2 Commits b814e69c2e ... 5eaf94743c

Author SHA1 Message Date
  vaeringjar 5eaf94743c Finally post a new blog post. 9 months ago
  vaeringjar b814e69c2e Finally post a new blog post. 9 months ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 #+DATE: <2023-07-22 Sat 16:55>
 #+AUTHOR: vaeringjar
 #+EMAIL: vaeringjar@land
-#+DESCRIPTION: First post for the new year forever.
+#+DESCRIPTION: First real post for the new year forever.
 #+KEYWORDS: opinions

+ 12 - 16

@@ -6,26 +6,22 @@
-Another blog migration! Many older pages will likely have some old
-formatting until I finish attending to each of them.
+Some older blog pages may have some old formatting that do not render
-- [[file:archive/2021/dagbog_2021-06-27_do-not-buy-the-purism-librem-5.org][Why you don't want a Purism Librem 5]]
-- [[https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6][Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV)]]
-- [[https://tronald19.com/][TRONALD-19]] don't drink the bleach
+* -- 2023-07-22 Sat 16:55 - Humble Stance
+[[file:./archive/2023/dagbog_2023-07-22_humble-stance.org][First post for the new year forever....]]
-* -- 2022-11-05 Sat 16:07 - News
-[[file:./archive/2022/dagbog_2022-11-05.org][A blog post (updated)...]]
+* -- 2023-03-27 Mon 14:20 - Potato Security
+[[file:./archive/ttrpg/potato_security.org][Potato Security, security contractors from Fenris Punk....]]
-* -- 2022-10-07 Fri - log
-[[file:./archive/log/index.org][Logs for things I do...]]
+* -- 2023-03-18 Sat 17:32 - The Med Team
+[[file:./archive/ttrpg/the_med_team.org][The Med Team, a group of non-player characters from Fenris Punk....]]
-* -- 2022-09-25 Sun 10:08 - What-is-a Clickbait
-[[file:./archive/2022/language_2022-09-25_what-is-a-clickbait.org][Defining things is hard and sometimes clickbait. Also, a followup to a previous post on pronouns and titles etc...]]
+* -- 2023-02-06 Mon 23:01 - Reflective Post
+[[file:./archive/2023/dagbog_2023-02-06_reflective.org][Annual reflective q&a....]]
-* -- 2022-07-16 Sat 13:00 - Cat Sandbox PC Crash Alansbarn
-[[file:./archive/ttrpg/crash_alansbarn.org][New character background....]]
-* -- 2022-07-07 Thu 20:51 - English Language Pronouns
-[[file:./archive/2022/language_2022-07-07_pronouns.org][The new popular pronoun identification etiquette makes improvements but still lacks...]]
+* -- 2023-01-12 Thu 20:01 - HoHS Harvey JS Alansbarn
+[[file:./archive/ttrpg/harvey_js_alansbarn.org][A new player character for high fantasy ttrpgs....]]
 #+HTML:<div data-id="logo" class=""><img src="static/images/avatar.png" alt="Langskip ASAP" style="margin: 0px auto; display: block; max-height: 480px;"></div>

+ 6 - 0

@@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ See the archive for blog entries.
   - [[../archive/2022/language_2022-07-07_pronouns.org][language_2022-07-07_pronouns.org]]
   - [[../archive/2022/language_2022-09-25_what-is-a-clickbait.org][language_2022-09-25_what-is-a-clickbait.org]]
   - [[../archive/2022/pop_2022-04-12_steampunk-and-arcane.org][pop_2022-04-12_steampunk-and-arcane.org]]
+- [[../archive/2023][../archive/2023]]
+  - [[../archive/2023/dagbog_2023-02-06_reflective.org][dagbog_2023-02-06_reflective.org]]
+  - [[../archive/2023/dagbog_2023-07-22_humble-stance.org][dagbog_2023-07-22_humble-stance.org]]
 - [[../archive/dev][../archive/dev]]
   - [[../archive/dev/dev_2021-01-08.org][dev_2021-01-08.org]]
   - [[../archive/dev/first.org][first.org]]
@@ -160,8 +163,11 @@ See the archive for blog entries.
   - [[../archive/ttrpg/flower_ew_alansbarn.org][flower_ew_alansbarn.org]]
   - [[../archive/ttrpg/garth.org][garth.org]]
   - [[../archive/ttrpg/garthur_alansbarn.org][garthur_alansbarn.org]]
+  - [[../archive/ttrpg/harvey_js_alansbarn.org][harvey_js_alansbarn.org]]
   - [[../archive/ttrpg/hood.org][hood.org]]
   - [[../archive/ttrpg/index.org][index.org]]
+  - [[../archive/ttrpg/potato_security.org][potato_security.org]]
+  - [[../archive/ttrpg/the_med_team.org][the_med_team.org]]
   - [[../archive/ttrpg/tolransk_oberon.org][tolransk_oberon.org]]
 - [[../sitemap][../sitemap]]
   - [[../sitemap/index.org][index.org]]