.env.dist 1.2 KB

  1. # This file is a "template" of which env vars need to be defined for your application
  2. # Copy this file to .env file for development, create environment variables when deploying to production
  3. # https://symfony.com/doc/current/best_practices/configuration.html#infrastructure-related-configuration
  4. SITE_NAME=Postmill
  5. NO_REPLY_ADDRESS="no-reply@example.com"
  6. APP_LOCALE=en
  8. ###> symfony/framework-bundle ###
  9. APP_ENV=dev
  10. APP_SECRET="change this in prod or die"
  12. #TRUSTED_HOSTS=localhost,example.com
  13. ###< symfony/framework-bundle ###
  14. ###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
  15. # Change the username, password, host, database name and server version
  16. # according to your setup. Don't even think about trying another kind of
  17. # database, it won't work
  18. DATABASE_URL=pgsql://db_user:db_password@localhost:5432/db_name?serverVersion=9.6
  19. ###< doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
  20. ###> symfony/swiftmailer-bundle ###
  21. # For Gmail as a transport, use: "gmail://username:password@localhost"
  22. # For a generic SMTP server, use: "smtp://localhost:25?encryption=&auth_mode="
  23. # Delivery is disabled by default via "null://localhost"
  24. MAILER_URL=null://localhost
  25. ###< symfony/swiftmailer-bundle ###