hiveswap-act-1-ost.yaml 29 KB

  1. Album: Hiveswap Act 1 OST
  2. Artists:
  3. - James Roach
  4. - Toby Fox
  5. Date: September 14, 2017 00:00:05
  6. Date Added: November 15, 2019
  7. URLs:
  8. -
  9. -
  10. -
  11. Cover Artists:
  12. - Mallory Dyer
  13. Cover Art File Extension: png
  14. Color: '#33cc77'
  15. Groups:
  16. - James Roach
  17. - Toby Fox
  18. - group:official
  19. Art Tags:
  20. - Joey
  21. - Alternia
  22. Commentary: |-
  23. <i>Cohen Edenfield:</i> (game director)
  24. Hey, it's Cohen. But more interestingly, it's James and Toby, giving some commentary on the first half of the HIVESWAP: Act 1 soundtrack, available now on Bandcamp or bundled with HIVESWAP: Act 1 on Steam and Humble. We've got the first half of the discussion today, with the next half going up next Wednesday. Wait...did I say all this once before already? No. Impossible.
  25. Wallpaper Artists:
  26. - Mallory Dyer
  27. Wallpaper Style: 'opacity: 0.8;'
  28. Wallpaper File Extension: png
  29. ---
  30. Section: Main album
  31. ---
  32. Track: Definitely Safe Forever
  33. Duration: 0:21
  34. URLs:
  35. -
  36. -
  37. Referenced Tracks:
  38. - Joey Claire, Extraordinaire
  39. MIDI Project Files:
  40. - Title: MIDI by IronInvoker47 (piano)
  41. Files:
  42. - 'Definitely Safe Forever - IronInvoker47 (piano).mid'
  43. Commentary: |-
  44. <i>James Roach:</i>
  45. This is the track that has been rewritten the most. It's so much better now than it used to be. This latest version is meant to tie in with the title screen music. It's based around Joey and Jude's theme, and has a few nods in there to some others if you're listening.
  46. ---
  47. Track: Snake Escape
  48. Duration: 0:41
  49. URLs:
  50. -
  51. -
  52. Referenced Tracks:
  53. - Singular Peril
  54. - Joey Claire, Extraordinaire
  55. - Half-Harley Manor
  56. Commentary: |-
  57. <i>James Roach:</i>
  58. In its current form, I think this is one of the best examples on this soundtrack of what Toby and I's respective styles sound like mixed together. Toby doesn't like to use a lot of percussion, so I wrote this based on what was originally a piano piece. It is one of the VERY first things written for the game. WOW. The original version of this sounds a lot more like "SINGULAR PERIL" without any drums and not sampled, so just like, straight 8ths.
  59. ---
  60. Track: Joey Claire, Extraordinaire
  61. Duration: '2:50'
  62. URLs:
  63. -
  64. -
  65. MIDI Project Files:
  66. - Title: MIDI by Unknown
  67. Files:
  68. - 'Joey Claire, Extraordinaire - Unknown.mid'
  69. Commentary: |-
  70. <i>James Roach:</i>
  71. When Toby sent me the original piano sketch for Joey's theme it was real good but I thought since Joey dances, what if I made it sound like a dance recital? I used to take dance classes when I was a kid, and I have very distinct memories of a kindly old woman playing bouncy piano chords in ¾ time. One of the design choices Toby and I settled on really early on was that each character would have a "room" that be the purest form of their theme. Joey feels most at home in her bedroom, which is a sanctuary from the rest of the awful house she lives in.
  72. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  73. I think my original version of this was like 40 seconds long or something... James did a really good job fleshing it out and making it something that's listenable for long enough to look at the Bubsy poster 40 times in a row.
  74. ---
  75. Track: Half-Harley Manor
  76. Duration: '2:52'
  77. URLs:
  78. -
  79. -
  80. Referenced Tracks:
  81. - Joey Claire, Extraordinaire
  82. MIDI Project Files:
  83. - Title: MIDI by Unknown
  84. Files:
  85. - 'Half-Harley Manor - Unknown.mid'
  86. Commentary: |-
  87. <i>James Roach:</i>
  88. This went through a bunch of revisions, too. It used a lot of harpsichord originally, which we then thought we'd use a little more sparingly. When we first came onto the project Andrew told us "it's like a haunted house" so we really made it like... spooky but months down the line Andrew was like "ok lads reel it in it's not actually haunted just lonely" so we switched it to piano and toned it down a bit. Toby ended up doing the final version of this one, though I think a piano version I did exists somewhere too.
