plugins.conf 10 KB

  1. #
  2. # weechat -- plugins.conf
  3. #
  4. # WARNING: It is NOT recommended to edit this file by hand,
  5. # especially if WeeChat is running.
  6. #
  7. # Use /set or similar command to change settings in WeeChat.
  8. #
  9. # For more info, see:
  10. #
  11. [var]
  12. fifo.fifo = "on"
  13. guile.check_license = "off"
  14. lua.check_license = "off"
  15. perl.beep.beep_command_dcc = "$bell"
  16. perl.beep.beep_command_highlight = "$bell"
  17. perl.beep.beep_command_pv = "$bell"
  18. perl.beep.beep_command_timeout = "30000"
  19. perl.beep.beep_dcc = "on"
  20. perl.beep.beep_highlight = "on"
  21. perl.beep.beep_highlight_blacklist = "off"
  22. perl.beep.beep_highlight_whitelist = "off"
  23. perl.beep.beep_pv = "on"
  24. perl.beep.beep_pv_blacklist = "off"
  25. perl.beep.beep_pv_whitelist = "off"
  26. perl.beep.beep_trigger_highlight = ""
  27. perl.beep.beep_trigger_pv = ""
  28. perl.beep.bell_always = ""
  29. perl.beep.blacklist_nicks = ""
  30. perl.beep.whitelist_channels = ""
  31. perl.beep.whitelist_nicks = ""
  32. perl.check_license = "off"
  33. perl.notify_send.command = "notify-send $type: $name"
  34. perl.notify_send.ignore_nicks = ""
  35. perl.notify_send.wait_highlight = "60"
  36. perl.notify_send.wait_pm = "180"
  37. python.anotify.icon = "/usr/share/pixmaps/weechat.xpm"
  38. python.anotify.show_channel_topic = "on"
  39. python.anotify.show_dcc = "on"
  40. python.anotify.show_highlighted_message = "on"
  41. python.anotify.show_invite_message = "on"
  42. python.anotify.show_notice_message = "off"
  43. python.anotify.show_private_action_message = "on"
  44. python.anotify.show_private_message = "on"
  45. python.anotify.show_public_action_message = "off"
  46. python.anotify.show_public_message = "off"
  47. python.anotify.show_server = "on"
  48. python.anotify.show_upgrade_ended = "on"
  49. python.anotify.sticky = "off"
  50. python.anotify.sticky_away = "on"
  51. python.check_license = "off"
  52. python.urlserver.buffer_short_name = "off"
  53. python.urlserver.color = "darkgray"
  54. python.urlserver.color_in_msg = ""
  55. python.urlserver.debug = "off"
  56. python.urlserver.display_urls = "on"
  57. python.urlserver.display_urls_in_msg = "off"
  58. python.urlserver.http_allowed_ips = ""
  59. python.urlserver.http_auth = ""
  60. python.urlserver.http_auth_redirect = "on"
  61. python.urlserver.http_autostart = "on"
  62. python.urlserver.http_bg_color = "#f4f4f4"
  63. python.urlserver.http_css_url = ""
  64. python.urlserver.http_embed_image = "off"
  65. python.urlserver.http_embed_youtube = "off"
  66. python.urlserver.http_embed_youtube_size = "480*350"
  67. python.urlserver.http_fg_color = "#000"
  68. python.urlserver.http_hostname = ""
  69. python.urlserver.http_hostname_display = ""
  70. python.urlserver.http_open_in_new_page = "on"
  71. python.urlserver.http_port = ""
  72. python.urlserver.http_port_display = ""
  73. python.urlserver.http_prefix_suffix = " "
  74. python.urlserver.http_scheme_display = "http"
  75. python.urlserver.http_time_format = "%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S"
  76. python.urlserver.http_title = "WeeChat URLs"
  77. python.urlserver.http_url_prefix = ""
  78. python.urlserver.msg_filtered = "off"
  79. python.urlserver.msg_ignore_buffers = "core.weechat,python.grep"
  80. python.urlserver.msg_ignore_dup_urls = "off"
  81. python.urlserver.msg_ignore_regex = ""
  82. python.urlserver.msg_ignore_tags = "irc_quit,irc_part,notify_none"
  83. python.urlserver.msg_require_tags = "nick_"
  84. python.urlserver.separators = "[|]"
  85. python.urlserver.url_min_length = "0"
  86. python.urlserver.urls_amount = "100"
  87. ruby.check_license = "off"
  88. tcl.check_license = "off"
  89. [desc]
