148 KB

  1. package Sidef::Parser {
  2. use utf8;
  3. use 5.016;
  4. use Sidef::Types::Bool::Bool;
  5. use List::Util qw(first);
  6. use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr);
  7. # our $REGMARK;
  8. sub new {
  9. my (undef, %opts) = @_;
  10. my %options = (
  11. line => 1,
  12. inc => [],
  13. class => 'main', # a.k.a. namespace
  14. vars => {'main' => []},
  15. ref_vars_refs => {'main' => []},
  16. EOT => [],
  17. postfix_ops => { # postfix operators
  18. '--' => 1,
  19. '++' => 1,
  20. '...' => 1,
  21. '!' => 1,
  22. '!!' => 1,
  23. },
  24. hyper_ops => {
  25. # type => [takes args, method name]
  26. map => [1, 'map_operator'],
  27. pam => [1, 'pam_operator'],
  28. zip => [1, 'zip_operator'],
  29. wise => [1, 'wise_operator'],
  30. scalar => [1, 'scalar_operator'],
  31. rscalar => [1, 'rscalar_operator'],
  32. cross => [1, 'cross_operator'],
  33. unroll => [1, 'unroll_operator'],
  34. reduce => [0, 'reduce_operator'],
  35. lmap => [0, 'map_operator'],
  36. },
  37. static_obj_re => qr{\G
  38. (?:
  39. nil\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Types::Nil::Nil') })
  40. | null\b (?{ state $x = Sidef::Types::Null::Null->new })
  41. | true\b (?{ Sidef::Types::Bool::Bool::TRUE })
  42. | false\b (?{ Sidef::Types::Bool::Bool::FALSE })
  43. | next\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::Next') })
  44. | break\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::Break') })
  45. | Block\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Block::Block') })
  46. | Backtick\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Glob::Backtick') })
  47. | ARGF\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Meta::Glob::ARGF') })
  48. | STDIN\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Meta::Glob::STDIN') })
  49. | STDOUT\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Meta::Glob::STDOUT') })
  50. | STDERR\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Meta::Glob::STDERR') })
  51. | Bool\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Bool::Bool') })
  52. | FileHandle\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Glob::FileHandle') })
  53. | DirHandle\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Glob::DirHandle') })
  54. | SocketHandle\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Glob::SocketHandle') })
  55. | Dir\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Glob::Dir') })
  56. | File\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Glob::File') })
  57. | Arr(?:ay)?+\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Array::Array') })
  58. | Pair\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Array::Pair') })
  59. | Vec(?:tor)?\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Array::Vector') })
  60. | Matrix\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Array::Matrix') })
  61. | Hash\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Hash::Hash') })
  62. | Set\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Set::Set') })
  63. | Bag\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Set::Bag') })
  64. | Str(?:ing)?+\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::String::String') })
  65. | Num(?:ber)?+\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Number::Number') })
  66. | Mod\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Number::Mod') })
  67. | Gauss\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Number::Gauss') })
  68. | Quadratic\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Number::Quadratic') })
  69. | Quaternion\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Number::Quaternion') })
  70. | Poly(?:nomial)?\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Number::Polynomial') })
  71. | Poly(?:nomial)?Mod\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Number::PolynomialMod') })
  72. | Frac(?:tion)?\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Number::Fraction') })
  73. | Inf\b (?{ state $x = Sidef::Types::Number::Number->inf })
  74. | NaN\b (?{ state $x = Sidef::Types::Number::Number->nan })
  75. | Infi\b (?{ state $x = Sidef::Types::Number::Complex->new(0, Sidef::Types::Number::Number->inf) })
  76. | NaNi\b (?{ state $x = Sidef::Types::Number::Complex->new(0, Sidef::Types::Number::Number->nan) })
  77. | RangeNum(?:ber)?+\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Range::RangeNumber') })
  78. | RangeStr(?:ing)?+\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Range::RangeString') })
  79. | Range\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Range::Range') })
  80. | Socket\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Glob::Socket') })
  81. | Pipe\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Glob::Pipe') })
  82. | Ref\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Variable::Ref') })
  83. | NamedParam\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Variable::NamedParam') })
  84. | Lazy\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Object::Lazy') })
  85. | LazyMethod\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Object::LazyMethod') })
  86. | Enumerator\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Object::Enumerator') })
  87. | Complex\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Number::Complex') })
  88. | Regexp?\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Regex::Regex') })
  89. | Object\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Object::Object') })
  90. | Sidef\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Sidef::Sidef') })
  91. | Sig\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Sys::Sig') })
  92. | Sys\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Sys::Sys') })
  93. | Perl\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::DataTypes::Perl::Perl') })
  94. | Math\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Math::Math') })
  95. | Time\b (?{ state $x = Sidef::Time::Time->new })
  96. | Date\b (?{ state $x = Sidef::Time::Date->new })
  97. | \$\. (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$.'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  98. | \$\? (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$?'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  99. | \$\$ (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$$'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  100. | \$\^T\b (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$^T'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  101. | \$\| (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$|'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  102. | \$! (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$!'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  103. | \$" (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$"'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  104. | \$\\ (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$\\'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  105. | \$@ (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$@'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  106. | \$% (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$%'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  107. | \$~ (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$~'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  108. | \$/ (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$/'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  109. | \$& (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$&'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  110. | \$' (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$\''}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  111. | \$` (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$`'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  112. | \$: (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$:'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  113. | \$\] (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$]'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  114. | \$\[ (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$['}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  115. | \$; (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$;'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  116. | \$, (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$,'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  117. | \$\^O\b (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$^O'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  118. | \$\^PERL\b (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$^X', dump => '$^PERL'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  119. | (?:\$0|\$\^SIDEF)\b (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$0', dump => '$^SIDEF'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  120. | \$\) (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$)'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  121. | \$\( (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$('}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  122. | \$< (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$<'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  123. | \$> (?{ state $x = bless({name => '$>'}, 'Sidef::Variable::Magic') })
  124. | ∞ (?{ state $x = Sidef::Types::Number::Number->inf })
  125. ) (?!::)
  126. }x,
  127. prefix_obj_re => qr{\G
  128. (?:
  129. if\b (?{ bless({}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::If') })
  130. | with\b (?{ bless({}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::With') })
  131. | while\b (?{ bless({}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::While') })
  132. | foreach\b (?{ bless({}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::ForEach') })
  133. | for\b (?{ bless({}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::For') })
  134. | return\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::Return') })
  135. #| next\b (?{ bless({}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::Next') })
  136. #| break\b (?{ bless({}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::Break') })
  137. | read\b (?{ state $x = Sidef::Sys::Sys->new })
  138. | goto\b (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Perl::Builtin') })
  139. | (?:[*\\]|\+\+|--) (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Variable::Ref') })
  140. | (?:>>?|\@\|?|[√+~!\-\^]|
  141. (?:
  142. say
  143. | print
  144. | defined
  145. )\b) (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Operator::Unary') })
  146. | : (?{ state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Meta::PrefixColon') })
  147. )
  148. }x,
  149. quote_operators_re => qr{\G
  150. (?:
  151. # String
  152. (?: ['‘‚’] | %q\b. ) (?{ [qw(0 new Sidef::Types::String::String)] })
  153. |(?: ["“„”] | %(?:Q\b. | (?!\w). )) (?{ [qw(1 new Sidef::Types::String::String)] })
  154. # File
  155. | %f\b. (?{ [qw(0 new Sidef::Types::Glob::File)] })
  156. | %F\b. (?{ [qw(1 new Sidef::Types::Glob::File)] })
  157. # Dir
  158. | %d\b. (?{ [qw(0 new Sidef::Types::Glob::Dir)] })
  159. | %D\b. (?{ [qw(1 new Sidef::Types::Glob::Dir)] })
  160. # Pipe
  161. | %p\b. (?{ [qw(0 pipe Sidef::Types::Glob::Pipe)] })
  162. | %P\b. (?{ [qw(1 pipe Sidef::Types::Glob::Pipe)] })
  163. # Backtick
  164. | %x\b. (?{ [qw(0 new Sidef::Types::Glob::Backtick)] })
  165. | (?: %X\b. | ` ) (?{ [qw(1 new Sidef::Types::Glob::Backtick)] })
  166. # Bytes
  167. | %b\b. (?{ [qw(0 bytes Sidef::Types::Array::Array)] })
  168. | %B\b. (?{ [qw(1 bytes Sidef::Types::Array::Array)] })
  169. # Chars
  170. | %c\b. (?{ [qw(0 chars Sidef::Types::Array::Array)] })
  171. | %C\b. (?{ [qw(1 chars Sidef::Types::Array::Array)] })
  172. # Graphemes
  173. | %g\b. (?{ [qw(0 graphemes Sidef::Types::Array::Array)] })
  174. | %G\b. (?{ [qw(1 graphemes Sidef::Types::Array::Array)] })
  175. # Symbols
  176. | %[Os]\b. (?{ [qw(0 __NEW__ Sidef::Module::OO)] })
  177. | %S\b. (?{ [qw(0 __NEW__ Sidef::Module::Func)] })
  178. # Arbitrary Perl code
  179. | %perl\b. (?{ [qw(0 new Sidef::Types::Perl::Perl)] })
  180. | %Perl\b. (?{ [qw(1 new Sidef::Types::Perl::Perl)] })
  181. )
  182. }xs,
  183. built_in_classes => {
  184. map { $_ => 1 }
  185. qw(
  186. File
  187. FileHandle
  188. Dir
  189. DirHandle
  190. Arr Array
  191. Pair
  192. Vec Vector
  193. Matrix
  194. Enumerator
  195. Hash
  196. Set
  197. Bag
  198. Str String
  199. Num Number
  200. Poly Polynomial
  201. PolyMod PolynomialMod
  202. Frac Fraction
  203. Mod
  204. Gauss
  205. Quadratic
  206. Quaternion
  207. Range
  208. RangeStr RangeString
  209. RangeNum RangeNumber
  210. Complex
  211. Math
  212. Pipe
  213. Ref
  214. Socket
  215. SocketHandle
  216. Bool
  217. Sys
  218. Sig
  219. Regex Regexp
  220. Time
  221. Date
  222. Perl
  223. Sidef
  224. Object
  225. Parser
  226. Block
  227. Backtick
  228. Lazy
  229. LazyMethod
  230. NamedParam
  231. true false
  232. nil null
  233. )
  234. },
  235. keywords => {
  236. map { $_ => 1 }
  237. qw(
  238. next
  239. break
  240. return
  241. for foreach
  242. if elsif else
  243. with orwith
  244. while
  245. given
  246. with
  247. continue
  248. import
  249. include
  250. eval
  251. read
  252. die
  253. warn
  254. assert
  255. assert_eq
  256. assert_ne
  257. local
  258. global
  259. var
  260. del
  261. const
  262. func
  263. enum
  264. class
  265. static
  266. define
  267. struct
  268. subset
  269. module
  270. DATA
  271. ARGV
  272. ARGF
  273. ENV
  274. STDIN
  275. STDOUT
  276. STDERR
  277. __FILE__
  278. __LINE__
  279. __END__
  280. __DATA__
  281. __TIME__
  282. __DATE__
  283. __NAMESPACE__
  284. __COMPILED__
  285. __OPTIMIZED__
  286. )
  287. },
  288. match_flags_re => qr{[msixpogcaludn]+},
  289. var_name_re => qr/[^\W\d]\w*+(?>::[^\W\d]\w*)*/,
  290. method_name_re => qr/[^\W\d]\w*+!?/,
  291. var_init_sep_re => qr/\G\h*(?:=>|[=:])\h*/,
  292. operators_re => do {
  293. local $" = q{|};
  294. # Longest prefix first
  295. my @operators = map { quotemeta } qw(
  296. ||= ||
  297. &&= &&
  298. ^.. ..^
  299. %% ≅
  300. ~~ !~
  301. <~>
  302. <=> =~=
  303. <<= >>=
  304. << >>
  305. |>> |> |X> |Z>
  306. |= |
  307. &= &
  308. == =~
  309. := =
  310. <= >= < >
  311. ++ --
  312. += +
  313. -= -
  314. //= //
  315. /= / ÷= ÷
  316. **= **
  317. %= %
  318. ^= ^
  319. *= *
  320. ...
  321. != ..
  322. \\\\= \\\\
  323. !! !