  89. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  90. This is one of the first tracks I did for the game. I'm pretty proud of how it turned out from a musical standpoint, though I guess it's kind of serious given how goofy the house looks. Whoops...
  91. ---
  92. Track: Relatively Visible Darkness
  93. Duration: '2:02'
  94. URLs:
  95. -
  96. -
  97. Referenced Tracks:
  98. - Half-Harley Manor
  99. Commentary: |-
  100. <i>James Roach:</i>
  101. Overall it felt like the mansion wasn't dorky enough so I wrote this even MORE toned down version of it for when the lights go out. Stripping down Toby's song in this way makes it sound kinda like Luigi's Mansion, which rules so it all worked out. This was originally going to be the theme for just downstairs. In the time since then, though we decided to have music changes based more on "narrative" and less on just "location." You don't spend that much time upstairs so it would seem kinda silly to have the "MAIN THEME" of the mansion be heard for the two minutes you're in the hallway. You will see more of these dynamic music changes in ACT 2.
  102. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  103. It sounds kind of like Yoshi's Story to me. This turned out to be a really tuba-heavy soundtrack somehow. Maybe that's a good thing though.
  104. <i>James Roach:</i>
  105. We just kept telling each other to add Tuba to things. Like some sort of Will They/Won't They Tuba standoff.
  106. ---
  107. Track: Bedroom for an Annoying Dog
  108. Duration: '3:32'
  109. URLs:
  110. -
  111. -
  112. Referenced Tracks:
  113. - Half-Harley Manor
  114. Commentary: |-
  115. <i>James Roach:</i>
  116. Cohen named this one this because it is the basement and Toby was living in Andrews basement at some point while he was working on Undertale. You may not have heard of it. There is no secret Undertale reference in this room. Checkmate, game theorists. Anyway Toby and I thought it would be really funny if we made the mansion theme sound like the Sephiroth song from Final Fantasy 7 and originally the directors hated it but I cried until I got my way.
  117. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  118. I literally didn't understand why it was called this until I read James's comment on it.
  119. <i>James Roach:</i>
  120. Toby what the hell.
  121. ---
  122. Track: That's How I Beat Snake
  123. Duration: '2:11'
  124. URLs:
  125. -
  126. -
  127. Referenced Tracks:
  129. - Half-Harley Manor
  130. MIDI Project Files:
  131. - Title: MIDI by IronInvoker47
  132. Files:
  133. - "That's How I Beat Snake - IronInvoker47 (piano).mid"
  134. Commentary: |-
  135. <i>James Roach:</i>
  136. Originally all the strife song titles had the word STRIFE in them. This one was called "Why'd it have to be STRIFE" a reference to the classic line in Indiana Jones where Indy, a known pacifist, questions the violent tone of the film. It is an extremely important moment in american cinema AND meta comedy. I'm honestly so surprised you hadn't heard of it. Anyway this is based off of "SNAKE GENESIS" which I wrote first. Movie Magic!
  137. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  138. They probably should have also named the song that plays when you play the Snake minigame this. Just two songs with an identical name. That would be have been cool.
  139. <i>Cohen Edenfield:</i> (game director)
  140. (Hey Cohen here. several people have asked if the title is a reference to the aaron carter song. obviously it is, yes, that. James' song titles were good but they were usually a very direct reference to what actually happened in the scene they were playing for. So I renamed them, because I didn't want people poring over the tracklist to decode the entire plot before actually playing the game. because you would have. I know you.)
  141. ---
  142. Track: Jude Harley, Bizarrely
  143. Duration: '1:38'
  144. URLs:
  145. -
  146. -
  147. Referenced Tracks:
  148. - Half-Harley Manor
  149. - Joey Claire, Extraordinaire
  150. Commentary: |-
  151. <i>James Roach:</i>
  152. Hey did you know Jude's treehouse theme is just a slightly different "Joey Claire, Extraordinaire?" Anyway here is where I first accidentally discovered how fun it is to write a completely unlistenable synth sound that sounds like some hapless dweeb. I have truly realized my ultimate self.
