All You Need to Know About Galera 846 B

Title: "All You Need to Know About GCache (Galera-Cache)" Date: 2016-12-01 08:31:00 Categories: [data base] tags: [mysql, mariadb, percona]

Authors: sedlav

This blog discusses some important aspects of GCache.

Why do we need GCache?

Percona XtraDB Cluster is a multi-master topology, where a transaction executed on one node is replicated on another node(s) of the cluster. This transaction is then copied over from the group channel to Galera-Cache followed by apply action.

The cache can be discarded immediately once the transaction is applied, but retaining it can help promote a node as a DONOR node serving write-sets for a newly booted node.

So in short, GCache acts as a temporary storage for replicated transactions.