  324. : : ⫶
  325. « » ~
  326. );
  327. qr{
  328. (?(DEFINE)
  329. (?<ops>
  330. @operators
  331. | \p{Block: Mathematical_Operators}
  332. | \p{Block: Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators}
  333. )
  334. )
  335. »(?<unroll>[^\W\d]\w*+|(?&ops))« # unroll operator (e.g.: »add« or »+«)
  336. | >>(?<unroll>[^\W\d]\w*+|(?&ops))<< # unroll operator (e.g.: >>add<< or >>+<<)
  337. | ~X(?<cross>[^\W\d]\w*+|(?&ops)|) # cross operator (e.g.: ~X or ~X+)
  338. | ~Z(?<zip>[^\W\d]\w*+|(?&ops)|) # zip operator (e.g.: ~Z or ~Z+)
  339. | ~W(?<wise>[^\W\d]\w*+|(?&ops)|) # wise operator (e.g.: ~W or ~W+)
  340. | ~S(?<scalar>[^\W\d]\w*+|(?&ops)|) # scalar operator (e.g.: ~S or ~S+)
  341. | ~RS(?<rscalar>[^\W\d]\w*+|(?&ops)|) # reverse scalar operator (e.g.: ~RS or ~RS/)
  342. | »(?<map>[^\W\d]\w*+|(?&ops))» # mapping operator (e.g.: »add» or »+»)
  343. | >>(?<map>[^\W\d]\w*+|(?&ops))>> # mapping operator (e.g.: >>add>> or >>+>>)
  344. | «(?<pam>[^\W\d]\w*+|(?&ops))« # reverse mapping operator (e.g.: «add« or «+«)
  345. | <<(?<pam>[^\W\d]\w*+|(?&ops))<< # reverse mapping operator (e.g.: <<add<< or <<+<<)
  346. | »(?<lmap>[^\W\d]\w*+|(?&ops))\(\)» # mapping operator (e.g.: »add()» or »+()»)
  347. | >>(?<lmap>[^\W\d]\w*+|(?&ops))\(\)>> # mapping operator (e.g.: >>add()>> or >>+()>>)
  348. | <<(?<reduce>[^\W\d]\w*+|(?&ops))>> # reduce operator (e.g.: <<add>> or <<+>>)
  349. | «(?<reduce>[^\W\d]\w*+|(?&ops))» # reduce operator (e.g.: «add» or «+»)
  350. | `(?<op>[^\W\d]\w*+!?)` # method-like operator (e.g.: `add` or `add!`)
  351. | (?<op>(?&ops)) # primitive operator (e.g.: +, -, *, /)
  352. }x;
  353. },
  354. # Reference:
  355. delim_pairs => {
  356. qw~
  357. ( ) [ ] { } < >
  358. « » » « ‹ › › ‹
  359. „ ” “ ” ‘ ’ ‚ ’
  360. 〈 〉 ﴾ ﴿ 〈 〉 《 》
  361. 「 」 『 』 【 】 〔 〕
  362. 〖 〗 〘 〙 〚 〛 ⸨ ⸩
  363. ⌈ ⌉ ⌊ ⌋ 〈 〉 ❨ ❩
  364. ❪ ❫ ❬ ❭ ❮ ❯ ❰ ❱
  365. ❲ ❳ ❴ ❵ ⟅ ⟆ ⟦ ⟧
  366. ⟨ ⟩ ⟪ ⟫ ⟬ ⟭ ⟮ ⟯
  367. ⦃ ⦄ ⦅ ⦆ ⦇ ⦈ ⦉ ⦊
  368. ⦋ ⦌ ⦍ ⦎ ⦏ ⦐ ⦑ ⦒
  369. ⦗ ⦘ ⧘ ⧙ ⧚ ⧛ ⧼ ⧽
  370. ~
  371. },
  372. %opts,
  373. );
  374. $options{ref_vars} = $options{vars};
  375. $options{file_name} //= '-';
  376. $options{script_name} //= '-';
  377. bless \%options, __PACKAGE__;
  378. }
  379. sub fatal_error {
  380. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  381. my $start = rindex($opt{code}, "\n", $opt{pos}) + 1;
  382. my $point = $opt{pos} - $start;
  383. my $line = $opt{line} // $self->{line};
  384. my $column = $point;
  385. my $error_line = (split(/\R/, substr($opt{code}, $start, $point + 80)))[0];
  386. if (length($error_line) > 80 && $point > 60) {
  387. my $from = $point - 40;
  388. my $rem = $point + 40 - length($error_line);
  389. $from -= $rem;
  390. $point = 40 + $rem;
  391. $error_line = substr($error_line, $from, 80);
  392. }
  393. my @lines = (
  394. "HAHA! That's really funny! You got me!",
  395. "I thought that... Oh, you got me!",
  396. "LOL! I expected... Oh, my! This is funny!",
  397. "Oh, oh... Wait a second! Did you mean...? Damn!",
  398. "You're embarrassing me! That's not funny!",
  399. "My brain just exploded.",
  400. "Sorry, I don't know how to help in this situation.",
  401. "I'm broken. Fix me, or show this to someone who can fix",
  402. "Huh?",
  403. "Out of order",
  404. "You must be joking.",
  405. "Ouch, That HURTS!",
  406. "Who are you!?",
  407. "Death before dishonour?",
  408. "Good afternoon, gentleman, I'm a HAL 9000 Computer",
  409. "Okie dokie, I'm dead",
  410. "Help is not available for you.",
  411. "Your expression has defeated me",
  412. "Your code has defeated me",
  413. "Your logic has defeated me",
  414. "Weird magic happens here",
  415. "I give up... dumping core now!",
  416. "Okie dokie, core dumped.bash",
  417. "You made me die. Shame on you!",
  418. "Invalid code. Feel ashamed for yourself and try again.",
  419. );
  420. my $error = sprintf("%s: %s\n\nFile : %s\nLine : %s : %s\nError: %s\n\n" . ("~" x 80) . "\n%s\n",
  421. 'sidef',
  422. $lines[rand @lines],
  423. $self->{file_name} // '-',
  424. $line, $column, join(', ', grep { defined } $opt{error}, $opt{reason}), $error_line);
  425. $error .= ' ' x ($point) . '^' . "\n" . ('~' x 80) . "\n";
  426. if (exists($opt{var})) {
  427. my ($name, $class) = $self->get_name_and_class($opt{var});
  428. my %seen;
  429. my @names;
  430. foreach my $var (@{$self->{vars}{$class}}) {
  431. next if ref $var eq 'ARRAY';
  432. if (!$seen{$var->{name}}++) {
  433. push @names, $var->{name};
  434. }
  435. }
  436. foreach my $var (@{$self->{ref_vars_refs}{$class}}) {
  437. next if ref $var eq 'ARRAY';
  438. if (!$seen{$var->{name}}++) {
  439. push @names, $var->{name};
  440. }
  441. }
  442. if ($class eq 'main') {
  443. $class = '';
  444. }
  445. else {
  446. $class .= '::';
  447. }
  448. if (my @candidates = Sidef::best_matches($name, [grep { $_ ne $name } @names])) {
  449. $error .= ("[?] Did you mean: " . join("\n" . (' ' x 18), map { $class . $_ } sort(@candidates)) . "\n");
  450. }
  451. }
  452. die $error;
  453. }
  454. sub find_var {
  455. my ($self, $var_name, $class) = @_;
  456. foreach my $var (@{$self->{vars}{$class}}) {
  457. next if ref $var eq 'ARRAY';
  458. if ($var->{name} eq $var_name) {
  459. return (wantarray ? ($var, 1) : $var);
  460. }
  461. }
  462. foreach my $var (@{$self->{ref_vars_refs}{$class}}) {
  463. next if ref $var eq 'ARRAY';
  464. if ($var->{name} eq $var_name) {
  465. return (wantarray ? ($var, 0) : $var);
  466. }
  467. }
  468. return;
  469. }
  470. sub check_declarations {
  471. my ($self, $hash_ref) = @_;
  472. foreach my $class (grep { $_ eq 'main' } keys %{$hash_ref}) {
  473. my $array_ref = $hash_ref->{$class};
  474. foreach my $variable (@{$array_ref}) {
  475. if (ref $variable eq 'ARRAY') {
  476. $self->check_declarations({$class => $variable});
  477. }
  478. elsif ($self->{interactive} or $self->{eval_mode}) {
  479. ## Everything is OK in interactive mode
  480. }
  481. elsif ( $variable->{count} == 0
  482. && $variable->{type} ne 'class'
  483. && $variable->{type} ne 'func'
  484. && $variable->{type} ne 'method'
  485. && $variable->{type} ne 'global'
  486. && $variable->{name} ne 'self'
  487. && $variable->{name} ne ''
  488. && $variable->{type} ne 'del'
  489. && chr(ord $variable->{name}) ne '_') {
  490. warn '[WARNING] '
  491. . "$variable->{type} '$variable->{name}' has been declared, but not used again at "
  492. . "$self->{file_name} line $variable->{line}\n";
  493. }
  494. }
  495. }
  496. }
  497. sub get_name_and_class {
  498. my ($self, $var_name) = @_;
  499. $var_name // return ('', $self->{class});
  500. my $rindex = rindex($var_name, '::');
  501. $rindex != -1
  502. ? (substr($var_name, $rindex + 2), substr($var_name, 0, $rindex))
  503. : ($var_name, $self->{class});
  504. }
  505. sub get_quoted_words {
  506. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  507. my $string = $self->get_quoted_string(code => $opt{code}, no_count_line => 1);
  508. $self->parse_whitespace(code => \$string);
  509. my @words;
  510. while ($string =~ /\G((?>[^\s\\]+|\\.)++)/gcs) {
  511. push @words, $1 =~ s{\\#}{#}gr;
  512. $self->parse_whitespace(code => \$string);
  513. }
  514. return \@words;
  515. }
  516. sub get_quoted_string {
  517. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  518. local *_ = $opt{code};
  519. /\G(?=\s)/ && $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  520. my $delim;
  521. if (/\G(?=(.))/) {
  522. $delim = $1;
  523. if ($delim eq '\\' && /\G\\(.*?)\\/gsc) {
  524. return $1;
  525. }
  526. }
  527. else {
  528. $self->fatal_error(
  529. error => qq{can't find the beginning of a string quote delimiter},
  530. code => $_,
  531. pos => pos($_),
  532. );
  533. }
  534. my $orig_pos = pos($_);
  535. my $beg_delim = quotemeta $delim;
  536. my $pair_delim = exists($self->{delim_pairs}{$delim}) ? $self->{delim_pairs}{$delim} : ();
  537. my $string = '';
  538. if (defined $pair_delim) {
  539. my $end_delim = quotemeta $pair_delim;
  540. my $re_delim = $beg_delim . $end_delim;
  541. # if (m{\G(?<main>$beg_delim((?>[^$re_delim\\]+|\\.|(?&main))*+)$end_delim)}sgc) {
  542. # if (m{\G(?<main>$beg_delim((?>[^\\$re_delim]*+(?>\\.[^\\$re_delim]*|(?&main)){0,}){0,})(?:$end_delim(*ACCEPT:term))?)(*PRUNE)(*FAIL)}sgc) {
  543. if (m{\G(?<main>$beg_delim((?>[^\\$re_delim]*+(?>\\.[^\\$re_delim]*|(?&main)){0,}){0,})$end_delim)}sgc) {
  544. $string = $2 =~ s/\\([$re_delim])/$1/gr;
  545. }
  546. }
  547. # elsif (m{\G$beg_delim([^\\$beg_delim]*+(?>\\.[^\\$beg_delim]*)*)}sgc) { # limited to 2^15-1 escapes
  548. # elsif (m{\G$beg_delim((?>(?>[^$beg_delim\\]++|\\.){0,}+){0,}+)}sgc) {
  549. # elsif (m{\G$beg_delim((?>[^\\$beg_delim]*+(?>\\.[^\\$beg_delim]*){0,}){0,})(?:$beg_delim(*ACCEPT:term))?(*PRUNE)(*FAIL)}sgc) {
  550. elsif (m{\G$beg_delim((?>[^\\$beg_delim]*+(?>\\.[^\\$beg_delim]*){0,}){0,})}sgc) {
  551. $string = $1 =~ s/\\([$beg_delim])/$1/gr;
  552. }
  553. # $REGMARK eq 'term'
  554. (defined($pair_delim) ? /\G(?<=\Q$pair_delim\E)/ : /\G$beg_delim/gc)
  555. || $self->fatal_error(
  556. error => sprintf(qq{can't find the quoted string terminator <<%s>>}, $pair_delim // $delim),
  557. code => $_,
  558. pos => $orig_pos,
  559. );
  560. $self->{line} += $string =~ s/\R\K//g if not $opt{no_count_line};
  561. return $string;
  562. }
  563. ## get_method_name() returns the following values:
  564. # 1st: method/operator (or undef)
  565. # 2nd: a true value if the operator requires an argument
  566. # 3rd: type of operator (defined in $self->{hyper_ops})
  567. sub get_method_name {
  568. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  569. local *_ = $opt{code};
  570. # Parse whitespace
  571. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  572. # Alpha-numeric method name
  573. if (/\G((?:SUPER::)*$self->{method_name_re})/goc) {
  574. return ($1, 0, '');
  575. }
  576. # Super-script power
  577. if (/\G(?=[⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹])/) {
  578. return ('**', 1, 'op');
  579. }
  580. # Operator-like method name
  581. if (m{\G$self->{operators_re}}goc) {
  582. my ($key) = keys(%+);
  583. return (
  584. $+,
  585. (
  586. exists($self->{hyper_ops}{$key})
  587. ? $self->{hyper_ops}{$key}[0]
  588. : not(exists $self->{postfix_ops}{$+})
  589. ),
  590. $key
  591. );
  592. }
  593. # Method name as expression
  594. my ($obj) = $self->parse_expr(code => $opt{code});
  595. return ({self => $obj // return}, 0, '');
  596. }
  597. sub parse_delim {
  598. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  599. local *_ = $opt{code};
  600. my @delims = ('|', keys(%{$self->{delim_pairs}}));
  601. if (exists $opt{ignore_delim}) {
  602. @delims = grep { not exists $opt{ignore_delim}{$_} } @delims;
  603. }
  604. my $regex = do {
  605. local $" = "";
  606. qr/\G([@delims])\h*/;
  607. };
  608. my $end_delim;
  609. if (/$regex/gc) {
  610. $end_delim = $self->{delim_pairs}{$1} // $1;
  611. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  612. }
  613. return $end_delim;
  614. }
  615. sub get_init_vars {
  616. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  617. local *_ = $opt{code};
  618. my $end_delim = $self->parse_delim(%opt);
  619. my @vars;
  620. my %classes;
  621. while ( /\G(?<type>$self->{var_name_re}\h+$self->{var_name_re})\h*/goc
  622. || /\G([*:]?$self->{var_name_re})\h*/goc
  623. || (defined($end_delim) && /\G(?=[({])/)) {
  624. my $declaration = $1;
  625. if ($opt{with_vals} && defined($end_delim)) {
  626. # Add the variable into the symbol table
  627. if (defined $declaration) {
  628. my ($name, $class_name) = $self->get_name_and_class((split(' ', $declaration))[-1]);
  629. undef $classes{$class_name};
  630. unshift @{$self->{vars}{$class_name}},
  631. {
  632. obj => '',
  633. name => $name,
  634. count => 0,
  635. type => $opt{type},
  636. line => $self->{line},
  637. };
  638. }
  639. if (/\G<<?\h*/gc) {
  640. my ($var) = /\G($self->{var_name_re})\h*/goc;
  641. $var // $self->fatal_error(
  642. code => $_,
  643. pos => pos($_),
  644. error => 'expected a subset name',
  645. );
  646. $declaration .= " < $var ";
  647. }
  648. if (/\G(?=\{)/) {
  649. my $pos = pos($_);
  650. $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, topic_var => 1);
  651. $declaration .= substr($_, $pos, pos($_) - $pos);
  652. }
  653. elsif (/\G(?=\()/) {
  654. my $pos = pos($_);
  655. $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code});
  656. $declaration .= substr($_, $pos, pos($_) - $pos);
  657. }
  658. if (/$self->{var_init_sep_re}/goc) {
  659. my $pos = pos($_);
  660. $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code}, multiline => 1);
  661. $declaration .= '=' . substr($_, $pos, pos($_) - $pos);
  662. }
  663. }