  90. perl.beep.beep_command_dcc = "command for beep on dcc, special value "$bell" is allowed, as well as "$bell;command" (default: "$bell")"
  91. perl.beep.beep_command_highlight = "command for beep on highlight, special value "$bell" is allowed, as well as "$bell;command" (default: "$bell")"
  92. perl.beep.beep_command_pv = "command for beep on private message, special value "$bell" is allowed, as well as "$bell;command" (default: "$bell")"
  93. perl.beep.beep_command_timeout = "timeout for command run (in milliseconds, 0 = never kill (not recommended)) (default: "30000")"
  94. perl.beep.beep_dcc = "beep on dcc (default: "on")"
  95. perl.beep.beep_highlight = "beep on highlight (default: "on")"
  96. perl.beep.beep_highlight_blacklist = "turn blacklist for highlights on or off (default: "off")"
  97. perl.beep.beep_highlight_whitelist = "turn whitelist for highlights on or off (default: "off")"
  98. perl.beep.beep_pv = "beep on private message (default: "on")"
  99. perl.beep.beep_pv_blacklist = "turn blacklist for private messages on or off (default: "off")"
  100. perl.beep.beep_pv_whitelist = "turn whitelist for private messages on or off (default: "off")"
  101. perl.beep.beep_trigger_highlight = "word that will trigger execution of beep_command_highlight (if empty, anything will trigger) (default: "")"
  102. perl.beep.beep_trigger_pv = "word that will trigger execution of beep_command_pv (it empty, anything will trigger) (default: "")"
  103. perl.beep.bell_always = "use $bell on private messages and/or highlights regardless of trigger and whitelist settings (example: "pv,highlight") (default: "")"
  104. perl.beep.blacklist_nicks = "comma-separated list of "server.nick": if not empty, these nicks will not be able to trigger execution of commands. Cannot be used in conjuction with whitelist (example: "freenode.nick1,freenode.nick2") (default: "")"
  105. perl.beep.whitelist_channels = "comma-separated list of "server.#channel": if not empty, only these channels will trigger execution of commands (example: "freenode.#weechat,freenode.#channel2") (default: "")"
  106. perl.beep.whitelist_nicks = "comma-separated list of "server.nick": if not empty, only these nicks will trigger execution of commands (example: "freenode.nick1,freenode.nick2") (default: "")"
  107. perl.notify_send.command = "system command to be executed ($type, $name, and $message will be interpreted as values) (default: "notify-send $type: $name")"
  108. perl.notify_send.ignore_nicks = "comma-separated list of nicks to ignore (default: "")"
  109. perl.notify_send.wait_highlight = "necessary time delay between highlights (seconds) for command to be executed (default: "60")"
  110. perl.notify_send.wait_pm = "necessary time delay between private messages (seconds) for command to be executed (default: "180")"
  111. python.urlserver.buffer_short_name = "use buffer short name on dedicated buffer (default: "off")"
  112. python.urlserver.color = "color for urls displayed after message (default: "darkgray")"
  113. python.urlserver.color_in_msg = "color for urls displayed inside irc message: it is a number (irc color) between 00 and 15 (see doc for a list of irc colors) (default: "")"
  114. python.urlserver.debug = "print some debug messages (default: "off")"
  115. python.urlserver.display_urls = "display URLs below messages (default: "on")"
  116. python.urlserver.display_urls_in_msg = "add shorten url next to the original url (only in IRC messages) (useful for urlserver behind relay/irc) (default: "off")"
  117. python.urlserver.http_allowed_ips = "regex for IPs allowed to use server (example: "^(|192.160.*)$") (default: "")"
  118. python.urlserver.http_auth = "login and password (format: "login:password") required to access to page with list of URLs (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval) (default: "")"
