11 KB

  1. # GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting
  2. # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS.
  3. #
  4. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  5. # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
  6. # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  7. # (at your option) any later version.
  8. #
  9. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12. # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
  13. #
  14. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
  15. # along with this program. If not, see <>.
  16. from __future__ import print_function
  17. from setuptools import setup, find_packages
  18. from io import open
  19. import os
  20. import re
  21. import sys
  22. PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 # six is not installed yet
  24. VERSIONFILE = os.path.join("mediagoblin", "")
  25. VSRE = r"^__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]"
  26. def get_version():
  27. with open(VERSIONFILE, "rt") as fobj:
  28. verstrline =
  29. mo =, verstrline, re.M)
  30. if mo:
  31. return
  32. else:
  33. raise RuntimeError("Unable to find version string in %s." %
  35. pyversion_install_requires = []
  36. if PY2:
  37. pyversion_install_requires.append('alabaster<=0.7.999') # Tested with 0.7.12
  38. pyversion_install_requires.append('alembic<=1.4.999') # Tested with 1.4.2
  39. pyversion_install_requires.append('amqp<=2.5.999') # Tested with 2.5.2
  40. pyversion_install_requires.append('apipkg<=1.999') # Tested with 1.5
  41. pyversion_install_requires.append('atomicwrites<=1.4.999') # Tested with 1.4.0
  42. pyversion_install_requires.append('attrs<=19.3.999') # Tested with 19.3.0
  43. pyversion_install_requires.append('Babel<=2.8.999') # Tested with 2.8.0
  44. pyversion_install_requires.append('beautifulsoup4<=4.7.999') # Tested with 4.7.1
  45. pyversion_install_requires.append('billiard<=') # Tested with
  46. pyversion_install_requires.append('celery<=4.2.999') # Tested with 4.2.2
  47. pyversion_install_requires.append('certifi<=2020.4.5.999') # Tested with 2020.4.5.1
  48. pyversion_install_requires.append('chardet<=3.0.999') # Tested with 3.0.4
  49. pyversion_install_requires.append('configobj<=5.0.999') # Tested with 5.0.6
  50. pyversion_install_requires.append('configparser<=5.0.999') # Tested with 5.0.0
  51. pyversion_install_requires.append('contextlib2<=0.6.999') # Tested with 0.6.0.post1
  52. pyversion_install_requires.append('decorator<=4.4.999') # Tested with 4.4.2
  53. pyversion_install_requires.append('dnspython<=1.16.999') # Tested with 1.16.0
  54. pyversion_install_requires.append('docutils<=0.999') # Tested with 0.16
  55. pyversion_install_requires.append('email-validator<=1.0.999') # Tested with 1.0.5
  56. pyversion_install_requires.append('execnet<=1.7.999') # Tested with 1.7.1
  57. pyversion_install_requires.append('ExifRead<=2.1.999') # Tested with 2.1.2
  58. pyversion_install_requires.append('funcsigs<=1.0.999') # Tested with 1.0.2
  59. pyversion_install_requires.append('functools32<=3.2.999') # Tested with 3.2.3.post2
  60. pyversion_install_requires.append('idna<=2.999') # Tested with 2.9
  61. pyversion_install_requires.append('imagesize<=1.2.999') # Tested with 1.2.0
  62. pyversion_install_requires.append('importlib-metadata<=1.6.999') # Tested with 1.6.0
  63. pyversion_install_requires.append('itsdangerous<=1.1.999') # Tested with 1.1.0
  64. pyversion_install_requires.append('Jinja2<=2.11.999') # Tested with 2.11.2
  65. pyversion_install_requires.append('jsonschema<=3.2.999') # Tested with 3.2.0
  66. pyversion_install_requires.append('kombu<=4.3.999') # Tested with 4.3.0
  67. pyversion_install_requires.append('Mako<=1.1.999') # Tested with 1.1.2
  68. pyversion_install_requires.append('Markdown<=3.1.999') # Tested with 3.1.1
  69. pyversion_install_requires.append('MarkupSafe<=1.1.999') # Tested with 1.1.1