  153. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  154. Besides tubas, I think James's weird voicey grubble synths that sound like they're yelling are maybe the most defining instrument of this soundtrack.
  155. ---
  156. Track: Table for Tooth
  157. Duration: '2:15'
  158. URLs:
  159. -
  160. -
  161. Referenced Tracks:
  162. - Half-Harley Manor
  163. MIDI Project Files:
  164. - Title: MIDI by IronInvoker47 (piano)
  165. Files:
  166. - 'Table for Tooth - IronInvoker47 (piano).mid'
  167. Commentary: |-
  168. <i>James Roach:</i>
  169. I wrote this in 2014 and I THINK the original monster you fought here was the proto version big monster with two mouths, from the Living Room STRIFE. I wanted the synth to sound like the monster singing because I didn't know how the monsters sounded yet and I thought it'd be funny if they were like stupid idiots.
  170. ---
  171. Track: Final Spice
  172. Duration: 0:54
  173. URLs:
  174. -
  175. -
  176. Referenced Tracks:
  177. - track:alternate-recipe
  178. Commentary: |-
  179. <i>James Roach:</i>
  180. Toby sent me [this]( as a piano sketch (as he often did) and then I sent him a semi chiptune (ALTERNATE RECIPE) version with drums and stuff and then he sent me back the final version this was actually an incredibly simple process what an absolute joy. This is the most purely Toby track on the whole album and I love it.
  181. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  182. I thought it would be kind of funny if there was a JRPG battle theme mixed in with all the other ones. I think this is just what I make by default without any specific direction.
  183. <i>James Roach:</i>
  184. It is my favorite song on Vol. 1.
  185. <i>Cohen Edenfield:</i> (game director)
  186. (hi it's Cohen I intentionally made this strife more convoluted and complex as a result of how much I love this song, sorry)
  187. ---
  188. Track: Living Legend
  189. Duration: '1:22'
  190. URLs:
  191. -
  192. -
  193. Referenced Tracks:
  194. - Half-Harley Manor
  195. - Joey Claire, Extraordinaire
  196. Commentary: |-
  197. <i>James Roach:</i>
  198. I wanted to write something very Final Fantasy Boss Battle™ and around the time I wrote this an article came out where Nobuo Uematsu says he just wrote phrases a few measures at a time and put them together so that's what I did. ([](
  199. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  200. Basically James is saying this is the One Winged Angel of the Hiveswap soundtrack.
  201. ---
  202. Track: Singular Peril
  203. Duration: '1:22'
  204. URLs:
  205. -
  206. -
  207. Referenced Tracks:
  208. - Half-Harley Manor
  209. Commentary: |-
  210. <i>James Roach:</i>
  211. This was written based off the extremely old original snake chase sketch Toby did. I wanted to put that throwback in for myself. Like an easter egg only I know or care about. I also wanted to try like... sampling stuff since I'm not super good at it yet and wanted to grow as a composer.
  212. <i>Cohen Edenfield:</i> (game director)
  213. (hey this is named Singular Peril because it plays during the only point in Act 1 when you can die. do you get the joke)
  214. ---
  215. Track: A More Defensible Position
  216. Duration: 0:57
  217. URLs:
  218. -
  219. -
  220. Referenced Tracks:
  221. - Half-Harley Manor
  222. Commentary: |-
  223. <i>James Roach:</i>
  224. This is a Toby Track 100% he just goes ham with echo. If you ever look at his work files it's like a thousand tracks and half of them are just echoes. This sounds so good toby is so good. I think this was originally a loop for... [in between conversations or something](
  225. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  226. I think it was just written for the attic in general.
  227. ---
  228. Track: Open The Door
  229. Duration: '1:01'
  230. URLs:
  231. -
  232. -
  233. Referenced Tracks:
  234. - track:how-it-could-have-gone
  235. Commentary: |-
  236. <i>James Roach:</i>
  237. This track has a really rich backstory, in the sense that it has had several complete versions each with their own revision process. You can check out one of those versions in the B-side "how it could have gone" available on bandcamp.
