939 B

Title: "Cockpit - Administer your GNU/Linux servers from the browser" Date: 2016-10-08 00:06:51 Categories: [devops] tags: [cockpit] Slug: cockpit-administer-your-gnulinux-servers-from-the-browser

Authors: sedlav

Cockpit makes it easy to administer your GNU/Linux servers via a web browser.


  • Easy to use. Cockpit makes GNU/Linux discoverable, allowing sysadmins to easily perform tasks such as starting containers, storage administration, network configuration, inspecting logs and so on.
  • No interference. Jumping between the terminal and the web tool is no problem. A service started via Cockpit can be stopped via the terminal. Likewise, if an error occurs in the terminal, it can be seen in the Cockpit journal interface.
  • Multi-server. You can monitor and administer several servers at the same time. Just add it easily and your server will look after its buddies.