  119. python.urlserver.http_auth_redirect = "require the login/password (if option "http_auth" is set) for URLs redirections (default: "on")"
  120. python.urlserver.http_autostart = "start the built-in HTTP server automatically) (default: "on")"
  121. python.urlserver.http_bg_color = "background color for HTML page (default: "#f4f4f4")"
  122. python.urlserver.http_css_url = "URL of external Cascading Style Sheet to add (BE CAREFUL: the HTTP referer will be sent to site hosting CSS file!) (empty value = use default embedded CSS) (default: "")"
  123. python.urlserver.http_embed_image = "embed images in HTML page (BE CAREFUL: the HTTP referer will be sent to site hosting image!) (default: "off")"
  124. python.urlserver.http_embed_youtube = "embed youtube videos in HTML page (BE CAREFUL: the HTTP referer will be sent to youtube!) (default: "off")"
  125. python.urlserver.http_embed_youtube_size = "size for embedded youtube video, format is "xxx*yyy" (default: "480*350")"
  126. python.urlserver.http_fg_color = "foreground color for HTML page (default: "#000")"
  127. python.urlserver.http_hostname = "force hostname/IP in bind of socket (empty value = auto-detect current hostname) (default: "")"
  128. python.urlserver.http_hostname_display = "display this hostname in shortened URLs (default: "")"
  129. python.urlserver.http_open_in_new_page = "open links in new pages/tabs (default: "on")"
  130. python.urlserver.http_port = "force port for listening (empty value = find a random free port) (default: "")"
  131. python.urlserver.http_port_display = "display this port in shortened URLs. Useful if you forward a different external port to the internal port (default: "")"
  132. python.urlserver.http_prefix_suffix = "suffix displayed between prefix and message in HTML page (default: " ")"
  133. python.urlserver.http_scheme_display = "display this scheme in shortened URLs (default: "http")"
  134. python.urlserver.http_time_format = "time format in the HTML page (default: "%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")"
  135. python.urlserver.http_title = "title of the HTML page (default: "WeeChat URLs")"
  136. python.urlserver.http_url_prefix = "prefix to add in URLs to prevent external people to scan your URLs (for example: prefix "xx" will give URL: (default: "")"
  137. python.urlserver.msg_filtered = "shorten URLs in filtered messages (with /filter) (default: "off")"
  138. python.urlserver.msg_ignore_buffers = "comma-separated list (without spaces) of buffers to ignore (full name like "irc.freenode.#weechat") (default: "core.weechat,python.grep")"
  139. python.urlserver.msg_ignore_dup_urls = "ignore duplicated URLs (do not add an URL in list if it is already) (default: "off")"
  140. python.urlserver.msg_ignore_regex = "ignore messages matching this regex (default: "")"
  141. python.urlserver.msg_ignore_tags = "comma-separated list (without spaces) of tags (or beginning of tags) to ignore (for example, use "notify_none" to ignore self messages or "nick_weebot" to ignore messages from nick "weebot") (default: "irc_quit,irc_part,notify_none")"
  142. python.urlserver.msg_require_tags = "comma-separated list (without spaces) of tags (or beginning of tags) required to shorten URLs (for example "nick_" to shorten URLs only in messages from other users) (default: "nick_")"
  143. python.urlserver.separators = "separators for short url list (string with exactly 3 chars) (default: "[|]")"
  144. python.urlserver.url_min_length = "minimum length for an URL to be shortened (0 = shorten all URLs, -1 = detect length based on shorten URL) (default: "0")"
  145. python.urlserver.urls_amount = "number of URLs to keep in memory (and in file when script is not loaded) (default: "100")"