  238. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  239. My main contribution to this track is the piano riff 10 seconds in... Hell yeah...
  240. ---
  241. Track: Keep Your Head Down
  242. Duration: '1:10'
  243. URLs:
  244. -
  245. -
  246. Referenced Tracks:
  247. - Rustblood
  248. - track:drone-pesterquest
  249. Commentary: |-
  250. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  251. I think I was asked to make this sound kind of 80's back when the game was going to be in 3D. I mean, either that, or I made it sound kind of 80's for no reason. Anyway, it's just an arrangement of Xefros's theme that I made for when tense stuff is happening.
  252. <i>James Roach:</i>
  253. It kinda sounds like blade runner I have always upheld this even though I've never seen blade runner.
  254. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  255. Me neither.
  256. <i>James Roach:</i>
  257. We are frauds.
  258. ---
  259. Track: Oh Whoa, What's This
  260. Duration: '1:05'
  261. URLs:
  262. -
  263. -
  264. Referenced Tracks:
  265. - Some Kind of Alien
  266. Commentary: |-
  267. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  268. I made this track but I didn't name it. I had nothing to do with the name here. James named this.
  269. <i>James Roach:</i>
  270. I can't believe creator of hit webcomic homestuck and best friend of the pope, Toby Fox, would disown me in this way. Thrown under the bus! Left to die! A betrayal of the highest caliber. Owned in my own home. Absolutely destroyed.
  271. Anyway yeah I named it. I feel like after "Oppa Toby Style" he would have learned to stop letting me name his tracks. How many times do I have to teach you this lesson.
  272. <i>Cohen Edenfield:</i> (game director)
  273. (hi it's Cohen. When I renamed the album tracks this was one of only 2 or 3 that James really wanted to keep. He didn't tell me that it was a furry meme. I don't know about memes. I'm just a little bappy paws otter I don't know shit)
  274. <img src="media/misc/owo.png" width="500">
  275. ---
  276. Track: Some Kind of Alien
  277. Duration: '1:30'
  278. URLs:
  279. -
  280. -
  281. Referenced Tracks:
  282. - Crustacean
  283. MIDI Project Files:
  284. - Title: MIDI by Unknown
  285. Files:
  286. - 'Some Kind of Alien - Unknown A.mid'
  287. - Title: MIDI by Unknown
  288. Files:
  289. - 'Some Kind of Alien - Unknown B.mid'
  290. Commentary: |-
  291. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  292. Another track I made really early on as one of the themes for the entire game/Alternia in general. It ended up being one of Dammek's themes. It's a pretty clear nod to Crustacean from Homestuck. LMAO I almost typed "Crustacean from UNDERTALE,"
  293. <i>James Roach:</i>
  294. Oh wow. Yet Another Betrayal At The Hands Of My Once Brother, Toby Fox.
  295. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  296. Anyway because a few of my friends really liked that song and it seemed to feel really "Troll" to me, it seemed like a good idea to bring back that feeling for Hiveswap. And get some nostalgia in there as well. And to put more tubas on the soundtrack.
  297. <i>James Roach:</i>
  298. My contribution to this track is that I made <i>Toby</i> go in and add in more tuba. There is a disgusting tuba-less version of this song that will never see the light of day.
  299. ---
  300. Track: Rustblood
  301. Duration: '1:17'
  302. URLs:
  303. -
  304. -
  305. MIDI Project Files:
  306. - Title: MIDI by Unknown (piano)
  307. Files:
  308. - 'Rustblood - Unknown (piano).mid'
  309. Commentary: |-
  310. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  311. Basically what I was told about Xefros before composing this track is that he's kind of sad and pathetic and it makes you feel bad for him. Also him and Dammek are in a shitty rock band. So I tried to compose something that was kind of lumbering and morose-sounding, but also a bit like... a rock band? In the end maybe it's a bit too heavy-sounding for Xefros, but I like the melody a lot. Also here's more voluntary tubas from me. That's all of my tuba contributions I think.
