#21 Some broken links

3 سال پیش باز شده توسط jorgesumle · 2 دیدگاه
  • Peers Kart link is broken
  • DMUX link is broken
  • Maybe some more?
- Peers Kart link is broken - DMUX link is broken - Maybe some more?
zPlus نظر 3 سال پیش

Hi jorge :) This was actually patched by necklace, I think the new files just haven't been copied on the webserver. @vaeringjar do you have time to update the site? Otherwise it's not a problem I'll do it as soon as I have 5 minutes.

Hi jorge :) This was actually [patched by necklace](https://notabug.org/peers/peers-www/pulls/20), I think the new files just haven't been copied on the webserver. @vaeringjar do you have time to update the site? Otherwise it's not a problem I'll do it as soon as I have 5 minutes.
zPlus نظر 3 سال پیش

I've uploaded the files. Hopefully I haven't broken anything :)

I've uploaded the files. Hopefully I haven't broken anything :)
zPlus 3 سال پیش بسته شد
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