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Title: Antergos installation guide with screenshots Date: 2016-08-29 14:38:44 Categories: [os] tags: [antergos] Slug: antergos-installation-guide-with-screenshots Authors: sedlav

Summary: Today, we will show you how to install Antergos, an Arch based distribution that comes with a graphical installer to make the installation much easi

Today, we will show you how to install Antergos, an Arch based distribution that comes with a graphical installer to make the installation much easier for newbies.

Antergos is a rolling release distribution. Your entire system, from the base OS components to the applications that you install, will receive updates as they are released upstream—with only a minimal delay to ensure stability. The purpose of Antergos is to provide a modern, elegant, and powerful operating system based on one of the best Linux distributions available, Arch Linux.