  312. <i>James Roach:</i>
  313. Cohen, I typed "Dobey Fox :)" up there and Toby deleted it. :(
  314. <i>Cohen Edenfield:</i> (game director)
  315. (fight your own battles James I can't be there to protect you from Toby every day of your life)
  316. ---
  317. Track: Filthy Nuclear Bunker
  318. Duration: '4:34'
  319. URLs:
  320. -
  321. -
  322. Referenced Tracks:
  323. - track:nuclear-james-roach
  324. - Rustblood
  325. MIDI Project Files:
  326. - Title: MIDI by Unknown
  327. Files:
  328. - 'Filthy Nuclear Bunker - Unknown A.mid'
  329. - Title: MIDI by Unknown
  330. Files:
  331. - 'Filthy Nuclear Bunker - Unknown B.mid'
  332. Commentary: |-
  333. <i>James Roach:</i>
  334. James: This is the most James Roach™ track on the album and it's extremely good. I wrote [this melody]( when I was 12 and I sneak it into every major project I'm in. I have rewritten and remixed and remastered this song about a thousand times. The melody is named "Nuclear" so I made sure that was somewhere in the title.
  335. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  336. I actually think this is James's best arrangement of the song that he wrote when he was 12 that he keeps putting into everything. I'm glad it could be used somewhere the player will be forced to listen to it for a really long time. It's great.
  337. <i>James Roach:</i>
  338. I made it his hive theme just to force people to listen to it again.
  339. ---
  340. Track: SPORTS! Personally, I Love Them.
  341. Duration: '3:36'
  342. URLs:
  343. -
  344. -
  345. Referenced Tracks:
  346. - Rustblood
  347. Commentary: |-
  348. <i>James Roach:</i>
  349. This was another title I managed to slip in there. I love to name things in a stupid way. If somethings really bad it's funny. It's also funny if something's really good too. Maybe I just like to laugh. I am a man of much nuance. Anyway here is the ska song you begged me for. I wanted it to be a cheery version of Xefros's theme because it is the place in his house he probably feels most like himself. Surrounded by Anime and SPORTS! Quite possibly.. [the biggest mood imaginable](
  350. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  351. I couldn't stop him from putting a ska song on the soundtrack sorry guys
  352. <i>James Roach:</i>
  353. I would love to see you try little man.
  354. <i>Cohen Edenfield:</i> (game director)
  355. (I don't know what anime he's talking about. I guess the paused Arena Stickball match on the TV is pretty anime-looking. But James also sees anime everywhere, wherever he goes. One time I saw him pick a rotten peach up off the ground, call it a "tsun-momo," and take a huge bite. He bit right through the pit)
  356. ---
  357. Track: Lofted Gunpile
  358. Duration: '4:08'
  359. URLs:
  360. -
  361. -
  362. Referenced Tracks:
  363. - Some Kind of Alien
  364. Commentary: |-
  365. <i>James Roach:</i>
  366. This was actually my pass at "Some Kind Of Alien" when I was trying to show Toby what I meant by "make it quiet....... THEN REAL LOUD!!!" and it ended up working out cool cause we needed an extra track for Dammek's hive.
  367. <img src="media/misc/lofted-gunpile.png" width="500">
  368. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  369. Your advice didn't work on me because I just like things to be really loud all the time.
  370. ---
  372. Duration: '1:14'
  373. URLs:
  374. -
  375. -
  376. Commentary: |-
  377. <i>James Roach:</i>
  378. I actually wrote this one first, despite it basically being a chiptune version of "That's How I Beat Snake" I tricked you guys into thinking THIS was a throwback to the snake strife. keep trying junior
  379. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  380. This one really should have been called "HOW DO I BEAT SNAKE?" because I never found the clue to solving it and just did it by brute force. Also the drums kind of remind me of ska.
  381. <i>James Roach:</i>
  382. Fuck he got me
  383. <i>Cohen Edenfield:</i> (game director)
  384. (I am glad Toby had to brute-force this puzzle. When I played Undertale I got stuck on that stupid piano puzzle because the beta version he let me play didn't cut you off after 8 notes or whatever. I was one note off, trying to play what I thought was this 32-note song. I also took a break for a week and was still stuck on it when I came back, so Toby thought I'd spent a week just beating my head against the wall on that one puzzle. Toby thinks everyone is a brilliant musician like him and his stupid piano puzzle was too hard the end)
  385. ---
  386. Track: We Shall Go Together
  387. Duration: '3:18'
  388. URLs:
  389. -
  390. -
  391. Referenced Tracks:
  392. - Joey Claire, Extraordinaire
  393. Commentary: |-
  394. <i>James Roach:</i>
  395. OK I know what you're thinking, "This gets its own track on the OST, but OLD SECRET isn't even here??" Hey look I love old secret too but <i>(COHEN: redacted)</i>. I only put it in that cutscene for you, the fans. Also it fit really well. Anyway, this track is inspired a lot by [Quiet Water]( by Toby Fox maybe you've heard of him. It is just a [very slowed down]( version of Joey's theme.