  664. push @vars, $declaration;
  665. (defined($end_delim) && (/\G\h*,\h*/gc || /\G\h*(?:#.*)?+(?=\R)/gc)) || last;
  666. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  667. }
  668. # Remove the newly added variables
  669. foreach my $class_name (keys %classes) {
  670. for (my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#{$self->{vars}{$class_name}} ; $i++) {
  671. if (ref($self->{vars}{$class_name}[$i]) eq 'HASH' and not ref($self->{vars}{$class_name}[$i]{obj})) {
  672. splice(@{$self->{vars}{$class_name}}, $i--, 1);
  673. }
  674. }
  675. }
  676. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  677. defined($end_delim)
  678. && (
  679. /\G\h*\Q$end_delim\E/gc
  680. || $self->fatal_error(
  681. code => $_,
  682. pos => pos($_),
  683. error => "can't find the closing delimiter: `$end_delim`",
  684. )
  685. );
  686. return \@vars;
  687. }
  688. sub parse_init_vars {
  689. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  690. local *_ = $opt{code};
  691. my $end_delim = $self->parse_delim(%opt);
  692. my @var_objs;
  693. while ( /\G(?<type>$self->{var_name_re})\h+($self->{var_name_re})\h*/goc
  694. || /\G([*:]?)($self->{var_name_re})\h*/goc
  695. || (defined($end_delim) && /\G(?=[({])/)) {
  696. my ($attr, $name) = ($1, $2);
  697. my $ref_type;
  698. if (defined($+{type})) {
  699. my $type = $+{type};
  700. my $obj = $self->parse_expr(code => \$type);
  701. if (not defined($obj) or ref($obj) eq 'HASH') {
  702. $self->fatal_error(
  703. code => $_,
  704. pos => pos($_),
  705. error => "invalid type <<$type>> for variable `$name`",
  706. reason => "expected a type, such as: Str, Num, File, etc...",
  707. );
  708. }
  709. $ref_type = $obj;
  710. }
  711. my ($subset);
  712. if (ref($ref_type) eq 'Sidef::Variable::Subset') {
  713. $subset = $ref_type;
  714. undef $ref_type;
  715. }
  716. my ($var_name, $class_name) = $self->get_name_and_class($name);
  717. if ($opt{type} eq 'del') {
  718. my $var = $self->find_var($var_name, $class_name);
  719. if (not defined($var)) {
  720. $self->fatal_error(
  721. code => $_,
  722. pos => pos($_) - length($name),
  723. var => ($class_name . '::' . $var_name),
  724. error => "attempt to delete non-existent variable `$name`",
  725. );
  726. }
  727. }
  728. if (exists($self->{keywords}{$var_name}) or exists($self->{built_in_classes}{$var_name})) {
  729. $self->fatal_error(
  730. code => $_,
  731. pos => $-[2],
  732. error => "`$var_name` is either a keyword or a predefined variable!",
  733. );
  734. }
  735. if (defined($end_delim) and m{\G<<?\h*}gc) {
  736. my ($subset_name) = /\G($self->{var_name_re})/goc;
  737. $subset_name // $self->fatal_error(
  738. code => $_,
  739. pos => pos($_),
  740. error => "expected the name of the subset",
  741. );
  742. my $code = $subset_name;
  743. my $obj = $self->parse_expr(code => \$code);
  744. (defined($obj) and ref($obj) ne 'HASH')
  745. || $self->fatal_error(
  746. code => $_,
  747. pos => pos($_),
  748. error => "expected a subset or a type",
  749. );
  750. $subset = $obj;
  751. }
  752. my ($value, $where_expr, $where_block);
  753. if (defined($end_delim)) {
  754. if (/\G\h*(?=\{)/gc) {
  755. $where_block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, topic_var => 1);
  756. }
  757. elsif (/\G\h*(?=\()/gc) {
  758. $where_expr = $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code});
  759. }
  760. if (/$self->{var_init_sep_re}/goc) {
  761. my $obj = $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code}, multiline => 1);
  762. $value = (
  763. ref($obj) eq 'HASH'
  764. ? $obj
  765. : {$self->{class} => [{self => $obj}]}
  766. );
  767. }
  768. }
  769. #<<<
  770. my $obj = bless(
  771. {
  772. name => $var_name,
  773. type => $opt{type},
  774. (defined($ref_type) ? (ref_type => $ref_type) : ()),
  775. (defined($subset) ? (subset => $subset) : ()),
  776. class => $class_name,
  777. defined($value) ? (value => $value, has_value => 1) : (),
  778. defined($attr)
  779. ? ($attr eq '*' ? (array => 1, slurpy => 1)
  780. : $attr eq ':' ? (hash => 1, slurpy => 1) : ())
  781. : (),
  782. defined($where_block) ? (where_block => $where_block) : (),
  783. defined($where_expr) ? (where_expr => $where_expr) : (),
  784. },
  785. 'Sidef::Variable::Variable'
  786. );
  787. #>>>
  788. if (exists($opt{callback})) {
  789. $opt{callback}->($obj);
  790. }
  791. if (!$opt{private} and $var_name ne '') {
  792. unshift @{$self->{vars}{$class_name}},
  793. {
  794. obj => $obj,
  795. name => $var_name,
  796. count => 0,
  797. type => $opt{type},
  798. line => $self->{line},
  799. };
  800. }
  801. if ($var_name eq '') {
  802. $obj->{name} = '__ANON__' . refaddr($obj);
  803. }
  804. push @var_objs, $obj;
  805. (defined($end_delim) && (/\G\h*,\h*/gc || /\G\h*(?:#.*)?+(?=\R)/gc)) || last;
  806. if ($opt{params} and $obj->{slurpy}) {
  807. $self->fatal_error(
  808. error => "can't declare more parameters after a slurpy parameter",
  809. code => $_,
  810. pos => pos($_),
  811. );
  812. }
  813. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  814. }
  815. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code}) if defined($end_delim);
  816. defined($end_delim)
  817. && (
  818. /\G\h*\Q$end_delim\E/gc
  819. || $self->fatal_error(
  820. code => $_,
  821. pos => pos($_),
  822. error => "can't find the closing delimiter: `$end_delim`",
  823. )
  824. );
  825. return \@var_objs;
  826. }
  827. sub parse_whitespace {
  828. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  829. my $beg_line = $self->{line};
  830. my $found_space = -1;
  831. local *_ = $opt{code};
  832. {
  833. ++$found_space;
  834. # Whitespace
  835. if (/\G(?=\s)/) {
  836. # Horizontal space
  837. if (/\G\h+/gc) {
  838. redo;
  839. }
  840. # Generic line
  841. if (/\G\R/gc) {
  842. ++$self->{line};
  843. # Here-document
  844. while ($#{$self->{EOT}} != -1) {
  845. my $eot = shift @{$self->{EOT}};
  846. my $name = $eot->{name};
  847. my $indent = $eot->{indent};
  848. my $spaces = 0;
  849. my $acc = '';
  850. until (/\G$name(?:\R|\z)/gc) {
  851. if (/\G(.*)/gc) {
  852. $acc .= "$1\n";
  853. }
  854. # Indentation is true
  855. if ($indent && /\G\R(\h*)$name(?:\R|\z)/gc) {
  856. $spaces = length($1);
  857. ++$self->{line};
  858. last;
  859. }
  860. /\G\R/gc
  861. ? ++$self->{line}
  862. : $self->fatal_error(
  863. error => "can't find string terminator <<$name>> anywhere before end-of-file",
  864. code => $_,
  865. pos => $eot->{pos},
  866. line => $eot->{line},
  867. );
  868. }
  869. if ($indent and $spaces > 0) {
  870. $acc =~ s/^\h{1,$spaces}//gm;
  871. }
  872. ++$self->{line};
  873. push @{$eot->{obj}{$self->{class}}},
  874. {
  875. self => (
  876. $eot->{type} == 0
  877. ? Sidef::Types::String::String->new($acc)
  878. : Sidef::Types::String::String->new($acc)->apply_escapes($self)
  879. )
  880. };
  881. }
  882. /\G\h+/gc;
  883. redo;
  884. }
  885. # Vertical space
  886. if (/\G\v+/gc) { # should not reach here
  887. redo;
  888. }
  889. }
  891. #
  892. if (/\G\x{200B}+/gc) {
  893. redo;
  894. }
  895. # Embedded comments (
  896. if (/\G#`(?=[[:punct:]])/gc) {
  897. $self->get_quoted_string(code => $opt{code});
  898. redo;
  899. }
  900. # One-line comment
  901. if (/\G#.*/gc) {
  902. redo;
  903. }
  904. # Multi-line C comment
  905. if (m{\G/\*}gc) {
  906. while (1) {
  907. m{\G.*?\*/}gc && last;
  908. /\G.+/gc || (/\G\R/gc ? $self->{line}++ : last);
  909. }
  910. redo;
  911. }
  912. if ($found_space > 0) {
  913. return 1;
  914. }
  915. return;
  916. }
  917. }
  918. sub parse_expr {
  919. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  920. local *_ = $opt{code};
  921. {
  922. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  923. # End of an expression, or end of the script
  924. if (/\G;/gc || /\G\z/) {
  925. return;
  926. }
  927. if (/$self->{quote_operators_re}/goc) {
  928. my ($double_quoted, $method, $package) = @{$^R};
  929. pos($_) -= 1;
  930. my ($string, $pos) = $self->get_quoted_string(code => $opt{code});
  931. # Special case for array-like objects (bytes and chars)
  932. my @array_like;
  933. if ($method ne 'new' and $method ne '__NEW__') {
  934. @array_like = ($package, $method);
  935. $package = 'Sidef::Types::String::String';
  936. $method = 'new';
  937. }
  938. if ($package eq 'Sidef::Module::Func' or $package eq 'Sidef::Module::OO') {
  939. if ($string !~ /^$self->{var_name_re}\z/) {
  940. $self->fatal_error(
  941. code => $_,
  942. pos => (pos($_) - length($string) - 1),
  943. error => "invalid symbol declaration",
  944. reason => "expected a variable-like name",
  945. );
  946. }
  947. }
  948. my $obj = (
  949. $double_quoted
  950. ? do {
  951. state $str = Sidef::Types::String::String->new; # load the string module
  952. Sidef::Types::String::String::apply_escapes($package->$method($string), $self);
  953. }
  954. : $package->$method($string =~ s{\\\\}{\\}gr)
  955. );
  956. # Special case for backticks and Perl code (add method 'run')
  957. if ($package eq 'Sidef::Types::Glob::Backtick' or $package eq 'Sidef::Types::Perl::Perl') {
  958. my $struct =
  959. $double_quoted && ref($obj) eq 'HASH'
  960. ? $obj
  961. : {
  962. $self->{class} => [
  963. {
  964. self => $obj,
  965. call => [],
  966. }
  967. ]
  968. };
  969. push @{$struct->{$self->{class}}[-1]{call}}, {method => 'run'};
  970. $obj = $struct;
  971. }
  972. elsif (@array_like) {
  973. if ($double_quoted and ref($obj) eq 'HASH') {
  974. push @{$obj->{$self->{class}}[-1]{call}}, {method => $array_like[1]};
  975. }
  976. else {
  977. my $method = $array_like[1];
  978. $obj = $obj->$method;
  979. }
  980. }
  981. return $obj;
  982. }
  983. # Object as expression
  984. if (/\G(?=\()/) {
  985. my $obj = $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code});
  986. return $obj;
  987. }
  988. # Block as object
  989. if (/\G(?=\{)/) {
  990. my $obj = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, topic_var => 1);
  991. return $obj;
  992. }
  993. # Array as object
  994. if (/\G(?=\[)/) {
  995. my @array;
  996. my $obj = $self->parse_array(code => $opt{code});
  997. if (ref($obj->{$self->{class}}) eq 'ARRAY') {
  998. push @array, @{$obj->{$self->{class}}};
  999. }
  1000. return bless(\@array, 'Sidef::Types::Array::HCArray');
  1001. }
  1002. # Bareword followed by a fat comma or preceded by a colon
  1003. if ( /\G:(\w+)/gc
  1004. || /\G([^\W\d]\w*+)(?=\h*=>)/gc) {
  1005. # || /\G([^\W\d]\w*+)(?=\h*=>|:(?![=:]))/gc) {
  1006. return Sidef::Types::String::String->new($1);
  1007. }
  1008. # Bareword followed by a colon becomes a NamedParam with the bareword
  1009. # on the LHS
  1010. if (/\G([^\W\d]\w*+):(?![=:])/gc) {
  1011. my $name = $1;
  1012. my $obj = $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code});
  1013. return Sidef::Variable::NamedParam->new($name, $obj);
  1014. }
  1015. # Declaration of variables (global and lexical)
  1016. if (/\G(var|global|del)\b\h*/gc) {
  1017. my $type = $1;
  1018. my $vars = $self->parse_init_vars(code => $opt{code}, type => $type);
  1019. my $init_obj = bless({vars => $vars}, 'Sidef::Variable::Init');
  1020. if (/\G\h*=\h*/gc) {
  1021. my $args = $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code}, multiline => 1);
  1022. $args // $self->fatal_error(
  1023. code => $_,
  1024. pos => pos($_),
  1025. error => "expected an expression after variable declaration",
  1026. );
  1027. $init_obj->{args} = $args;
  1028. }
  1029. #if ($type eq 'del') {
  1030. # return bless {vars => []}, 'Sidef::Variable::Init';
  1031. #}
  1032. return $init_obj;
  1033. }
  1034. # "has" class attributes
  1035. if (exists($self->{current_class}) and /\Ghas\b\h*/gc) {
  1036. local $self->{allow_class_variable} = 0;
  1037. my $vars = $self->parse_init_vars(
  1038. code => $opt{code},
  1039. type => 'has',
  1040. private => 1,
  1041. );
  1042. foreach my $var (@{$vars}) {
  1043. my $name = $var->{name};
  1044. if (exists($self->{keywords}{$name}) or exists($self->{built_in_classes}{$name})) {
  1045. $self->fatal_error(
  1046. code => $_,
  1047. pos => (pos($_) - length($name)),
  1048. error => "`$name` is either a keyword or a predefined variable!",
  1049. );
  1050. }
  1051. }
  1052. my $args;
  1053. if (/\G\h*=\h*/gc) {
  1054. $args = $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code}, multiline => 1);
  1055. $args // $self->fatal_error(
  1056. code => $_,
  1057. pos => pos($_) - 2,
  1058. error => qq{expected an expression after "=" in `has` declaration},
  1059. );
  1060. }
  1061. my $obj = bless {vars => $vars, defined($args) ? (args => $args) : ()}, 'Sidef::Variable::ClassAttr';
