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Fedora Dockerfile for tools image

Tools image is intended to be used as Super Privileged Container (SPC) to extend the set of tools provided by Atomic Host.

To build, copy the sources down and call:

    # docker build --rm -t <username>/tools .

To run:

  1. Not running on Atomic Host? Install the atomic tool with:

    # dnf install atomic
  2. If you are at Atomic Host, you have atomic tool preinstalled and thus you can directly call

   # atomic run <username>/tools

to get a shell in the tools container, or

   # atomic run <username>/tools <command>

to run a specific command. For example:

   # atomic run <username>/tools man systemd

atomic tool uses image labels to figure out the docker run command. You can check the RUN label by calling

docker inspect -f '{{.Config.Labels.RUN}}' <username>/tools