#15 Consider running a node for ring with dhtnode

6 年 前vaeringjar によって開かれました · 5 コメント
vaeringjar6 年 前 にコメントしました
https://ring.cx/ https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/ring/2017-05/msg00029.html
bill-auger6 年 前 にコメントしました

bill-auger6 年 前 にコメントしました

i should add too that this so far was concerning only the name-server but the core ring connectivity runs over a truly distributed DHT network distinct from the name-server - this is perhaps a more important node to run

as described above, the name-server is actually a non-essential component for user-friendliness - but running this sort of backbone node improves the robustness of the entire network

this is described a bit in this post


i should add too that this so far was concerning only the name-server but the core ring connectivity runs over a truly distributed DHT network distinct from the name-server - this is perhaps a more important node to run as described above, the name-server is actually a non-essential component for user-friendliness - but running this sort of backbone node improves the robustness of the entire network this is described a bit in this post https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/ring/2017-05/msg00038.html
zPlus6 年 前 にコメントしました

It looks like this requires a (python?) script to be run, and also to open a new port (4222). Unfortunately I'm not sure if the current setup allows this. I think the server where the community website is hosted, only allows the creation of new web spaces.

It looks like this requires a (python?) script to be run, and also to open a new port (4222). Unfortunately I'm not sure if the current setup allows this. I think the server where the community website is hosted, only allows the creation of new web spaces.
vaeringjar6 年 前 にコメントしました

This isn't off the table yet. I'm negotiating how to get the new port. This might take some time though.

This isn't off the table yet. I'm negotiating how to get the new port. This might take some time though.
bill-auger6 年 前 にコメントしました

do you know what OS the server is running? i think they just made a debian package of this so install maybe very easy

do you know what OS the server is running? i think they just made a debian package of this so install maybe very easy
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