CvDLLEntityIFaceBase.h 3.0 KB

  1. #pragma once
  2. #ifndef CvDLLEntityIFaceBase_h
  3. #define CvDLLEntityIFaceBase_h
  4. #pragma warning(disable:4100)
  5. //#include "CvEnums.h"
  6. //
  7. // abstract class containing entity-related functions that the DLL needs
  8. //
  9. class CvEntity;
  10. class CvUnitEntity;
  11. class CvCity;
  12. class CvUnit;
  13. class CvMissionDefinition;
  14. class CvPlot;
  15. class CvRiver;
  16. class CvDLLEntityIFaceBase
  17. {
  18. public:
  19. virtual void removeEntity(CvEntity*) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); }
  20. virtual void addEntity(CvEntity*, uint uiEntAddFlags) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); }
  21. virtual void setup(CvEntity*) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); }
  22. virtual void setVisible(CvEntity*, bool) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); }
  23. virtual void createCityEntity(CvCity*) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); }
  24. virtual void createUnitEntity(CvUnit*) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); }
  25. virtual void destroyEntity(CvEntity*&, bool bSafeDelete=true) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); }
  26. virtual void updatePosition(CvEntity *gameEntity) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); }
  27. virtual void setupFloodPlains(CvRiver *river) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); }
  28. virtual bool IsSelected(const CvEntity*) const { return false; }
  29. virtual void PlayAnimation(CvEntity*, AnimationTypes eAnim, float fSpeed = 1.0f, bool bQueue = false, int iLayer = 0, float fStartPct = 0.0f, float fEndPct = 1.0f) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); }
  30. virtual void StopAnimation(CvEntity*, AnimationTypes eAnim) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); }
  31. virtual void StopAnimation(CvEntity * ) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here");}
  32. virtual void NotifyEntity(CvUnitEntity*, MissionTypes eMission) { FAssertMsg( false, "can't get here"); }
  33. virtual void MoveTo(CvUnitEntity*, const CvPlot * pkPlot ) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); }
  34. virtual void QueueMove(CvUnitEntity*, const CvPlot * pkPlot ) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); }
  35. virtual void ExecuteMove(CvUnitEntity*, float fTimeToExecute, bool bCombat ) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); }
  36. virtual void SetPosition(CvUnitEntity* pEntity, const CvPlot * pkPlot ) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); }
  37. virtual void AddMission(const CvMissionDefinition* pDefinition) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); };
  38. virtual void RemoveUnitFromBattle(CvUnit* pUnit) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); };
  39. virtual void showPromotionGlow(CvUnitEntity* pEntity, bool show) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); };
  40. virtual void updateEnemyGlow(CvUnitEntity* pEntity) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); };
  41. virtual void updatePromotionLayers(CvUnitEntity* pEntity) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); };
  42. virtual void updateGraphicEra(CvUnitEntity* pEntity, EraTypes eOldEra = NO_ERA) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); };
  43. virtual void SetSiegeTower(CvUnitEntity *pEntity, bool show) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); };
  44. virtual bool GetSiegeTower(CvUnitEntity *pEntity) { FAssertMsg(false, "can't get here"); return false; };
  45. };
  46. #endif // CvDLLEntityIFaceBase_h