  1062. push @{$self->{current_class}{attributes}}, $obj;
  1063. return $obj;
  1064. }
  1065. # Declaration of constants and static variables
  1066. if (/\G(define|const|static)\b\h*/gc) {
  1067. my $type = $1;
  1068. my $line = $self->{line};
  1069. my @var_objs;
  1070. my $callback = sub {
  1071. my ($v) = @_;
  1072. my $name = $v->{name};
  1073. my $class_name = $v->{class};
  1074. my $var = (
  1075. $type eq 'define' ? bless($v, 'Sidef::Variable::Define')
  1076. : $type eq 'static' ? bless($v, 'Sidef::Variable::Static')
  1077. : $type eq 'const' ? bless($v, 'Sidef::Variable::Const')
  1078. : die "[PARSER ERROR] Invalid variable type: $type"
  1079. );
  1080. push @var_objs, $var;
  1081. unshift @{$self->{vars}{$class_name}},
  1082. {
  1083. obj => $var,
  1084. name => $name,
  1085. count => 0,
  1086. type => $type,
  1087. line => $line,
  1088. };
  1089. };
  1090. my $vars = $self->parse_init_vars(
  1091. code => $opt{code},
  1092. type => $type,
  1093. private => 1,
  1094. callback => $callback,
  1095. );
  1096. foreach my $var (@var_objs) {
  1097. my $name = $var->{name};
  1098. if (exists($self->{keywords}{$name}) or exists($self->{built_in_classes}{$name})) {
  1099. $self->fatal_error(
  1100. code => $_,
  1101. pos => (pos($_) - length($name)),
  1102. error => "`$name` is either a keyword or a predefined variable!",
  1103. );
  1104. }
  1105. }
  1106. if (@var_objs == 1 and /\G\h*=\h*/gc) {
  1107. my $var = $var_objs[0];
  1108. my $obj = $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code}, multiline => 1);
  1109. $obj // $self->fatal_error(
  1110. code => $_,
  1111. pos => pos($_) - 2,
  1112. error => qq{expected an expression after $type "$var->{name}"},
  1113. );
  1114. $var->{value} = $obj;
  1115. }
  1116. my $const_init = bless({vars => \@var_objs, type => $type}, 'Sidef::Variable::ConstInit');
  1117. if (/\G\h*=\h*/gc) {
  1118. $self->fatal_error(
  1119. code => $_,
  1120. pos => pos($_) - 2,
  1121. error => qq{the correct syntax is: `$type(x = ..., y = ...)`},
  1122. );
  1123. }
  1124. return $const_init;
  1125. }
  1126. # Struct declaration
  1127. if (/\Gstruct\b\h*/gc) {
  1128. my ($name, $class_name);
  1129. if (/\G($self->{var_name_re})\h*/goc) {
  1130. ($name, $class_name) = $self->get_name_and_class($1);
  1131. }
  1132. if (defined($name) and (exists($self->{keywords}{$name}) or exists($self->{built_in_classes}{$name}))) {
  1133. $self->fatal_error(
  1134. code => $_,
  1135. pos => (pos($_) - length($name)),
  1136. error => "`$name` is either a keyword or a predefined variable!",
  1137. );
  1138. }
  1139. my $struct = bless(
  1140. {
  1141. name => $name,
  1142. class => $class_name,
  1143. },
  1144. 'Sidef::Variable::Struct'
  1145. );
  1146. if (defined $name) {
  1147. unshift @{$self->{vars}{$class_name}},
  1148. {
  1149. obj => $struct,
  1150. name => $name,
  1151. count => 0,
  1152. type => 'struct',
  1153. line => $self->{line},
  1154. };
  1155. }
  1156. my $vars =
  1157. $self->parse_init_vars(
  1158. code => $opt{code},
  1159. type => 'var',
  1160. private => 1,
  1161. );
  1162. $struct->{vars} = $vars;
  1163. return $struct;
  1164. }
  1165. # Subset declaration
  1166. if (/\Gsubset\b\h*/gc) {
  1167. my ($name, $class_name);
  1168. if (/\G($self->{var_name_re})\h*/goc) {
  1169. ($name, $class_name) = $self->get_name_and_class($1);
  1170. }
  1171. else {
  1172. $self->fatal_error(
  1173. code => $_,
  1174. pos => pos($_),
  1175. error => "expected a name after the keyword 'subset'",
  1176. );
  1177. }
  1178. if (exists($self->{keywords}{$name}) or exists($self->{built_in_classes}{$name})) {
  1179. $self->fatal_error(
  1180. code => $_,
  1181. pos => (pos($_) - length($name)),
  1182. error => "`$name` is either a keyword or a predefined variable!",
  1183. );
  1184. }
  1185. my $subset = bless({name => $name, class => $class_name}, 'Sidef::Variable::Subset');
  1186. unshift @{$self->{vars}{$class_name}},
  1187. {
  1188. obj => $subset,
  1189. name => $name,
  1190. count => 0,
  1191. type => 'subset',
  1192. line => $self->{line},
  1193. };
  1194. # Inheritance
  1195. if (/\G<<?\h*/gc) {
  1196. {
  1197. my ($name) = /\G($self->{var_name_re})\h*/goc;
  1198. $name // $self->fatal_error(
  1199. code => $_,
  1200. pos => pos($_),
  1201. error => "expected a type name for subsetting",
  1202. );
  1203. my $code = $name;
  1204. my $type = $self->parse_expr(code => \$code);
  1205. push @{$subset->{inherits}}, $type;
  1206. /\G,\h*/gc && redo;
  1207. }
  1208. }
  1209. if (/\G(?=\{)/) {
  1210. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, topic_var => 1);
  1211. $subset->{block} = $block;
  1212. }
  1213. return $subset;
  1214. }
  1215. # Declaration of enums
  1216. if (/\Genum\b\h*/gc) {
  1217. my $vars =
  1218. $self->parse_init_vars(
  1219. code => $opt{code},
  1220. type => 'var',
  1221. private => 1,
  1222. );
  1223. @{$vars}
  1224. || $self->fatal_error(
  1225. code => $_,
  1226. pos => pos($_),
  1227. error => q{expected one or more variable names after <enum>},
  1228. );
  1229. my $value = Sidef::Types::Number::Number::_set_int(-1);
  1230. foreach my $var (@{$vars}) {
  1231. my $name = $var->{name};
  1232. if (ref $var->{value} eq 'HASH') {
  1233. $var->{value} = $var->{value}{$self->{class}}[-1]{self};
  1234. }
  1235. $value =
  1236. $var->{has_value}
  1237. ? $var->{value}
  1238. : $value->inc;
  1239. if (exists($self->{keywords}{$name}) or exists($self->{built_in_classes}{$name})) {
  1240. $self->fatal_error(
  1241. code => $_,
  1242. pos => (pos($_) - length($name)),
  1243. error => "`$name` is either a keyword or a predefined variable!",
  1244. );
  1245. }
  1246. unshift @{$self->{vars}{$self->{class}}},
  1247. {
  1248. obj => $value,
  1249. name => $name,
  1250. count => 0,
  1251. type => 'enum',
  1252. line => $self->{line},
  1253. };
  1254. }
  1255. return $value;
  1256. }
  1257. # Local variables
  1258. if (/\Glocal\b\h*/gc) {
  1259. my $expr = $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code});
  1260. return bless({expr => $expr}, 'Sidef::Variable::Local');
  1261. }
  1262. # Declaration of classes, methods and functions
  1263. if (
  1264. /\G(func|class)\b\h*/gc
  1265. || /\G(->)\h*/gc
  1266. || (exists($self->{current_class})
  1267. && /\G(method)\b\h*/gc)
  1268. ) {
  1269. my $beg_pos = $-[0];
  1270. my $type =
  1271. $1 eq '->'
  1272. ? exists($self->{current_class}) && !(exists($self->{current_method}))
  1273. ? 'method'
  1274. : 'func'
  1275. : $1;
  1276. my $name = '';
  1277. my $class_name = $self->{class};
  1278. my $built_in_obj;
  1279. if ($type eq 'class' and /\G($self->{var_name_re})\h*/gco) {
  1280. $name = $1;
  1281. if (exists($self->{built_in_classes}{$name}) and /\G(?=[{<])/) {
  1282. my ($obj) = $self->parse_expr(code => \$name);
  1283. if (defined($obj)) {
  1284. $name = '';
  1285. $built_in_obj = $obj;
  1286. }
  1287. }
  1288. else {
  1289. ($name, $class_name) = $self->get_name_and_class($1);
  1290. }
  1291. }
  1292. if ($type eq 'method') {
  1293. $name = (
  1294. /\G($self->{method_name_re})\h*/goc ? $1
  1295. : /\G($self->{operators_re})\h*/goc ? $+
  1296. : ''
  1297. );
  1298. ($name, $class_name) = $self->get_name_and_class($name);
  1299. }
  1300. elsif ($type ne 'class') {
  1301. $name = /\G($self->{var_name_re})\h*/goc ? $1 : '';
  1302. ($name, $class_name) = $self->get_name_and_class($name);
  1303. }
  1304. if ( $type ne 'method'
  1305. and $type ne 'class'
  1306. and (exists($self->{keywords}{$name}) or exists($self->{built_in_classes}{$name}))) {
  1307. $self->fatal_error(
  1308. code => $_,
  1309. pos => $-[0],
  1310. error => "`$name` is either a keyword or a predefined variable!",
  1311. );
  1312. }
  1313. my $obj =
  1314. ($type eq 'func' or $type eq 'method') ? bless({name => $name, type => $type, class => $class_name}, 'Sidef::Variable::Variable')
  1315. : $type eq 'class' ? bless({name => ($built_in_obj // $name), class => $class_name}, 'Sidef::Variable::ClassInit')
  1316. : $self->fatal_error(
  1317. error => "invalid type",
  1318. reason => "expected a magic thing to happen",
  1319. code => $_,
  1320. pos => pos($_),
  1321. );
  1322. if ($name ne '') {
  1323. my $var = $self->find_var($name, $class_name);
  1324. if (defined($var) and $var->{type} eq 'class') {
  1325. $obj->{parent} = $var->{obj};
  1326. push @{$obj->{inherit}}, ref($var->{obj}{name}) ? $var->{obj}{name} : $var->{obj};
  1327. }
  1328. }
  1329. my $has_kids = 0;
  1330. my $parent;
  1331. if (($type eq 'method' or $type eq 'func') and $name ne '') {
  1332. my $var = $self->find_var($name, $class_name);
  1333. # A function or a method must be declared in the same scope
  1334. if (defined($var) and $var->{obj}{type} eq $type) {
  1335. $parent = $var->{obj};
  1336. $has_kids = 1;
  1337. #~ push @{$var->{obj}{value}{kids}}, $obj;
  1338. $parent->{has_kids} = 1;
  1339. $obj->{parent} = $parent;
  1340. }
  1341. }
  1342. if (not $has_kids) {
  1343. unshift @{$self->{vars}{$class_name}},
  1344. {
  1345. obj => $obj,
  1346. name => $name,
  1347. count => 0,
  1348. type => $type,
  1349. line => $self->{line},
  1350. };
  1351. }
  1352. if ($type eq 'class') {
  1353. my $var_names =
  1354. $self->parse_init_vars(
  1355. code => $opt{code},
  1356. params => 1,
  1357. private => 1,
  1358. type => 'has',
  1359. ignore_delim => {
  1360. '{' => 1,
  1361. '<' => 1,
  1362. },
  1363. );
  1364. # Set the class parameters
  1365. $obj->{vars} = $var_names;
  1366. # Class inheritance (class Name(...) << Name1, Name2)
  1367. if (/\G\h*<<?\h*/gc) {
  1368. while (/\G($self->{var_name_re})\h*/gco) {
  1369. my ($name, $class_name) = $self->get_name_and_class($1);
  1370. if (defined(my $class = $self->find_var($name, $class_name))) {
  1371. if ($class->{type} eq 'class') {
  1372. # Detect inheritance from the same class
  1373. if (refaddr($obj) == refaddr($class->{obj})) {
  1374. $self->fatal_error(
  1375. error => "Inheriting from the same class is not allowed",
  1376. code => $_,
  1377. pos => pos($_) - length($name) - 1,
  1378. );
  1379. }
  1380. ++$class->{count};
  1381. push @{$obj->{inherit}}, $class->{obj};
  1382. }
  1383. else {
  1384. $self->fatal_error(
  1385. error => "this is not a class",
  1386. reason => "expected a class name",
  1387. code => $_,
  1388. pos => pos($_) - length($name) - 1,
  1389. );
  1390. }
  1391. }
  1392. elsif (exists $self->{built_in_classes}{$name}) {
  1393. $self->fatal_error(
  1394. error => "Inheriting from built-in classes is not supported",
  1395. reason => "`$name` is a built-in class",
  1396. code => $_,
  1397. pos => pos($_) - length($name) - 1,
  1398. );
  1399. }
  1400. else {
  1401. $self->fatal_error(
  1402. error => "can't find `$name` class",
  1403. reason => "expected an existent class name",
  1404. var => ($class_name . '::' . $name),
  1405. code => $_,
  1406. pos => pos($_) - length($name) - 1,
  1407. );
  1408. }
  1409. /\G,\h*/gc;
  1410. }
  1411. }
  1412. /\G\h*(?=\{)/gc
  1413. || $self->fatal_error(
  1414. error => "invalid class declaration",
  1415. reason => "expected: class $name(...){...}",
  1416. code => $_,
  1417. pos => pos($_)
  1418. );
  1419. #~ if (ref($built_in_obj) eq 'Sidef::Variable::ClassInit') {
  1420. #~ $obj->{name} = $built_in_obj->{name};
  1421. #~ }
  1422. local $self->{class_name} = (defined($built_in_obj) ? ref($built_in_obj) : $obj->{name});
  1423. local $self->{current_class} = $built_in_obj // $obj;
  1424. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code});
  1425. # Set the block of the class
  1426. $obj->{block} = $block;
  1427. }
  1428. if ($type eq 'func' or $type eq 'method') {
  1429. my $var_names = do {
  1430. local $self->{allow_class_variable} = 1 if $type eq 'method';
  1431. $self->get_init_vars(
  1432. code => $opt{code},
  1433. with_vals => 1,
  1434. ignore_delim => {
  1435. '{' => 1,
  1436. '-' => 1,
  1437. }
  1438. );
  1439. };
  1440. # Functions and method traits (example: "is cached")
  1441. if (/\G\h*is\h+(?=\w)/gc) {
  1442. while (/\G(\w+)/gc) {
  1443. my $trait = $1;
  1444. if ($trait eq 'cached') {
  1445. $obj->{cached} = 1;
  1446. }
  1447. #elsif ($type eq 'method' and $trait eq 'exported') {
  1448. # $obj->{exported} = 1;
  1449. #}
  1450. else {
  1451. $self->fatal_error(
  1452. error => "Unknown $type trait: $trait",
  1453. code => $_,
  1454. pos => pos($_),
  1455. );
  1456. }
  1457. /\G\h*,\h*/gc || last;
  1458. }
  1459. }
  1460. # Function return type (func name(...) -> Type {...})
  1461. if (/\G\h*->\h*/gc) {
  1462. my @ref;
  1463. if (/\G\(/gc) { # multiple types
  1464. while (1) {
  1465. my ($ref) = $self->parse_expr(code => $opt{code});
