12 interesting Linux Commands that can make you laugh.md 790 B

Title: 12 interesting Linux Commands that can make you laugh Date: 2017-05-20 20:46:15 Categories: [cli] Tags: [fortune, rev, yes, asciiquarium, toilet, aafire, cowsay, cmatrix, oneko, espeak, sl]

Authors: sedlav

Do you ever know that Linux is not just for serious work for admins and professionals, but you can play word games, speak to your Linux terminal or create beautiful ASCII pictures etc.? Yes, Linux is really fun, if you know the correct commands. Let’s look at some of these commands that can bring a smile to your face instantly or which can be used at the end of a day-long hectic work to ease the pressure and bring some relief on to you, so that you can leave home in a good mood.
