#2 exclude-tags not excluding from the build

4 jaren geleden werd geopend door vaeringjar · 2 opmerkingen

The main exclude works, but not the tags.

sigh I'll look into it later.

The main exclude works, but not the tags. *sigh* I'll look into it later.
vaeringjar reageerde 4 jaren geleden

As a user migrating platforms, I misunderstood. ox has a different concept for exclusion by tag than pelican. I will add an example in the example site.

As a user migrating platforms, I misunderstood. ox has a different concept for exclusion by tag than pelican. I will add an example in the example site.
vaeringjar reageerde 4 jaren geleden

Of course now I've noticed my example site no longer works, so I will fix that first.

Of course now I've noticed my example site no longer works, so I will fix that first.
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