gui-todo.txt 3.1 KB

  1. texteditor- * = useful in notes too; @ in console
  2. *retain virtual cursor column when up/down
  3. *word wrap indentation
  4. block comment/uncomment
  5. syntax highlighting
  6. auto-complete
  7. symbol browser
  8. *goto line
  9. @*search, replace
  10. *line#s
  11. code folding
  12. *highlight current line
  13. ()[]{} matching (highlight, goto)
  14. *bookmarks
  15. breakpoints
  16. @*dbl-click-drag highlight by words
  17. 'center view' keystroke- alt+home
  18. prev/next function- alt+pgup/dn
  19. prev/next brace- alt+up/dn
  20. begin/end of current braces/block- alt+lt/rt
  21. need to be able to click on menubar to cancel a popup with no other windows open
  22. closing last window with mouse hovering over retains previous mouse pointer
  23. treat maximize as it's own app size (detected and set separately)
  24. network path support?
  26. num textures, subtextures
  27. memory used
  28. memory "wasted", % wasted
  29. memory / num resident, % of each
  30. pixels / textures drawn per frame, fps
  31. current / worst / average on all
  32. debug events?
  33. spawns:
  34. dbl-click for properties of spawn
  35. ctrl+move/place aligns to grid
  36. selecting via keyboard should hit tile-based range
  37. moving selection via keyboard?
  38. deleting tileset/animgroup/script needs to affect scripts, spawns, and clipboard spawns
  39. retaining ALT pressed after a click-away, usually
  40. still losing mouse on video mode change
  41. gradients are poor when displaying GUI over a game (why?)
  42. up/down on layer list works- but what if you want to move cursor? (same w/left+right on color list)
  43. focus rectangle shows up on treeview item even if not active
  44. make a few global items dynamic (save all/close all)
  45. throttle repeating shift/ctrl/alt keys? (for efficiency)
  46. need shortcut key for rt-click in listbox/treeview
  47. *confirm deletion of layers/objects/etc. (with [ ] do not ask again)
  48. *mouse hidden on start if over app, sometimes
  49. *cursor in tile editor needs border (cursors are hard to see in general?)
  50. *multiple tile rows in tile selection toolpanel need to scroll together? (as in, based on tilesperline)
  51. New world, New tileset, close tileset using small [x] on tool window; close program, hover over save dialog = crash
  52. option- instead of color pallete, just have the color selection bars instead
  53. layer editing:
  54. (properly undo selection resize from layer resize- block with layer resize)
  55. (make culling of tiles when resizing tileset an option, with separate? undo)
  56. magic wand
  57. selection masking for tools
  58. finish toolbar
  59. dropper
  60. mirror/flip/rotate buttons
  61. drawing with larger than 1x1
  62. patterns- create, in a tile set, patterns- normal, stretchable (repeats central items) and repeatable (like wallpaper)
  63. then a stretch tool or sponge tool to use them
  64. *Lower resolutions don't handle large popup menus cleanly
  65. *count of consecutive idle events, so we can detect longer idles for refreshes and garbage collection
  66. *Shortcut key configuration dialog
  67. *progress meter- use when resizing tileset or layer or clearabove on layer
  68. *partial saving; don't compress data that's too small
  69. *glyph width auto-mode
  70. *some windows (editbox, ?) aren't setting scroll sizes
  71. *store void functions (Dialog** and PopupMenu** ex) to call for garbage collection
  72. same functions called on exit?
  73. *combining windows and tabbar