kelsoo redigerade denna sida 5 år sedan

#this is a minimal tint that removes many of the features that already exist in the icewm taskbar cpu, network, memory. clock. workspace number etc but adds better switching via drag n drop and a clearer and instant visual feedback of what application has focus, which are open and on which workspace they are present.

#---- Generated by tint2conf 728d ----

See https://gitlab.com/o9000/tint2/wikis/Configure for

full documentation of the configuration options.



Background 1: Battery, Clock, Panel, Tooltip

rounded = 0 border_width = 1 background_color = #333333 100 border_color = #333333 100 background_color_hover = #9cff00 100 border_color_hover = #666666 100 background_color_pressed = #9cff00 100 border_color_pressed = #999999 100

Background 2: Active taskbar

rounded = 0 border_width = 1 background_color = #3b3c3e 100 border_color = #9cff00 100 background_color_hover = #9cff00 100 border_color_hover = #9cff00 100 background_color_pressed = #9cff00 100 border_color_pressed = #999999 100

Background 3: Inactive desktop name, Inactive taskbar

rounded = 0 border_width = 1 background_color = #333333 100 border_color = #666666 100 background_color_hover = #00ff03 100 border_color_hover = #00ff03 100 background_color_pressed = #c9ff00 100 border_color_pressed = #0aff00 100

Background 4: Active desktop name, Active task

rounded = 0 border_width = 1 background_color = #9cff00 100 border_color = #333333 100 background_color_hover = #9cff00 100 border_color_hover = #666666 100 background_color_pressed = #9cff00 100 border_color_pressed = #999999 100



panel_items = T panel_size = 100% 28 panel_margin = 1 1 panel_padding = 1 1 1 panel_background_id = 1 wm_menu = 1 panel_dock = 0 panel_position = bottom center horizontal panel_layer = top panel_monitor = all primary_monitor_first = 0 autohide = 0 autohide_show_timeout = 0 autohide_hide_timeout = 0.5 autohide_height = 2 strut_policy = follow_size panel_window_name = tint2 disable_transparency = 1 mouse_effects = 1 font_shadow = 0 mouse_hover_icon_asb = 96 0 50 mouse_pressed_icon_asb = 96 0 0



taskbar_mode = multi_desktop taskbar_padding = 0 0 0 taskbar_background_id = 3 taskbar_active_background_id = 2 taskbar_name = 0 taskbar_hide_inactive_tasks = 0 taskbar_hide_different_monitor = 0 taskbar_always_show_all_desktop_tasks = 1 taskbar_name_padding = 0 0 taskbar_name_background_id = 3 taskbar_name_active_background_id = 4 taskbar_name_font = Sans 8 taskbar_name_font_color = #999999 100 taskbar_name_active_font_color = #999999 100 taskbar_distribute_size = 0 taskbar_sort_order = title task_align = left



task_text = 0 task_icon = 1 task_centered = 1 urgent_nb_of_blink = 100000 task_maximum_size = 40 20 task_padding = 0 0 0 task_font = Sans 8 task_tooltip = 1 task_font_color = #999999 100 task_normal_font_color = #999999 100 task_active_font_color = #999999 100 task_urgent_font_color = #ff0000 100 task_background_id = 0 task_normal_background_id = 0 task_active_background_id = 4 task_urgent_background_id = 0 task_iconified_background_id = 0 mouse_left = toggle mouse_middle = maximize_restore mouse_right = close mouse_scroll_up = none mouse_scroll_down = none


System tray (notification area)

systray_padding = 1 1 5 systray_background_id = 0 systray_sort = right2left systray_icon_size = 24 systray_icon_asb = 100 0 0 systray_monitor = 1



launcher_padding = 2 4 2 launcher_background_id = 0 launcher_icon_background_id = 0 launcher_icon_size = 24 launcher_icon_asb = 100 0 0 launcher_icon_theme_override = 0 startup_notifications = 1 launcher_tooltip = 1



time1_format = %T%P time2_format = %D time1_font = Sans 7 time1_timezone = time2_timezone = time2_font = Sans 7 clock_font_color = #999999 100 clock_padding = 1 1 clock_background_id = 1 clock_tooltip = %l:%M %p %n %A %n %d %B %n %Y %n Day No:%u %n Week No:%U %n %Z %n ########## %n Lmb=Alarm %n Mmb=Calendar %n Rmb=Run %n up=split-h down=split-v clock_tooltip_timezone = clock_lclick_command = xclock -padding 20 -hands red clock_rclick_command = runner -r clock_mclick_command = xterm -e cal -3 clock_uwheel_command = xdotool key ctrl+F10 #split-h last 2 active windows on current desktop clock_dwheel_command = xdotool key ctrl+F9 #split-v last 2 active windows on current desktop



battery_tooltip = 1 battery_low_status = 20 battery_low_cmd = notify-send "battery low" bat1_font = Sans 7 bat2_font = Sans 7 battery_font_color = #999999 100 battery_padding = 1 0 battery_background_id = 1 battery_hide = 101 battery_lclick_command = grep remaining /proc/acpi/battery/S1B5/state | tr -d A-z | tr -d " " | tr -d : battery_rclick_command = grep "design capacity:" /proc/acpi/battery/S1B5/info | tr -d A-z | tr -d " " | tr -d : battery_mclick_command = grep "present rate:" /proc/acpi/battery/S1B5/state | tr -d A-z | tr -d " " | tr -d : battery_uwheel_command = battery_dwheel_command = ac_connected_cmd = xmessage -buttons , -nearmouse "Mains power" #notify-send "Mains power" ac_disconnected_cmd = xmessage -buttons , -nearmouse "Battery power" #notify-send "Battery power"


Executor 1

execp = new execp_command = echo ~/.config/tint2/window-move.png execp_interval = 1 execp_has_icon = 1 execp_cache_icon = 1 execp_continuous = 1 execp_markup = 0 execp_tooltip = lmb=split-h, rmb=split-v ,wheel-up=maxall, wheel-down=minall, execp_lclick_command = xdotool key alt+F10 #maximize execp_rclick_command = xdotool key alt+F9 #minimize execp_mclick_command = execp_uwheel_command = maxall execp_dwheel_command = minall execp_font = Sans 16 execp_font_color = #00ff00 100 execp_padding = 0 0 execp_background_id = 0 execp_centered = 0 execp_icon_w = 0 execp_icon_h = 0



tooltip_show_timeout = 0.5 tooltip_hide_timeout = 0.1 tooltip_padding = 1 1 tooltip_background_id = 1 tooltip_font_color = #999999 100 tooltip_font = Sans 8