conf.lua 2.7 KB

  1. --Nothing should be changed with this config expect: window size, enabling a module.
  2. --LIKO-12 Version
  3. _LVer = {
  4. magor = 0,
  5. minor = 7,
  6. patch = 2,
  7. tag = "DEV", --"DEV"
  8. }
  9. _LVERSION = string.format("V%d.%d.%d_%s",_LVer.magor,_LVer.minor,_LVer.patch,_LVer.tag)
  10. --BuildConfig
  11. local build = {}
  12. if love.filesystem.getInfo("build.json", "file") then
  13. build ="build.json")
  14. build = require("Engine.JSON"):decode(build)
  15. end
  16. function love.conf(t)
  17. t.identity = build.Appdata or "liko12"-- The name of the save directory (string)
  18. t.version = "11.0" -- The LÖVE version this game was made for (string)
  19. t.console = false -- Attach a console (boolean, Windows only)
  20. t.accelerometerjoystick = false -- Enable the accelerometer on iOS and Android by exposing it as a Joystick (boolean)
  21. t.externalstorage = true -- True to save files (and read from the save directory) in external storage on Android (boolean)
  22. t.gammacorrect = false -- Enable gamma-correct rendering, when supported by the system (boolean)
  23. = true -- Keep background music playing when opening LOVE (boolean, iOS and Android only)
  24. t.window = false --The window will be created later by the GPU Peripheral.
  25. = true -- Enable the audio module (boolean)
  26. = true -- Enable the data module (boolean)
  27. t.modules.event = true -- Enable the event module (boolean)
  28. t.modules.font = true -- Enable the font module (boolean)
  29. = true -- Enable the graphics module (boolean)
  30. t.modules.image = true -- Enable the image module (boolean)
  31. t.modules.joystick = true -- Enable the joystick module (boolean)
  32. t.modules.keyboard = true -- Enable the keyboard module (boolean)
  33. t.modules.math = true -- Enable the math module (boolean)
  34. t.modules.mouse = true -- Enable the mouse module (boolean)
  35. t.modules.physics = false -- Disable the physics module (boolean)
  36. t.modules.sound = true -- Enable the sound module (boolean)
  37. t.modules.system = true -- Enable the system module (boolean)
  38. t.modules.thread = true -- Enable the thread module (boolean)
  39. t.modules.timer = true -- Enable the timer module (boolean), Disabling it will result 0 delta time in love.update
  40. t.modules.touch = true -- Enable the touch module (boolean)
  41. = false -- Disable the video module (boolean)
  42. t.modules.window = true -- Enable the window module (boolean)
  43. end