The Lumina team has released Lumina 791 B

Title: "The Lumina team has released Lumina 1.2.0" Date: 2017-01-04 11:49:00 Categories: [news] tags: [freebsd, netbsd, openbsd, lumina]

Authors: sedlav

This release is primarily an enhancement from Lumina 1.1.0 systems with some new plugins, a new utility, ... this version also reduces or eliminates many things. First, the LuminaUtils library has been completely dismantled and is no longer installed or required as part of the Lumina infrastructure...

Lumina is also designed to require fewer dependencies than most other desktop environments. The Lumina desktop does not require PolicyKit, HAL or systemd, for example. This makes Lumina very portable and the desktop can be run on most flavors of BSD and GNU/Linux.