  1466. push @ref, $ref;
  1467. /\G\s*\)/gc && last;
  1468. /\G\s*,\s*/gc
  1469. || $self->fatal_error(
  1470. error => "invalid return-type for $type $self->{class_name}<<$name>>",
  1471. reason => "expected a comma",
  1472. code => $_,
  1473. pos => pos($_),
  1474. );
  1475. }
  1476. }
  1477. else { # only one type
  1478. my ($ref) = $self->parse_expr(code => $opt{code});
  1479. push @ref, $ref;
  1480. }
  1481. foreach my $ref (@ref) {
  1482. if (ref($ref) eq 'HASH') {
  1483. $self->fatal_error(
  1484. error => "invalid return-type for $type $self->{class_name}<<$name>>",
  1485. reason => "expected a valid type, such as: Str, Num, Arr, etc...",
  1486. code => $_,
  1487. pos => pos($_),
  1488. );
  1489. }
  1490. }
  1491. $obj->{returns} = \@ref;
  1492. }
  1493. /\G\h*\{\h*/gc
  1494. || $self->fatal_error(
  1495. error => "invalid `$type` declaration",
  1496. reason => "expected: $type $name(...){...}",
  1497. code => $_,
  1498. pos => pos($_)
  1499. );
  1500. local $self->{$type eq 'func' ? 'current_function' : 'current_method'} = $has_kids ? $parent : $obj;
  1501. my $args = '|' . join(',', $type eq 'method' ? 'self' : (), @{$var_names}) . ' |';
  1502. my $code = '{' . $args . substr($_, pos);
  1503. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => \$code, with_vars => 1);
  1504. pos($_) += pos($code) - length($args) - 1;
  1505. # Set the block of the function/method
  1506. $obj->{value} = $block;
  1507. }
  1508. return $obj;
  1509. }
  1510. # "given(expr) {...}" construct
  1511. if (/\Ggiven\b\h*/gc) {
  1512. my $expr = (
  1513. /\G(?=\()/
  1514. ? $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code})
  1515. : $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code})
  1516. );
  1517. $expr // $self->fatal_error(
  1518. error => "invalid declaration of the `given/when` construct",
  1519. reason => "expected `given(expr) {...}`",
  1520. code => $_,
  1521. pos => pos($_),
  1522. );
  1523. my $given_obj = bless({expr => $expr}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::Given');
  1524. local $self->{current_given} = $given_obj;
  1525. my $block = (
  1526. /\G\h*(?=\{)/gc
  1527. ? $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, topic_var => 1)
  1528. : $self->fatal_error(
  1529. error => "expected a block after `given(expr)`",
  1530. code => $_,
  1531. pos => pos($_),
  1532. )
  1533. );
  1534. $given_obj->{block} = $block;
  1535. return $given_obj;
  1536. }
  1537. # "when(expr) {...}" construct
  1538. if (exists($self->{current_given}) && /\Gwhen\b\h*/gc) {
  1539. my $expr = (
  1540. /\G(?=\()/
  1541. ? $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code})
  1542. : $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code})
  1543. );
  1544. $expr // $self->fatal_error(
  1545. error => "invalid declaration of the `when` construct",
  1546. reason => "expected `when(expr) {...}`",
  1547. code => $_,
  1548. pos => pos($_),
  1549. );
  1550. my $block = (
  1551. /\G\h*(?=\{)/gc
  1552. ? $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, with_vars => 1)
  1553. : $self->fatal_error(
  1554. error => "expected a block after `when(expr)`",
  1555. code => $_,
  1556. pos => pos($_),
  1557. )
  1558. );
  1559. return bless({expr => $expr, block => $block}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::When');
  1560. }
  1561. # "case(expr) {...}" construct
  1562. if (exists($self->{current_given}) && /\Gcase\b\h*/gc) {
  1563. my $expr = (
  1564. /\G(?=\()/
  1565. ? $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code})
  1566. : $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code})
  1567. );
  1568. $expr // $self->fatal_error(
  1569. error => "invalid declaration of the `case` construct",
  1570. reason => "expected `case(expr) {...}`",
  1571. code => $_,
  1572. pos => pos($_),
  1573. );
  1574. my $block = (
  1575. /\G\h*(?=\{)/gc
  1576. ? $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, with_vars => 1)
  1577. : $self->fatal_error(
  1578. error => "expected a block after `case(expr)`",
  1579. code => $_,
  1580. pos => pos($_),
  1581. )
  1582. );
  1583. return bless({expr => $expr, block => $block}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::Case');
  1584. }
  1585. # "default {...}" or "else { ... }" construct for `given/when`
  1586. if (exists($self->{current_given}) && /\G(?:default|else)\h*(?=\{)/gc) {
  1587. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code});
  1588. return bless({block => $block}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::Default');
  1589. }
  1590. # `continue` keyword inside a given/when construct
  1591. if (exists($self->{current_given}) && /\Gcontinue\b/gc) {
  1592. state $x = bless({}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::Continue');
  1593. return $x;
  1594. }
  1595. # "do {...}" construct
  1596. if (/\Gdo\h*(?=\{)/gc) {
  1597. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code});
  1598. return bless({block => $block}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::Do');
  1599. }
  1600. # "loop {...}" construct
  1601. if (/\Gloop\h*(?=\{)/gc) {
  1602. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code});
  1603. return bless({block => $block}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::Loop');
  1604. }
  1605. # "try/catch" construct
  1606. if (/\Gtry\h*(?=\{)/gc) {
  1607. my $try_block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code});
  1608. my $obj = bless({try => $try_block}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::Try');
  1609. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  1610. if (/\Gcatch\h*(?=\{)/gc) {
  1611. $obj->{catch} = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, with_vars => 1);
  1612. }
  1613. else {
  1614. $self->backtrack_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  1615. }
  1616. return $obj;
  1617. }
  1618. # "gather/take" construct
  1619. if (/\Ggather\h*(?=\{)/gc) {
  1620. my $obj = bless({}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::Gather');
  1621. local $self->{current_gather} = $obj;
  1622. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code});
  1623. $obj->{block} = $block;
  1624. return $obj;
  1625. }
  1626. if (exists($self->{current_gather}) and /\Gtake\b\h*/gc) {
  1627. my $obj = (
  1628. /\G(?=\()/
  1629. ? $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code})
  1630. : $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code})
  1631. );
  1632. return bless({expr => $obj, gather => $self->{current_gather}}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::Take');
  1633. }
  1634. # Declaration of a module
  1635. if (/\Gmodule\b\h*/gc) {
  1636. my $name =
  1637. /\G($self->{var_name_re})\h*/goc
  1638. ? $1
  1639. : $self->fatal_error(
  1640. error => "invalid module declaration",
  1641. reason => "expected a name",
  1642. code => $_,
  1643. pos => pos($_)
  1644. );
  1645. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  1646. if (/\G(?=\{)/) {
  1647. my $prev_class = $self->{class};
  1648. local $self->{class} = $name;
  1649. my $obj = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, is_module => 1, prev_class => $prev_class);
  1650. return
  1651. bless {
  1652. name => $name,
  1653. block => $obj
  1654. },
  1655. 'Sidef::Meta::Module';
  1656. }
  1657. else {
  1658. $self->fatal_error(
  1659. error => "invalid module declaration",
  1660. reason => "expected: module $name {...}",
  1661. code => $_,
  1662. pos => pos($_)
  1663. );
  1664. }
  1665. }
  1666. if (/\Gimport\b\h*/gc) {
  1667. my $import_pos = pos($_);
  1668. my $var_names =
  1669. $self->get_init_vars(code => $opt{code},
  1670. with_vals => 0);
  1671. $self->backtrack_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  1672. @{$var_names}
  1673. || $self->fatal_error(
  1674. code => $_,
  1675. pos => $import_pos,
  1676. error => "expected a variable-like name for importing!",
  1677. );
  1678. foreach my $var_name (@{$var_names}) {
  1679. my ($name, $class) = $self->get_name_and_class($var_name);
  1680. if ($class eq ($self->{class})) {
  1681. $self->fatal_error(
  1682. code => $_,
  1683. pos => $import_pos,
  1684. error => "can't import '${class}::${name}' into the same namespace",
  1685. );
  1686. }
  1687. my $var = $self->find_var($name, $class);
  1688. if (not defined $var) {
  1689. $self->fatal_error(
  1690. code => $_,
  1691. pos => $import_pos,
  1692. error => "variable '${class}::${name}' does not exists",
  1693. );
  1694. }
  1695. $var->{count}++;
  1696. unshift @{$self->{vars}{$self->{class}}},
  1697. {
  1698. obj => $var->{obj},
  1699. name => $name,
  1700. count => 0,
  1701. type => $var->{type},
  1702. line => $self->{line},
  1703. };
  1704. }
  1705. return 1;
  1706. }
  1707. if (/\Ginclude\b\h*/gc) {
  1708. my $include_pos = pos($_);
  1709. state $x = do {
  1710. require Cwd;
  1711. require File::Spec;
  1712. require File::Basename;
  1713. };
  1714. if (@{$self->{inc}} == 0) {
  1715. push @{$self->{inc}}, split(':', $ENV{SIDEF_INC}) if exists($ENV{SIDEF_INC});
  1716. push @{$self->{inc}}, File::Spec->catdir(File::Basename::dirname(Cwd::abs_path($0)), File::Spec->updir, 'share', 'sidef');
  1717. if (-f $self->{script_name}) {
  1718. push @{$self->{inc}}, File::Basename::dirname(Cwd::abs_path($self->{script_name}));
  1719. }
  1720. push @{$self->{inc}}, File::Spec->curdir;
  1721. }
  1722. my @abs_filenames;
  1723. if (/\G($self->{var_name_re})/gc) {
  1724. my $var_name = $1;
  1725. # The module is defined in the current file -- skip
  1726. if (exists $self->{ref_vars}{$var_name}) {
  1727. redo;
  1728. }
  1729. # The module was already included -- skip
  1730. if (exists $Sidef::INCLUDED{$var_name}) {
  1731. redo;
  1732. }
  1733. my @path = split(/::/, $var_name);
  1734. my $mod_path = File::Spec->catfile(@path[0 .. $#path - 1], $path[-1] . '.sm');
  1735. $Sidef::INCLUDED{$var_name} = $mod_path;
  1736. my ($full_path, $found_module);
  1737. foreach my $inc_dir (@{$self->{inc}}) {
  1738. if ( -e ($full_path = File::Spec->catfile($inc_dir, $mod_path))
  1739. and -f _
  1740. and -r _ ) {
  1741. $found_module = 1;
  1742. last;
  1743. }
  1744. }
  1745. $found_module // $self->fatal_error(
  1746. code => $_,
  1747. pos => $include_pos,
  1748. error => "can't find the module '${mod_path}' anywhere in ['" . join("', '", @{$self->{inc}}) . "']",
  1749. );
  1750. push @abs_filenames, [$full_path, $var_name];
  1751. }
  1752. else {
  1753. my $orig_dir = Cwd::getcwd();
  1754. my $orig_file = Cwd::abs_path($self->{file_name});
  1755. my $file_dir = File::Basename::dirname($orig_file);
  1756. my $chdired = 0;
  1757. if ($orig_dir ne $file_dir) {
  1758. if (chdir($file_dir)) {
  1759. $chdired = 1;
  1760. }
  1761. }
  1762. my $expr = do {
  1763. my ($obj) = $self->parse_expr(code => $opt{code});
  1764. $obj;
  1765. };
  1766. my @files = (
  1767. ref($expr) eq 'HASH'
  1768. ? do {
  1769. map { $_->{self} }
  1770. map { @{$_->{self}->{$self->{class}}} }
  1771. map { @{$expr->{$_}} }
  1772. keys %{$expr};
  1773. }
  1774. : $expr
  1775. );
  1776. push @abs_filenames, map {
  1777. my $filename = $_;
  1778. if (index(ref($filename), 'Sidef::') == 0) {
  1779. $filename = $filename->get_value;
  1780. }
  1781. ref($filename) ne ''
  1782. and $self->fatal_error(
  1783. code => ${$opt{code}},
  1784. pos => $include_pos,
  1785. error => 'include-error: invalid value of type "' . ref($filename) . '" (expected a string)',
  1786. );
  1787. my @files;
  1788. foreach my $file (glob($filename)) {
  1789. my $resolved = 0;
  1790. foreach my $base ('', @{$self->{inc}}) {
  1791. my $abs_path = File::Spec->rel2abs($file, $base) // next;
  1792. if (-f $abs_path) {
  1793. push @files, $abs_path;
  1794. $resolved = 1;
  1795. last;
  1796. }
  1797. }
  1798. if (!$resolved) {
  1799. $self->fatal_error(
  1800. code => ${$opt{code}},
  1801. pos => $include_pos,
  1802. error => "include-error: could not resolve path to file `$file`",
  1803. );
  1804. }
  1805. }
  1806. foreach my $file (@files) {
  1807. if (exists $Sidef::INCLUDED{$file}) {
  1808. $self->fatal_error(
  1809. code => ${$opt{code}},
  1810. pos => $include_pos,
  1811. error => "include-error: circular inclusion of file `$file`",
  1812. );
  1813. }
  1814. }
  1815. map { [$_] } @files
  1816. } @files;
  1817. if ($chdired) { chdir($orig_dir) }
  1818. }
  1819. my @included;
  1820. foreach my $pair (@abs_filenames) {
  1821. my ($full_path, $name) = @{$pair};
  1822. open(my $fh, '<:utf8', $full_path)
  1823. || $self->fatal_error(
  1824. code => ${$opt{code}},
  1825. pos => $include_pos,
  1826. error => "can't open file `$full_path`: $!"
  1827. );
  1828. my $content = do { local $/; <$fh> };
  1829. close $fh;
  1830. next if $Sidef::INCLUDED{$full_path};
  1831. local $self->{class} = $name if defined $name; # new namespace
  1832. local $self->{line} = 1;
  1833. local $self->{file_name} = $full_path;
  1834. local $Sidef::INCLUDED{$full_path} = 1;
  1835. my $ast = $self->parse_script(code => \$content);
  1836. push @included,
  1837. {
  1838. name => $name,
  1839. file => $full_path,
  1840. ast => $ast,
  1841. };
  1842. }
  1843. return bless({included => \@included}, 'Sidef::Meta::Included');
  1844. }
  1845. # Super-script power
  1846. if (/\G([⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹]+)/gc) {
  1847. my $num = ($1 =~ tr/⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹/0-9/r);
  1848. return Sidef::Types::Number::Number::_set_int($num);
  1849. }
  1850. # Binary, hexadecimal and octal numbers
  1851. if (/\G0(b[10_]*|x[0-9A-Fa-f_]*|o[0-7_]*|[0-7_]+)\b/gc) {
  1852. my $num = $1 =~ tr/_//dr;
  1853. return
  1854. Sidef::Types::Number::Number->new(
  1855. $num =~ /^b/ ? (substr($num, 1) || 0, 2)
  1856. : $num =~ /^o/ ? (substr($num, 1) || 0, 8)
  1857. : $num =~ /^x/ ? (substr($num, 1) || 0, 16)
  1858. : ($num || 0, 8)
  1859. );
  1860. }
  1861. # Integer or float number
  1862. if (/\G((?=\.?[0-9])[0-9_]*+(?:\.[0-9_]++)?(?:[Ee](?:[+-]?+[0-9_]+))?)/gc) {
  1863. my $num = $1 =~ tr/_//dr;
  1864. if (/\Gi\b/gc) { # imaginary
  1865. return Sidef::Types::Number::Complex->new(0, $num);
  1866. }
  1867. elsif (/\Gf\b/gc) { # floating-point
  1868. return Sidef::Types::Number::Number::_set_str('float', $num);
  1869. }
  1870. return (
  1871. $num =~ /^-?[0-9]+\z/
  1872. ? Sidef::Types::Number::Number::_set_int($num)
  1873. : Sidef::Types::Number::Number->new($num)
  1874. );
  1875. }
  1876. # Prefix `...`
  1877. if (/\G\.\.\./gc) {
  1878. return
  1879. bless(
  1880. {
  1881. line => $self->{line},
  1882. file => $self->{file_name},
  1883. },
  1884. 'Sidef::Meta::Unimplemented'
  1885. );
  1886. }
  1887. # Implicit method call on special variable: "_"
  1888. if (/\G\./) {
  1889. if (defined(my $var = $self->find_var('_', $self->{class}))) {
  1890. $var->{count}++;
  1891. return $var->{obj};
  1892. }
  1893. $self->fatal_error(
  1894. code => $_,
  1895. pos => pos($_),
  1896. error => q{attempt of using an implicit method call on an inexistent "_" variable},
  1897. );
  1898. }
  1899. # Quoted words, numbers, vectors and matrices
  1900. # %w(...), %i(...), %n(...), %v(...), %m(...), «...», <...>
  1901. if (/\G%([wWinvm])\b/gc || /\G(?=(«|<(?!<)))/) {
  1902. my ($type) = $1;
  1903. my $strings = $self->get_quoted_words(code => $opt{code});
  1904. if ($type eq 'w' or $type eq '<') {
  1905. my @list = map { Sidef::Types::String::String->new(s{\\(?=[\\#\s])}{}gr) } @{$strings};
  1906. return Sidef::Types::Array::Array->new(\@list);
  1907. }
  1908. if ($type eq 'i') {
  1909. my @list = map { Sidef::Types::Number::Number->new(s{\\(?=[\\#\s])}{}gr)->int }
  1910. split(/[\s,]+/, join(' ', @$strings));
  1911. return Sidef::Types::Array::Array->new(\@list);
  1912. }
  1913. if ($type eq 'n') {
  1914. my @list =
  1915. map { Sidef::Types::Number::Number->new(s{\\(?=[\\#\s])}{}gr) } split(/[\s,]+/, join(' ', @$strings));
  1916. return Sidef::Types::Array::Array->new(\@list);
  1917. }
  1918. if ($type eq 'v') {
  1919. my @list =
  1920. map { Sidef::Types::Number::Number->new(s{\\(?=[\\#\s])}{}gr) } split(/[\s,]+/, join(' ', @$strings));
  1921. return Sidef::Types::Array::Vector->new(@list); # this must be passed as a list
  1922. }
  1923. if ($type eq 'm') {
  1924. my @matrix;
  1925. my $data = join(' ', @$strings);
  1926. foreach my $line (split(/\s*;\s*/, $data)) {
  1927. my @row = map { Sidef::Types::Number::Number->new(s{\\(?=[\\#\s])}{}gr) } split(/[\s,]+/, $line);
  1928. push @matrix, Sidef::Types::Array::Array->new(\@row);
  1929. }
  1930. return Sidef::Types::Array::Matrix->new(@matrix);
  1931. }
  1932. my ($inline_expression, @objs);
  1933. foreach my $item (@{$strings}) {
  1934. my $str = Sidef::Types::String::String->new($item)->apply_escapes($self);
  1935. $inline_expression ||= ref($str) eq 'HASH';
  1936. push @objs, $str;
  1937. }
  1938. return (
  1939. $inline_expression
  1940. ? bless([map { {self => $_} } @objs], 'Sidef::Types::Array::HCArray')
  1941. : Sidef::Types::Array::Array->new(\@objs)
  1942. );
  1943. }
  1944. # Prefix method call (`::name(...)` or `::name ...`)
  1945. if (/\G::($self->{var_name_re})\h*/goc) {
  1946. my $name = $1;
  1947. my $pos = pos($_);
  1948. my $arg = (
  1949. /\G(?=\()/
  1950. ? $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code})
  1951. : $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code})
  1952. );
  1953. if (not exists($arg->{$self->{class}})) {
  1954. $self->fatal_error(
  1955. code => $_,
  1956. pos => ($pos - length($name)),
  1957. var => $name,
  1958. error => "attempt to call method <$name> on an undefined value",
  1959. );
  1960. }
  1961. return
  1962. bless {
  1963. name => $name,
  1964. expr => $arg,
  1965. },
  1966. 'Sidef::Meta::PrefixMethod';
  1967. }
  1968. if (/($self->{prefix_obj_re})\h*/goc) {
  1969. return ($^R, 1, $1);
  1970. }
  1971. # Assertions
  1972. if (/\G(assert(?:_(?:eq|ne))?+)\b\h*/gc) {
  1973. my $action = $1;
  1974. my $arg = (
  1975. /\G(?=\()/
  1976. ? $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code})
  1977. : $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code})
  1978. );
  1979. return
  1980. bless(
  1981. {
  1982. arg => $arg,
  1983. act => $action,
  1984. line => $self->{line},
  1985. file => $self->{file_name},
  1986. },
  1987. 'Sidef::Meta::Assert'
  1988. );
  1989. }
  1990. # die/warn
  1991. if (/\G(die|warn)\b\h*/gc) {
  1992. my $action = $1;
  1993. my $arg = (
  1994. /\G(?=\()/
  1995. ? $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code})
  1996. : $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code})
  1997. );
  1998. return
  1999. bless(
  2000. {
  2001. arg => $arg,
  2002. line => $self->{line},
  2003. file => $self->{file_name},
  2004. },
  2005. $action eq 'die'
  2006. ? "Sidef::Meta::Error"
  2007. : "Sidef::Meta::Warning"
  2008. );
  2009. }
  2010. # Eval keyword
  2011. if (/\Geval\b\h*/gc) {
  2012. my $obj = (
  2013. /\G(?=\()/
  2014. ? $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code})
  2015. : $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code})
  2016. );
  2017. #<<<
  2018. return bless(
  2019. {
  2020. expr => $obj,
  2021. parser => Sidef::Object::Object::dclone(scalar {%$self}),
  2022. #vars => {$self->{class} => [@{$self->{vars}{$self->{class}}}]},
  2023. #ref_vars_refs => {$self->{class} => [@{$self->{ref_vars_refs}{$self->{class}}}]},
  2024. }, 'Sidef::Eval::Eval');
  2025. #>>>
  2026. }
  2027. if (/\GParser\b/gc) {
  2028. return $self;
  2029. }
  2030. # Regular expression
  2031. if (m{\G(?=/)} || /\G%r\b/gc) {
  2032. my $string = $self->get_quoted_string(code => $opt{code});
  2033. return Sidef::Types::Regex::Regex->new($string, /\G($self->{match_flags_re})/goc ? $1 : undef);
  2034. }
  2035. # Class variable in form of `Class!var_name`
  2036. if (/\G($self->{var_name_re})!($self->{var_name_re})/goc) {
  2037. my ($class_name, $var_name) = ($1, $2);
  2038. my $class_obj = $self->parse_expr(code => \$class_name);
  2039. return (bless {class => $class_obj, name => $var_name}, 'Sidef::Variable::ClassVar');
  2040. }
  2041. # Static object (like String or nil)
  2042. if (/$self->{static_obj_re}/goc) {
  2043. return $^R;
  2044. }
  2045. if (/\G__MAIN__\b/gc) {
  2046. if (-e $self->{script_name}) {
  2047. state $x = require Cwd;
  2048. return Sidef::Types::String::String->new(Cwd::abs_path($self->{script_name}));
  2049. }
  2050. return Sidef::Types::String::String->new($self->{script_name});
  2051. }
  2052. if (/\G__FILE__\b/gc) {
  2053. if (-e $self->{file_name}) {
  2054. state $x = require Cwd;
  2055. return Sidef::Types::String::String->new(Cwd::abs_path($self->{file_name}));
  2056. }
  2057. return Sidef::Types::String::String->new($self->{file_name});
  2058. }
  2059. if (/\G__DATE__\b/gc) {
  2060. my (undef, undef, undef, $day, $mon, $year) = localtime;
  2061. return Sidef::Types::String::String->new(join('-', $year + 1900, map { sprintf "%02d", $_ } $mon + 1, $day));
  2062. }
  2063. if (/\G__TIME__\b/gc) {
  2064. my ($sec, $min, $hour) = localtime;
  2065. return Sidef::Types::String::String->new(join(':', map { sprintf "%02d", $_ } $hour, $min, $sec));
  2066. }
  2067. if (/\G__LINE__\b/gc) {
  2068. return Sidef::Types::Number::Number->new($self->{line});
  2069. }
  2070. if (/\G__COMPILED__\b/gc) {
  2071. return Sidef::Types::Bool::Bool->new($self->{opt}{R} eq 'Perl' or $self->{opt}{c});
  2072. }
  2073. if (/\G__OPTIMIZED__\b/gc) {
  2074. return Sidef::Types::Bool::Bool->new(($self->{opt}{O} || 0) > 0);
  2075. }
  2076. if (/\G__(?:END|DATA)__\b\h*+\R?/gc) {
  2077. if (exists $self->{'__DATA__'}) {
  2078. $self->{'__DATA__'} = substr($_, pos);
  2079. }
  2080. pos($_) = length($_);
  2081. return;
  2082. }
  2083. if (/\GDATA\b/gc) {
  2084. return (
  2085. $self->{static_objects}{'__DATA__'} //= do {
  2086. bless({data => \$self->{'__DATA__'}}, 'Sidef::Meta::Glob::DATA');
  2087. }
  2088. );
  2089. }
  2090. # Beginning of a here-document (<<"EOT", <<'EOT', <<EOT)
  2091. if (/\G<<(-)?+(?=\S)/gc) {
  2092. my $indent = $1 ? 1 : 0;
  2093. my ($name, $type) = (undef, 1);
  2094. my $pos = pos($_);
  2095. if (/\G(?=(['"„]))/) {
  2096. $type = 0 if $1 eq q{'};
  2097. my $str = $self->get_quoted_string(code => $opt{code});
  2098. $name = $str;
  2099. }
  2100. elsif (/\G(\w+)/gc) {
  2101. $name = $1;
  2102. }
  2103. else {
  2104. $self->fatal_error(
  2105. error => "invalid 'here-doc' declaration",
  2106. reason => "expected an alpha-numeric token after '<<'",
  2107. code => $_,
  2108. pos => pos($_)
  2109. );
  2110. }
  2111. my $obj = {$self->{class} => []};
  2112. push @{$self->{EOT}},
  2113. {
  2114. name => $name,
  2115. indent => $indent,
  2116. type => $type,
  2117. obj => $obj,
  2118. pos => $pos,
  2119. line => $self->{line},
  2120. };
  2121. return $obj;
  2122. }
  2123. if (exists($self->{current_block}) && /\G__BLOCK__\b/gc) {
  2124. return $self->{current_block};
  2125. }
  2126. if (/\G__NAMESPACE__\b/gc) {
  2127. return Sidef::Types::String::String->new($self->{class});
  2128. }
  2129. if (exists($self->{current_function})) {
  2130. /\G__FUNC__\b/gc && return $self->{current_function};
  2131. /\G__FUNC_NAME__\b/gc && return Sidef::Types::String::String->new($self->{current_function}{name});
  2132. }
  2133. if (exists($self->{current_class})) {
  2134. /\G__CLASS__\b/gc && return $self->{current_class};
  2135. /\G__CLASS_NAME__\b/gc && return Sidef::Types::String::String->new($self->{class_name});
  2136. }
  2137. if (exists($self->{current_method})) {
  2138. /\G__METHOD__\b/gc && return $self->{current_method};
  2139. /\G__METHOD_NAME__\b/gc && return Sidef::Types::String::String->new($self->{current_method}{name});
  2140. }
  2141. # Variable access
  2142. if (/\G($self->{var_name_re})/goc) {
  2143. my $len_var = length($1);
  2144. my ($name, $class) = $self->get_name_and_class($1);
  2145. if (defined(my $var = $self->find_var($name, $class))) {
  2146. if ($var->{type} eq 'del') {
  2147. $self->fatal_error(
  2148. code => $_,
  2149. pos => (pos($_) - length($name)),
  2150. var => ($class . '::' . $name),
  2151. error => "attempt to use the deleted variable <$name>",
  2152. );
  2153. }
  2154. $var->{count}++;
  2155. return $var->{obj};
  2156. }
  2157. if ($name eq 'ARGV' or $name eq 'ENV') {
  2158. my $type = 'var';
  2159. my $variable = bless({name => $name, type => $type, class => $class}, 'Sidef::Variable::Variable');
  2160. unshift @{$self->{vars}{$class}},
  2161. {
  2162. obj => $variable,
  2163. name => $name,
  2164. count => 1,
  2165. type => $type,
  2166. line => $self->{line},
  2167. };
  2168. return $variable;
  2169. }
  2170. # Class instance variables
  2171. if (
  2172. ref($self->{current_class}) eq 'Sidef::Variable::ClassInit'
  2173. and defined(
  2174. my $var = (first { $_->{name} eq $name } (@{$self->{current_class}{vars}}, map { @{$_->{vars}} } @{$self->{current_class}{attributes}}))
  2175. )
  2176. ) {
  2177. if (exists $self->{current_method}) {
  2178. if (defined(my $var = $self->find_var('self', $class))) {
  2179. if ($self->{opt}{k}) {
  2180. print STDERR "[INFO] `$name` is parsed as `self.$name` at $self->{file_name} line $self->{line}\n";
  2181. }
  2182. $var->{count}++;
  2183. return
  2184. scalar {
  2185. $self->{class} => [
  2186. {
  2187. self => $var->{obj},
  2188. ind => [{hash => [$name]}],
  2189. }
  2190. ]
  2191. };
  2192. }
  2193. }
  2194. elsif (exists $self->{allow_class_variable}) {
  2195. return $var;
  2196. }
  2197. elsif ($var->{type} eq 'has') {
  2198. $self->fatal_error(
  2199. error => "class variable <<$var->{name}>> can't be used outside a method",
  2200. pos => (pos($_) - length($name)),
  2201. var => $var,
  2202. code => $_,
  2203. );
  2204. }
  2205. else { # this should not happen
  2206. $self->fatal_error(
  2207. error => "can't use undeclared variable <<$var->{name}>> in this context",
  2208. pos => (pos($_) - length($name)),
  2209. var => $var,
  2210. code => $_,
  2211. );
  2212. }
  2213. }
  2214. if (/\G(?=\h*:?=(?![=~>]))/) {
  2215. if (not $self->{interactive}) {
  2216. warn "[WARNING] Implicit declaration of global variable `$name`" . " at $self->{file_name} line $self->{line}\n";
  2217. }
  2218. my $code = "global $name";
  2219. return $self->parse_expr(code => \$code);
  2220. }
  2221. # Method call in functional style (deprecated -- use `::name()` instead)
  2222. if ($len_var == length($name)) {
  2223. if ($self->{opt}{k}) {
  2224. print STDERR "[INFO] `$name` is parsed as a prefix method-call at $self->{file_name} line $self->{line}\n";
  2225. }
  2226. if ($self->{allow_class_variable}) {
  2227. return $name;
  2228. }
  2229. my $pos = pos($_);
  2230. my $arg = (
  2231. /\G\h*+(?=\()/gc
  2232. ? $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code})
  2233. : $self->fatal_error(
  2234. code => $_,
  2235. pos => ($pos - length($name)),
  2236. var => ($class . '::' . $name),
  2237. error => "variable <$name> is not declared in the current scope",
  2238. )
  2239. );
  2240. if (not exists($arg->{$self->{class}})) {
  2241. $self->fatal_error(
  2242. code => $_,
  2243. pos => ($pos - length($name)),
  2244. var => $name,
  2245. error => "attempt to call method <$name> on an undefined value",
  2246. );
  2247. }
  2248. return
  2249. bless {
  2250. name => $name,
  2251. expr => $arg,
  2252. },
  2253. 'Sidef::Meta::PrefixMethod';
  2254. }
  2255. # Undeclared variable
  2256. $self->fatal_error(
  2257. code => $_,
  2258. pos => (pos($_) - length($name)),
  2259. var => ($class . '::' . $name),
  2260. error => "variable <$class\::$name> is not declared in the current scope",
  2261. );
  2262. }
  2263. # Regex variables ($1, $2, ...)