  70. pyversion_install_requires.append('mock<=1.0.999') # Tested with 1.0.1
  71. pyversion_install_requires.append('more-itertools<=5.0.999') # Tested with 5.0.0
  72. pyversion_install_requires.append('oauthlib<=3.1.999') # Tested with 3.1.0
  73. pyversion_install_requires.append('packaging<=20.999') # Tested with 20.3
  74. pyversion_install_requires.append('Paste<=3.4.999') # Tested with 3.4.0
  75. pyversion_install_requires.append('PasteDeploy<=2.1.999') # Tested with 2.1.0
  76. pyversion_install_requires.append('PasteScript<=3.2.999') # Tested with 3.2.0
  77. pyversion_install_requires.append('pathlib2<=2.3.999') # Tested with 2.3.5
  78. pyversion_install_requires.append('pbr<=5.4.999') # Tested with 5.4.5
  79. pyversion_install_requires.append('pkg-resources<=0.0.999') # Tested with 0.0.0
  80. pyversion_install_requires.append('pluggy<=0.13.999') # Tested with 0.13.1
  81. pyversion_install_requires.append('py<=1.8.999') # Tested with 1.8.1
  82. pyversion_install_requires.append('py-bcrypt<=0.999') # Tested with 0.4
  83. pyversion_install_requires.append('Pygments<=2.5.999') # Tested with 2.5.2
  84. pyversion_install_requires.append('PyLD<=1.0.999') # Tested with 1.0.5
  85. pyversion_install_requires.append('pyparsing<=2.4.999') # Tested with 2.4.7
  86. pyversion_install_requires.append('pyrsistent<=0.16.999') # Tested with 0.16.0
  87. pyversion_install_requires.append('pytest<=4.6.999') # Tested with 4.6.9
  88. pyversion_install_requires.append('pytest-forked<=1.1.999') # Tested with 1.1.3
  89. pyversion_install_requires.append('pytest-xdist<=1.31.999') # Tested with 1.31.0
  90. pyversion_install_requires.append('python-dateutil<=2.8.999') # Tested with 2.8.1
  91. pyversion_install_requires.append('python-editor<=1.0.999') # Tested with 1.0.4
  92. pyversion_install_requires.append('pytz<=2020.999') # Tested with 2020.1
  93. pyversion_install_requires.append('requests<=2.23.999') # Tested with 2.23.0
  94. pyversion_install_requires.append('scandir<=1.10.999') # Tested with 1.10.0
  95. pyversion_install_requires.append('six<=1.12.999') # Tested with 1.12.0
  96. pyversion_install_requires.append('snowballstemmer<=2.0.999') # Tested with 2.0.0
  97. pyversion_install_requires.append('Sphinx<=1.8.999') # Tested with 1.8.5
  98. pyversion_install_requires.append('sphinxcontrib-websupport<=1.2.999') # Tested with 1.2.2
  99. pyversion_install_requires.append('SQLAlchemy<=1.3.999') # Tested with 1.3.16
  100. pyversion_install_requires.append('sqlalchemy-migrate<=0.13.999') # Tested with 0.13.0
  101. pyversion_install_requires.append('sqlparse<=0.3.999') # Tested with 0.3.1
  102. pyversion_install_requires.append('Tempita<=0.5.999') # Tested with 0.5.3.dev0
  103. pyversion_install_requires.append('typing<=') # Tested with
  104. pyversion_install_requires.append('Unidecode<=1.1.999') # Tested with 1.1.1
  105. pyversion_install_requires.append('urllib3<=1.25.999') # Tested with 1.25.9
  106. pyversion_install_requires.append('vine<=1.3.999') # Tested with 1.3.0
  107. pyversion_install_requires.append('waitress<=1.4.999') # Tested with 1.4.3
  108. pyversion_install_requires.append('wcwidth<=0.1.999') # Tested with 0.1.9
  109. pyversion_install_requires.append('WebOb<=1.8.999') # Tested with 1.8.6
  110. pyversion_install_requires.append('WebTest<=2.0.999') # Tested with 2.0.35
  111. pyversion_install_requires.append('Werkzeug<=0.16.999') # Tested with 0.16.1
  112. pyversion_install_requires.append('WTForms<=2.3.999') # Tested with 2.3.1
  113. pyversion_install_requires.append('zipp<=1.2.999') # Tested with 1.2.0
  114. install_requires = [
  115. 'waitress',
  116. 'alembic>=0.7.5',
  117. 'python-dateutil',
  118. 'wtforms',
  119. 'py-bcrypt',
  120. 'pytest>=2.3.1',
  121. 'pytest-xdist',
  122. 'werkzeug>=0.7,<1.0.0',
  123. # Celery 4.3.0 drops the "sqlite" transport alias making our tests fail.
