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Postmill is a free, web-based, social link aggregator with voting and threaded comments. It is built on the Symfony framework. Any similarities between this software and that of a large community symbolised by an alien logo are purely coincidental.


  • PHP >= 7.1 with the APCu, curl, gd, mbstring, PDO_PGSQL and xml extensions.
  • PostgreSQL >= 9.4
  • Composer
  • Node.js (>= 8.x preferred)

Postmill should be able to run under any Unix environment. It has been tested to work under Linux, macOS, and Windows 10's Linux subsystem. Running directly on Windows may work, but is unsupported.

Getting started

Clone the repository somewhere and navigate there with the command line.

Building frontend assets

  1. Run npm install.

  2. Run npm run build-dev. The public/build/ directory should now contain some files.

Setting up the backend

  1. Run composer install.

  2. You should now have a .env file in the project root. Edit this to your liking or leave the defaults alone, but you must change DATABASE_URL.

    Instructions for setting up a database can be found at docs/

  3. Run vendor/bin/requirements-checker to ensure your environment meets necessary requirements needed to run Postmill. Fix any errors that arise.

  4. Run bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate to load the database schema.

  5. Run bin/console app:user:add <username> --admin to create a user account.

  6. Run bin/console server:run to start the application.

  7. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/. Log in with the credentials you chose in step 2.


We have a support board and a Matrix channel where you can ask for help and support.

Reporting issues

  • Bugs and suggestions on how to improve existing functionality should be reported on the issue tracker.
  • Feature requests are no longer acceptable on the issue tracker--I will not do free work for you.
  • Support questions do not belong on the issue tracker. Use the aforementioned public support channels.


You are always welcome to submit merge requests for bug fixes, improvements, documentation, translations, and so on.

If you want to contribute a new feature, you should start an issue on the issue tracker to gauge the possibility of it being merged. A feature that's outside the scope of the software is likely to be rejected. We don't want hurt feelings, so please just ask beforehand.

If you'd like to support me with money, you can send Bitcoins to 1AXAH2ZaHfVsq2xnbXRN9497FpUAri8x72.


You can email to discuss something in private with the creator of the software. Do not email me for asking for support--use the public support channels instead.


The software is released under the zlib license. See the LICENSE file for details.