  2264. if (/\G\$([0-9]+)\b/gc) {
  2265. $self->fatal_error(
  2266. code => $_,
  2267. pos => (pos($_) - length($1)),
  2268. error => "regex capture-variables are not supported",
  2269. );
  2270. }
  2271. /\G\$/gc && redo;
  2272. #warn "$self->{script_name}:$self->{line}: unexpected char: " . substr($_, pos($_), 1) . "\n";
  2273. #return undef, pos($_) + 1;
  2274. return;
  2275. }
  2276. }
  2277. sub parse_arg {
  2278. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  2279. local *_ = $opt{code};
  2280. if (/\G\(/gc) {
  2281. my $p = pos($_);
  2282. local $self->{parentheses} = 1;
  2283. my $obj = $self->parse_script(code => $opt{code});
  2284. $self->{parentheses}
  2285. && $self->fatal_error(
  2286. code => $_,
  2287. pos => $p - 1,
  2288. error => "unbalanced parenthesis",
  2289. );
  2290. return $obj;
  2291. }
  2292. return;
  2293. }
  2294. sub parse_array {
  2295. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  2296. local *_ = $opt{code};
  2297. if (/\G\[/gc) {
  2298. my $p = pos($_);
  2299. local $self->{right_brackets} = 1;
  2300. my $obj = $self->parse_script(code => $opt{code});
  2301. $self->{right_brackets}
  2302. && $self->fatal_error(
  2303. code => $_,
  2304. pos => $p - 1,
  2305. error => "unbalanced right bracket",
  2306. );
  2307. return $obj;
  2308. }
  2309. return;
  2310. }
  2311. sub parse_lookup {
  2312. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  2313. local *_ = $opt{code};
  2314. if (/\G\{/gc) {
  2315. my $p = pos($_);
  2316. local $self->{curly_brackets} = 1;
  2317. my $obj = $self->parse_script(code => $opt{code});
  2318. $self->{curly_brackets}
  2319. && $self->fatal_error(
  2320. code => $_,
  2321. pos => $p - 1,
  2322. error => "unbalanced curly bracket",
  2323. );
  2324. return $obj;
  2325. }
  2326. return;
  2327. }
  2328. sub parse_block {
  2329. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  2330. local *_ = $opt{code};
  2331. if (/\G\{/gc) {
  2332. my $p = pos($_);
  2333. local $self->{curly_brackets} = 1;
  2334. my $class_name = $self->{class};
  2335. if ($opt{is_module}) {
  2336. $class_name = $opt{prev_class};
  2337. }
  2338. my $ref = $self->{vars}{$class_name} //= [];
  2339. my $count = scalar(@{$self->{vars}{$class_name}});
  2340. unshift @{$self->{ref_vars_refs}{$class_name}}, @{$ref};
  2341. unshift @{$self->{vars}{$class_name}}, [];
  2342. $self->{vars}{$class_name} = $self->{vars}{$class_name}[0];
  2343. my $block = bless({}, 'Sidef::Types::Block::BlockInit');
  2344. # Parse whitespace (if any)
  2345. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  2346. my $has_vars;
  2347. my $var_objs = [];
  2348. if (($opt{topic_var} || $opt{with_vars}) && /\G(?=\|)/) {
  2349. $has_vars = 1;
  2350. $var_objs = $self->parse_init_vars(
  2351. params => 1,
  2352. code => $opt{code},
  2353. type => 'var',
  2354. );
  2355. }
  2356. # Special '_' variable
  2357. if ($opt{topic_var} and not $has_vars) {
  2358. my $code = '_';
  2359. $has_vars = 1;
  2360. $var_objs = $self->parse_init_vars(code => \$code, type => 'var');
  2361. }
  2362. local $self->{current_block} = $block if $has_vars;
  2363. my $obj = $self->parse_script(code => $opt{code});
  2364. $self->{curly_brackets}
  2365. && $self->fatal_error(
  2366. code => $_,
  2367. pos => $p - 1,
  2368. error => "unbalanced curly bracket",
  2369. );
  2370. #$block->{vars} = [
  2371. # map { $_->{obj} }
  2372. # grep { ref($_) eq 'HASH' and ref($_->{obj}) eq 'Sidef::Variable::Variable' } @{$self->{vars}{$class_name}}
  2373. #];
  2374. if ($has_vars) {
  2375. $block->{init_vars} = bless({vars => $var_objs}, 'Sidef::Variable::Init');
  2376. }
  2377. $block->{code} = $obj;
  2378. splice @{$self->{ref_vars_refs}{$class_name}}, 0, $count;
  2379. $self->{vars}{$class_name} = $ref;
  2380. return $block;
  2381. }
  2382. return;
  2383. }
  2384. sub append_method {
  2385. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  2386. # Hyper-operator
  2387. if (exists $self->{hyper_ops}{$opt{op_type}}) {
  2388. push @{$opt{array}},
  2389. {
  2390. method => $self->{hyper_ops}{$opt{op_type}}[1],
  2391. arg => [$opt{method}],
  2392. };
  2393. }
  2394. # Basic operator/method
  2395. else {
  2396. push @{$opt{array}}, {method => $opt{method}};
  2397. }
  2398. # Append the argument (if any)
  2399. if (exists($opt{arg}) and (%{$opt{arg}} || ($opt{method} =~ /^$self->{operators_re}\z/))) {
  2400. push @{$opt{array}[-1]{arg}}, $opt{arg};
  2401. }
  2402. }
  2403. sub parse_methods {
  2404. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  2405. my @methods;
  2406. local *_ = $opt{code};
  2407. my $orig_pos = pos($_);
  2408. {
  2409. if ((/\G(?![-=]>)/ && /\G(?=$self->{operators_re})/o) || /\G\./gc) {
  2410. my ($method, $req_arg, $op_type) = $self->get_method_name(code => $opt{code});
  2411. if (defined($method)) {
  2412. my $has_arg;
  2413. if (/\G\h*(?=[({])/gc || $req_arg) {
  2414. my $arg = (
  2415. $req_arg ? $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code}, multiline => 1)
  2416. : /\G(?=\()/ ? $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code})
  2417. : /\G(?=\{)/ ? $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, topic_var => 1)
  2418. : die "[PARSER ERROR] Something is wrong in the if condition"
  2419. );
  2420. if (defined $arg) {
  2421. $has_arg = 1;
  2422. $self->append_method(
  2423. array => \@methods,
  2424. method => $method,
  2425. arg => $arg,
  2426. op_type => $op_type,
  2427. );
  2428. }
  2429. else {
  2430. $self->fatal_error(
  2431. code => $_,
  2432. pos => $orig_pos,
  2433. error => "operator `$method` requires a right-side operand",
  2434. );
  2435. }
  2436. }
  2437. $has_arg || do {
  2438. $self->append_method(
  2439. array => \@methods,
  2440. method => $method,
  2441. op_type => $op_type,
  2442. );
  2443. };
  2444. redo;
  2445. }
  2446. }
  2447. }
  2448. return \@methods;
  2449. }
  2450. sub parse_suffixes {
  2451. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  2452. my $struct = $opt{struct};
  2453. local *_ = $opt{code};
  2454. my $parsed = 0;
  2455. if (/\G(?=[\{\[])/) {
  2456. #<<<
  2457. $struct->{$self->{class}}[-1]{self} = {
  2458. $self->{class} => [
  2459. {
  2460. self => $struct->{$self->{class}}[-1]{self},
  2461. exists($struct->{$self->{class}}[-1]{call})
  2462. ? (call => delete $struct->{$self->{class}}[-1]{call})
  2463. : (),
  2464. exists($struct->{$self->{class}}[-1]{ind})
  2465. ? (ind => delete $struct->{$self->{class}}[-1]{ind})
  2466. : (),
  2467. }
  2468. ]
  2469. };
  2470. #>>>
  2471. }
  2472. {
  2473. if (/\G(?=\{)/) {
  2474. while (/\G(?=\{)/) {
  2475. my $lookup = $self->parse_lookup(code => $opt{code});
  2476. push @{$struct->{$self->{class}}[-1]{ind}}, {hash => $lookup->{$self->{class}}};
  2477. }
  2478. $parsed ||= 1;
  2479. redo;
  2480. }
  2481. if (/\G(?=\[)/) {
  2482. while (/\G(?=\[)/) {
  2483. my ($ind) = $self->parse_expr(code => $opt{code});
  2484. push @{$struct->{$self->{class}}[-1]{ind}}, {array => $ind};
  2485. }
  2486. $parsed ||= 1;
  2487. redo;
  2488. }
  2489. if (/\G\h*(?=\()/gc) {
  2490. #<<<
  2491. $struct->{$self->{class}}[-1]{self} = {
  2492. $self->{class} => [
  2493. {
  2494. self => $struct->{$self->{class}}[-1]{self},
  2495. exists($struct->{$self->{class}}[-1]{call})
  2496. ? (call => delete $struct->{$self->{class}}[-1]{call})
  2497. : (),
  2498. exists($struct->{$self->{class}}[-1]{ind})
  2499. ? (ind => delete $struct->{$self->{class}}[-1]{ind})
  2500. : (),
  2501. }
  2502. ]
  2503. };
  2504. #>>>
  2505. my $arg = $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code});
  2506. push @{$struct->{$self->{class}}[-1]{call}},
  2507. {
  2508. method => 'call',
  2509. (%{$arg} ? (arg => [$arg]) : ())
  2510. };
  2511. redo;
  2512. }
  2513. }
  2514. $parsed;
  2515. }
  2516. sub backtrack_whitespace {
  2517. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  2518. local *_ = $opt{code};
  2519. # Backtrack the removal of whitespace
  2520. while (1) {
  2521. my $s = substr($_, pos($_) - 1, 1);
  2522. if ($s =~ /\R/) {
  2523. $self->{line} -= 1;
  2524. pos($_) -= 1;
  2525. last;
  2526. }
  2527. elsif ($s =~ /\h/) {
  2528. pos($_) -= 1;
  2529. }
  2530. else {
  2531. last;
  2532. }
  2533. }
  2534. }
  2535. sub parse_obj {
  2536. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  2537. my %struct;
  2538. local *_ = $opt{code};
  2539. if (not($opt{multiline}) and /\G\h*(?=\R)/gc) {
  2540. $self->fatal_error(
  2541. code => $_,
  2542. pos => pos($_) - 1,
  2543. error => "unexpected end-of-statement",
  2544. );
  2545. }
  2546. my ($obj, $obj_key, $method) = $self->parse_expr(code => $opt{code});
  2547. if (defined $obj) {
  2548. push @{$struct{$self->{class}}}, {self => $obj};
  2549. # for var in array { ... }
  2550. if (ref($obj) eq 'Sidef::Types::Block::For' and /\G\h*(?=[*:]?$self->{var_name_re})/goc) {
  2551. my $class_name = $self->{class};
  2552. my @loops;
  2553. {
  2554. my @vars;
  2555. while (/\G([*:])?($self->{var_name_re})/gc) {
  2556. my $type = $1;
  2557. my $name = $2;
  2558. push @vars,
  2559. bless(
  2560. {
  2561. name => $name,
  2562. type => 'var',
  2563. class => $class_name,
  2564. (
  2565. $type
  2566. ? (
  2567. slurpy => 1,
  2568. ($type eq '*' ? (array => 1) : (hash => 1)),
  2569. )
  2570. : ()
  2571. ),
  2572. },
  2573. 'Sidef::Variable::Variable'
  2574. );
  2575. unshift @{$self->{vars}{$class_name}},
  2576. {
  2577. obj => $vars[-1],
  2578. name => $name,
  2579. count => 1,
  2580. type => 'var',
  2581. line => $self->{line},
  2582. };
  2583. $type && last;
  2584. /\G\h*,\h*/gc || last;
  2585. }
  2586. /\G\h*(?:in|∈|=|)\h*/gc
  2587. || $self->fatal_error(
  2588. error => "expected the token <<in>> after variable declaration in for-loop",
  2589. code => $_,
  2590. pos => pos($_),
  2591. );
  2592. my $expr = (
  2593. /\G(?=\()/
  2594. ? $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code})
  2595. : $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code})
  2596. );
  2597. push @loops,
  2598. {
  2599. vars => \@vars,
  2600. expr => $expr,
  2601. };
  2602. /\G\h*,\h*/gc && redo;
  2603. }
  2604. my $block = (
  2605. /\G\h*(?=\{)/gc
  2606. ? $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code})
  2607. : $self->fatal_error(
  2608. error => "expected a block",
  2609. code => $_,
  2610. pos => pos($_),
  2611. )
  2612. );
  2613. # Remove the for-loop variables from the outer scope
  2614. #<<<
  2615. my %loop_vars = map {
  2616. map { refaddr($_) => 1 } @{$_->{vars}}
  2617. } @loops;
  2618. @{$self->{vars}{$class_name}} = grep {
  2619. ref($_) ne 'HASH'
  2620. or not exists $loop_vars{refaddr($_->{obj})}
  2621. } @{$self->{vars}{$class_name}};
  2622. #>>>
  2623. # Store the info
  2624. $obj->{block} = $block;
  2625. $obj->{loops} = \@loops;
  2626. # Re-bless the $obj into a different class
  2627. bless $obj, 'Sidef::Types::Block::ForIn';
  2628. }
  2629. elsif ($obj_key) {
  2630. my $arg = (
  2631. /\G(?=\()/
  2632. ? $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code})
  2633. : $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code})
  2634. );
  2635. if (defined $arg) {
  2636. my @arg = ($arg);
  2637. if (ref($obj) eq 'Sidef::Types::Block::For') {
  2638. if ($#{$arg->{$self->{class}}} == 2) {
  2639. @arg = (
  2640. map {
  2641. { $self->{class} => [$_] }
  2642. } @{$arg->{$self->{class}}}
  2643. );
  2644. if (/\G\h*(?=\{)/gc) {
  2645. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code});
  2646. $obj->{expr} = \@arg;
  2647. $obj->{block} = $block;
  2648. bless $obj, 'Sidef::Types::Block::CFor';
  2649. }
  2650. else {
  2651. $self->fatal_error(
  2652. code => $_,
  2653. pos => pos($_) - 1,
  2654. error => "invalid declaration of the `for` loop",
  2655. reason => "expected a block after `for(;;)`",
  2656. );
  2657. }
  2658. }