  396. <i>Cohen Edenfield:</i> (game director)
  397. (if you want to know what the title of this song is from google it with quotes)
  398. ---
  399. Track: Wish You Were Here
  400. Duration: 0:50
  401. URLs:
  402. -
  403. -
  404. Referenced Tracks:
  405. - Intermission 1
  406. Commentary: |-
  407. <i>James Roach:</i>
  408. When Cohen asked me to write this song he was like "have you ever heard of transistor" and if making a smug face produced a sound we'd all be deaf. Then he asked me about rick and morty which is like.. a show I watch but never ever want to interact with anybody about ever. Anyway its that one scene you know the one.
  409. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  410. This song is cool
  411. <i>Cohen Edenfield:</i> (game director)
  412. (James thought I wouldn't <s>embed</s> [link]( this video! he underestimates me every single day of my life)
  413. ---
  414. Track: Intermission 1
  415. Duration: '2:12'
  416. URLs:
  417. -
  418. -
  419. Referenced Tracks:
  420. - Rustblood
  421. - Joey Claire, Extraordinaire
  422. - Filthy Nuclear Bunker
  423. Commentary: |-
  424. <i>James Roach:</i>
  425. This has a bunch of different themes but is mostly the Heiress's theme, which is based off a [really old really simple piano sketch toby sent me]( It's got Nuclear in it too. also Joeys theme and Xefros's theme. I am explicitly not saying the word "leitmotif" out of a sort of... [indignant disgust](
  426. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  427. There was a longer Heiress sketch too where it got really loud. Anyway I guess we'll talk about that later when <i>(redacted)</i>
  428. <i>James Roach:</i>
  429. I absolutely refuse to wait another second.
  430. ---
  431. Section: B-Sides
  432. ---
  433. Track: Old Steps
  434. Additional Names:
  435. - Name: >-
  436. B-SIDE: Old Steps
  437. Annotation: >-
  438. [original Bandcamp release](
  439. - Name: >-
  440. B-SIDE- Old Steps
  441. Annotation: >-
  442. [Bandcamp compilation release](
  443. Duration: 0:23
  444. URLs:
  445. -
  446. -
  447. Commentary: |-
  448. <i>James Roach:</i>
  449. Originally the game would have a jingle unique to each room when you did a tapdance/ballet but it ended up being too clunky so it got scrapped. Anyway here's a few of them!
  450. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  451. When I was listening to this on bandcamp the next song started playing and I was like "Oh shit when does Joey do THIS dance???"
  452. ---
  453. Track: How it Could Have Gone
  454. Additional Names:
  455. - Name: >-
  456. B-SIDE: How it Could Have Gone
  457. Annotation: >-
  458. [original Bandcamp release](
  459. - Name: >-
  460. B-SIDE- How it Could Have Gone
  461. Annotation: >-
  462. [Bandcamp compilation release](
  463. Duration: '1:14'
  464. URLs:
  465. -
  466. -
  467. Referenced Tracks:
  468. - Half-Harley Manor
  469. Commentary: |-
  470. <i>James Roach:</i>
  471. I [[track:open-the-door|already]] talked about this one I guess??
  472. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  473. This was basically James's arrangement of MY arrangement of the cutscene where, spoilers, Joey gets HIVE-SWAPPED!!!!!! The part where the choirs are soft was going to be the part when her and Dammek look at each other.
  474. ---
  475. Track: Alternate Recipe
  476. Additional Names:
  477. - Name: >-
  478. B-SIDE: Alternate Recipe
  479. Annotation: >-
  480. [original Bandcamp release](
  481. - