1. pkgbase = ttf-mutant-emoji
  2. pkgdesc = A new kind of emoji set - more flexible, inclusive and fun!
  3. pkgver = 2020.04
  4. pkgrel = 1
  5. url = https://mutant.tech
  6. install = ttf-mutant-emoji.install
  7. arch = any
  8. license = custom:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
  9. depends = fontconfig
  10. provides = emoji-font
  11. source = https://mutant.tech/dl/2020.04/mtnt_2020.04_font_sbixot.zip
  12. source = 75-mutant-standard-emoji.conf
  13. md5sums = 1da654a4f50bfb4bdb461d8b4283e1cc
  14. md5sums = 609aaef8b63b3193bc02440307a0a4f3
  15. pkgname = ttf-mutant-emoji