#9 Look into support for omnisharp-emacs

vaeringjar atvēra 6 gadi atpakaļ · 1 komentāri

Next time I have to work on a csharp project I'll try this one out (because I'd really like to avoid needing the full monodevelop IDE again) and if it requires any special config, I'll include it in the project.


Next time I have to work on a csharp project I'll try this one out (because I'd really like to avoid needing the full monodevelop IDE again) and if it requires any special config, I'll include it in the project. https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-emacs
vaeringjar komentēja 6 gadi atpakaļ

#8 Expand the stack support

#8 Expand the stack support
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