  124. 'celery>=3.0,<4.3.0',
  125. # Jinja2 3.0.0 uses f-strings (Python 3.7 and above) but `pip install` on
  126. # Debian 9 doesn't seem to respect Jinja2's 'python_requires=">=3.6"' line.
  127. 'jinja2<3.0.0',
  128. 'Babel>=1.3',
  129. 'WebTest>=2.0.18',
  130. 'ConfigObj',
  131. 'Markdown',
  132. 'sqlalchemy',
  133. 'itsdangerous',
  134. 'pytz',
  135. 'sphinx',
  136. 'six>=1.11.0',
  137. 'oauthlib',
  138. 'unidecode',
  139. 'jsonschema',
  140. 'PasteDeploy',
  141. 'PasteScript',
  142. 'requests>=2.6.0',
  143. 'certifi>=2017.4.17', # Reported to be a requirement on Fedora 31 (TODO: test)
  144. 'PyLD<2.0.0', # Python 2, but also breaks a Python 3 test if >= 2.0.0.
  145. 'ExifRead>=2.0.0',
  146. 'email-validator', # Seems that WTForms must have dropped this.
  147. # This is optional:
  148. # 'translitcodec',
  149. # For now we're expecting that users will install this from
  150. # their package managers.
  151. # 'lxml',
  152. # 'Pillow',
  153. ] + pyversion_install_requires
  154. if not PY2:
  155. # PyPI version (1.4.2) does not have proper Python 3 support
  156. install_requires.append('ExifRead>=2.0.0')
  157. with open(READMEFILE, encoding="utf-8") as fobj:
  158. long_description =
  159. try:
  160. setup(
  161. name="mediagoblin",
  162. version=get_version(),
  163. packages=find_packages(exclude=['ez_setup', 'examples', 'tests']),
  164. zip_safe=False,
  165. include_package_data = True,
  166. # scripts and dependencies
  167. install_requires=install_requires,
  168. test_suite='nose.collector',
  169. entry_points="""\
  170. [console_scripts]
  171. gmg = mediagoblin.gmg_commands:main_cli
  172. [paste.app_factory]
  173. app =
  174. [paste.server_runner]
  175. paste_server_selector =
  176. [paste.filter_app_factory]
  177. errors = mediagoblin.errormiddleware:mgoblin_error_middleware
  178. [zc.buildout]
  179. make_user_dev_dirs = mediagoblin.buildout_recipes:MakeUserDevDirs
  180. [babel.extractors]
  181. jinja2 = jinja2.ext:babel_extract
  182. """,
  183. license='AGPLv3',
  184. author='Free Software Foundation and contributors',
  185. author_email='',
  186. url="",
  187. long_description=long_description,
  188. description='MediaGoblin is a web application for publishing all kinds of media',
  189. classifiers=[
  190. "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",
  191. "Environment :: Web Environment",
  192. "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+)",
  193. "Operating System :: OS Independent",
  194. "Programming Language :: Python",
  195. 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
  196. 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
  197. 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
  198. 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3',
  199. 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',
  200. "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content"
  201. ],
  202. )
  203. except TypeError as e:
  204. import sys
  205. # Check if the problem is caused by the sqlalchemy/setuptools conflict
  206. msg_as_str = str(e)
  207. if not (msg_as_str == 'dist must be a Distribution instance'):
  208. raise
  209. # If so, tell the user it is OK to just run the script again.
  210. print("\n\n---------- NOTE ----------", file=sys.stderr)
  211. print("The command you ran failed.\n", file=sys.stderr)
  212. print("It is a known possible failure. Just run it again. It works the "
  213. "second time.", file=sys.stderr)
  214. sys.exit(1)