build.ini 973 B

  1. # Uncomment only if /etc/os-release file does no exists
  2. # os_id=fedora
  3. # os_version=26
  4. php_version=8.0.0
  5. compression=tar.xz
  6. # fpm|mod_php
  7. php_mode=fpm
  8. fpm_user=phpfpm
  9. fpm_group=phpfpm
  10. # [IP:]PORT
  11. fpm_listen=9000
  12. # IPs separated by ,
  13. fpm_allowed_clients=
  14. # Allow to execute pre-build or post-install actions, vallue: apache-prefork|apache-worker|nginx|builtin or leave empty if the webserver
  15. # is installed or you want to install and configure the webserver by
  16. # yourself
  17. web_server=
  18. install_prefix=/usr/
  19. # Non thread safe (nts)|Thread safe. Reserved for future use
  20. # thread_model=nts
  21. # sysv|systemd
  22. sysinit=systemd
  23. # This allows to create multiple init script for multiple php installation
  24. # a value of true creates versioned sysinit script for example php72-fpm
  25. # systemd unit
  26. sysinit_versioned=true
  27. # Allow to enable DB extension also to execute DB pre-build or post-install actions, value: mysql sqlite postgrep
  28. databases="mysql sqlite postgre"
  29. # dev|prod
  30. php_env=dev