93/configurations

8 years ago

MatthewAllan93 created repository MatthewAllan93/Configurations

8 years ago

MatthewAllan93 pushed to master at matthewallan93/scripts

8 years ago

MatthewAllan93 created repository MatthewAllan93/Scripts

8 years ago

matthewallan93 commented on issue hp/gogs#58

Internal Server Error

I recreated the repository and it is working fine now :).

8 years ago

matthewallan93 commented on issue hp/gogs#58

Internal Server Error

This issue has happened again to me with the .config folder of my configurations repository.

8 years ago