editor-open.cabal 1.4 KB

  1. name: editor-open
  2. version:
  3. synopsis: Open the user's $EDITOR for text input.
  4. description:
  5. You know when you run @git commit@, and an editor pops open so you can enter a
  6. commit message? This is a Haskell library that does that.
  7. .
  8. This library isn't very portable. It relies on the @$EDITOR@ environment
  9. variable. The concept only exists on *nix systems.
  10. homepage: https://notabug.org/pharpend/editor-open
  11. license: Apache-2.0
  12. license-file: LICENSE
  13. author: Peter Harpending
  14. maintainer: peter@harpending.org
  15. copyright: Copyright 2015 Peter Harpending
  16. category: Text
  17. build-type: Simple
  18. cabal-version: >=1.10
  19. bug-reports: https://notabug.org/pharpend/editor-open/issues/new
  20. extra-source-files:
  21. README.md
  22. library
  23. -- other-modules:
  24. -- other-extensions:
  25. hs-source-dirs: src
  26. default-language: Haskell2010
  27. default-extensions:
  28. LambdaCase
  29. MultiWayIf
  30. OverloadedStrings
  31. build-depends:
  32. base ==4.8.*
  33. , bytestring
  34. , process >=1.2
  35. , temporary
  36. , unix
  37. exposed-modules:
  38. Text.Editor
  39. source-repository head
  40. type: git
  41. location: https://notabug.org/pharpend/editor-open.git
  42. source-repository this
  43. type: git
  44. location: https://notabug.org/pharpend/editor-open.git
  45. tag: