Makefile 1.3 KB

  1. # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
  2. # Example Makefile
  3. #
  4. # NOTE: HardMake will probably reside in a subdirectory, rather
  5. # than a parent, as in the example below.
  6. #
  7. # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
  8. Ingredients=-i 'Foo Bar Glux'
  9. UserAt=$(if $(u),-u $(u),)
  10. Build=$(if $(b),-b $(b),-b stable)
  11. PathToHardMake=$(if $(p),-p $(p),-p ../)
  12. ConfigFile=$(if $(f),-p $(f),-f test.yaml)
  13. HardMake=../
  14. RemoteName=$(if $(r),-r $(r),)
  15. RemotePath=$(if $(R),-R $(R),)
  16. target: help
  17. .PHONY: help
  18. help:
  19. @echo Example Makefile
  20. @$(HardMake) -h
  21. # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
  22. #NOTE: The remaining recipes follow:
  23. # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
  24. .PHONY: test
  25. test:
  26. @$(HardMake) $(PathToHardMake) $(ConfigFile) $(Ingredients) $(Build) $(UserAt)
  27. @echo done
  28. .PHONY: remotes
  29. remotes:
  30. @$(HardMake) -a $(PathToHardMake) $(ConfigFile) $(Ingredients) $(Build) $(UserAt) $(RemoteName) $(RemotePath)
  31. @echo done
  32. .PHONY: deps
  33. deps:
  34. @$(HardMake) -d $(PathToHardMake) $(ConfigFile) $(Ingredients) $(Build) $(UserAt)
  35. @echo done
  36. .PHONY: checkout
  37. checkout:
  38. @$(HardMake) -c $(PathToHardMake) $(ConfigFile) $(Ingredients) $(Build) $(UserAt)
  39. @echo done
  40. .PHONY: clean
  41. clean:
  42. @rm -rf lib/