  2659. elsif ($#{$arg->{$self->{class}}} == 0) {
  2660. if (/\G\h*(?=\{)/gc) {
  2661. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, topic_var => 1);
  2662. $obj->{expr} = $arg;
  2663. $obj->{block} = $block;
  2664. bless $obj, 'Sidef::Types::Block::ForEach';
  2665. }
  2666. else {
  2667. $self->fatal_error(
  2668. code => $_,
  2669. pos => pos($_) - 1,
  2670. error => "invalid declaration of the `for` loop",
  2671. reason => "expected a block after `for(...)`",
  2672. );
  2673. }
  2674. }
  2675. else {
  2676. $self->fatal_error(
  2677. code => $_,
  2678. pos => pos($_) - 1,
  2679. error => "invalid declaration of the `for` loop: incorrect number of arguments",
  2680. );
  2681. }
  2682. }
  2683. elsif (ref($obj) eq 'Sidef::Types::Block::ForEach') {
  2684. if (/\G\h*(?=\{)/gc) {
  2685. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, topic_var => 1);
  2686. $obj->{expr} = $arg;
  2687. $obj->{block} = $block;
  2688. }
  2689. else {
  2690. $self->fatal_error(
  2691. code => $_,
  2692. pos => pos($_) - 1,
  2693. error => "invalid declaration of the `foreach` loop",
  2694. reason => "expected a block after `foreach(...)`",
  2695. );
  2696. }
  2697. }
  2698. elsif (ref($obj) eq 'Sidef::Types::Block::If') {
  2699. if (/\G\h*(?=\{)/gc) {
  2700. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, with_vars => 1);
  2701. push @{$obj->{if}}, {expr => $arg, block => $block};
  2702. ELSIF: {
  2703. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  2704. if (/\Gelsif\h*(?=\()/gc) {
  2705. my $arg = $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code});
  2706. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  2707. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, with_vars => 1) // $self->fatal_error(
  2708. code => $_,
  2709. pos => pos($_) - 1,
  2710. error => "invalid declaration of the `if` statement",
  2711. reason => "expected a block after `elsif(...)`",
  2712. );
  2713. push @{$obj->{if}}, {expr => $arg, block => $block};
  2714. redo ELSIF;
  2715. }
  2716. }
  2717. if (/\Gelse\h*(?=\{)/gc) {
  2718. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code});
  2719. $obj->{else}{block} = $block;
  2720. }
  2721. $self->backtrack_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  2722. }
  2723. else {
  2724. $self->fatal_error(
  2725. code => $_,
  2726. pos => pos($_) - 1,
  2727. error => "invalid declaration of the `if` statement",
  2728. reason => "expected a block after `if(...)`",
  2729. );
  2730. }
  2731. }
  2732. elsif (ref($obj) eq 'Sidef::Types::Block::With') {
  2733. if (/\G\h*(?=\{)/gc) {
  2734. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, topic_var => 1);
  2735. push @{$obj->{with}}, {expr => $arg, block => $block};
  2736. ORWITH: {
  2737. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  2738. if (/\Gorwith\h*(?=\()/gc) {
  2739. my $arg = $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code});
  2740. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  2741. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, topic_var => 1) // $self->fatal_error(
  2742. code => $_,
  2743. pos => pos($_) - 1,
  2744. error => "invalid declaration of the `with` statement",
  2745. reason => "expected a block after `orwith(...)`",
  2746. );
  2747. push @{$obj->{with}}, {expr => $arg, block => $block};
  2748. redo ORWITH;
  2749. }
  2750. }
  2751. if (/\Gelse\h*(?=\{)/gc) {
  2752. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code});
  2753. $obj->{else}{block} = $block;
  2754. }
  2755. $self->backtrack_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  2756. }
  2757. else {
  2758. $self->fatal_error(
  2759. code => $_,
  2760. pos => pos($_) - 1,
  2761. error => "invalid declaration of the `with` statement",
  2762. reason => "expected a block after `with(...)`",
  2763. );
  2764. }
  2765. }
  2766. elsif (ref($obj) eq 'Sidef::Types::Block::While') {
  2767. if (/\G\h*(?=\{)/gc) {
  2768. my $block = $self->parse_block(code => $opt{code}, with_vars => 1);
  2769. $obj->{expr} = $arg;
  2770. $obj->{block} = $block;
  2771. }
  2772. else {
  2773. $self->fatal_error(
  2774. code => $_,
  2775. pos => pos($_) - 1,
  2776. error => "invalid declaration of the `while` statement",
  2777. reason => "expected a block after `while(...)`",
  2778. );
  2779. }
  2780. }
  2781. else {
  2782. push @{$struct{$self->{class}}[-1]{call}}, {method => $method, arg => \@arg};
  2783. }
  2784. }
  2785. else {
  2786. $self->fatal_error(
  2787. code => $_,
  2788. error => "expected an argument. Did you mean '$method()' instead?",
  2789. pos => pos($_) - 1,
  2790. );
  2791. }
  2792. }
  2793. {
  2794. # Method call
  2795. if (/\G\h*(?=\.\h*(?:$self->{method_name_re}|[(\$]))/ogc) {
  2796. my $methods = $self->parse_methods(code => $opt{code});
  2797. push @{$struct{$self->{class}}[-1]{call}}, @{$methods};
  2798. }
  2799. # Code extended on a newline
  2800. if (/\G\h*\\(?!\\)/gc) {
  2801. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  2802. redo;
  2803. }
  2804. # Object call
  2805. if (/\G\h*(?=\()/gc) {
  2806. my $arg = $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code});
  2807. push @{$struct{$self->{class}}[-1]{call}},
  2808. {
  2809. method => 'call',
  2810. (%{$arg} ? (arg => [$arg]) : ())
  2811. };
  2812. redo;
  2813. }
  2814. # Do-while construct
  2815. if (ref($obj) eq 'Sidef::Types::Block::Do' and /\G\h*while\b/gc) {
  2816. my $arg = $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code});
  2817. push @{$struct{$self->{class}}[-1]{call}}, {keyword => 'while', arg => [$arg]};
  2818. }
  2819. # Parse array and hash fetchers ([...] and {...})
  2820. if (/\G\.\h*(?=[\[\{])/gc or 1) {
  2821. $self->parse_suffixes(code => $opt{code}, struct => \%struct) && redo;
  2822. }
  2823. # Tightly-binded operator
  2824. if (
  2825. /\G(?![=-]>)/ # not '=>' or '->'
  2826. && (
  2827. /\G(?=$self->{operators_re})/o # operator
  2828. || /\G\h*\.\h*(?!\.\.)(?=$self->{operators_re})/gco # dot followed by operator
  2829. || /\G(?=[⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹])/ # unicode superscript
  2830. )
  2831. ) {
  2832. my $orig_pos = pos($_);
  2833. my ($method, $req_arg, $op_type) = $self->get_method_name(code => $opt{code});
  2834. if (defined($method)) {
  2835. my $has_arg;
  2836. if ($req_arg) {
  2837. my $arg = $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code}, multiline => 1);
  2838. if (defined $arg) {
  2839. if (ref $arg ne 'HASH') {
  2840. $arg = {$self->{class} => [{self => $arg}]};
  2841. }
  2842. my $methods = $self->parse_methods(code => $opt{code});
  2843. if (@{$methods}) {
  2844. push @{$arg->{$self->{class}}[-1]{call}}, @{$methods};
  2845. }
  2846. $has_arg = 1;
  2847. $self->append_method(
  2848. array => \@{$struct{$self->{class}}[-1]{call}},
  2849. method => $method,
  2850. arg => $arg,
  2851. op_type => $op_type,
  2852. );
  2853. }
  2854. else {
  2855. $self->fatal_error(
  2856. code => $_,
  2857. pos => $orig_pos,
  2858. error => "operator `$method` requires a right-side operand",
  2859. );
  2860. }
  2861. }
  2862. $has_arg || do {
  2863. $self->append_method(
  2864. array => \@{$struct{$self->{class}}[-1]{call}},
  2865. method => $method,
  2866. op_type => $op_type,
  2867. );
  2868. };
  2869. redo;
  2870. }
  2871. }
  2872. }
  2873. }
  2874. else {
  2875. return;
  2876. }
  2877. return \%struct;
  2878. }
  2879. sub parse_script {
  2880. my ($self, %opt) = @_;
  2881. my %struct;
  2882. local *_ = $opt{code};
  2883. MAIN: {
  2884. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  2885. if (/\G\@:([^\W\d]\w*+)/gc) {
  2886. push @{$struct{$self->{class}}}, {self => bless({name => $1}, 'Sidef::Variable::Label')};
  2887. redo;
  2888. }
  2889. if (/\G(?:[;,]+|=>)/gc) {
  2890. redo;
  2891. }
  2892. my $obj;
  2893. # Ternary operator
  2894. if (%struct && /\G\?/gc) {
  2895. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  2896. my $true = (
  2897. /\G(?=\()/
  2898. ? $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code})
  2899. : $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code})
  2900. );
  2901. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  2902. /\G:/gc
  2903. || $self->fatal_error(
  2904. code => $_,
  2905. pos => pos($_),
  2906. error => "invalid usage of the ternary operator",
  2907. reason => "expected ':'",
  2908. );
  2909. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  2910. my $false = (
  2911. /\G(?=\()/
  2912. ? $self->parse_arg(code => $opt{code})
  2913. : $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code})
  2914. );
  2915. $obj = bless(
  2916. {
  2917. cond => scalar {$self->{class} => [pop @{$struct{$self->{class}}}]},
  2918. true => $true,
  2919. false => $false
  2920. },
  2921. 'Sidef::Types::Bool::Ternary'
  2922. );
  2923. }
  2924. else {
  2925. $obj = $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code});
  2926. }
  2927. if (defined $obj) {
  2928. push @{$struct{$self->{class}}}, {self => $obj};
  2929. {
  2930. my $pos_before = pos($_);
  2931. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  2932. # End of expression
  2933. if (/\G(?:[;,]+|=>)/gc or substr($_, $pos_before, pos($_) - $pos_before) =~ /\R/) {
  2934. redo MAIN;
  2935. }
  2936. # Code extended on a newline
  2937. if (/\G\\(?!\\)/gc) {
  2938. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  2939. }
  2940. my $is_operator = /\G(?!->)/ && /\G(?=($self->{operators_re}))/o;
  2941. if ($is_operator or /\G(?:->|\.)\h*/gc) {
  2942. # Implicit end of statement -- redo
  2943. $self->parse_whitespace(code => $opt{code});
  2944. my $methods;
  2945. if ($is_operator) {
  2946. $methods = $self->parse_methods(code => $opt{code});
  2947. }
  2948. else {
  2949. my $code = substr($_, pos);
  2950. my $dot_op = $code =~ /^\./;
  2951. if ($dot_op) { $code = ". $code" }
  2952. else { $code = ".$code" }
  2953. $methods = $self->parse_methods(code => \$code);
  2954. pos($_) += pos($code) - ($dot_op ? 2 : 1);
  2955. }
  2956. if (@{$methods}) {
  2957. push @{$struct{$self->{class}}[-1]{call}}, @{$methods};
  2958. }
  2959. else {
  2960. $self->fatal_error(
  2961. error => 'incomplete method name',
  2962. code => $_,
  2963. pos => pos($_) - 1,
  2964. );
  2965. }
  2966. $self->parse_suffixes(code => $opt{code}, struct => \%struct);
  2967. redo;
  2968. }
  2969. elsif (/\G(if|while|and|or)\b\h*/gc) {
  2970. my $keyword = $1;
  2971. my $obj = $self->parse_obj(code => $opt{code});
  2972. push @{$struct{$self->{class}}[-1]{call}}, {keyword => $keyword, arg => [$obj]};
  2973. redo;
  2974. }
  2975. else {
  2976. redo MAIN;
  2977. }
  2978. }
  2979. }
  2980. if (/\G(?:[;,]+|=>)/gc) {
  2981. redo;
  2982. }
  2983. # We are at the end of the script.
  2984. # We make some checks, and return the \%struct hash ref.
  2985. if (/\G\z/) {
  2986. $self->check_declarations($self->{ref_vars});
  2987. return \%struct;
  2988. }
  2989. if (/\G\]/gc) {
  2990. if (--$self->{right_brackets} < 0) {
  2991. $self->fatal_error(
  2992. error => 'unbalanced right bracket',
  2993. code => $_,
  2994. pos => pos($_) - 1,
  2995. );
  2996. }
  2997. return \%struct;
  2998. }
  2999. if (/\G\}/gc) {
  3000. if (--$self->{curly_brackets} < 0) {
  3001. $self->fatal_error(
  3002. error => 'unbalanced curly bracket',
  3003. code => $_,
  3004. pos => pos($_) - 1,
  3005. );
  3006. }
  3007. return \%struct;
  3008. }
  3009. # The end of an argument expression
  3010. if (/\G\)/gc) {
  3011. if (--$self->{parentheses} < 0) {
  3012. $self->fatal_error(
  3013. error => 'unbalanced parenthesis',
  3014. code => $_,
  3015. pos => pos($_) - 1,
  3016. );
  3017. }
  3018. return \%struct;
  3019. }
  3020. $self->fatal_error(
  3021. code => $_,
  3022. pos => (pos($_)),
  3023. error => "expected a method",
  3024. );
  3025. pos($_) += 1;
  3026. redo;
  3027. }
  3028. }
  3029. };
  3030. 1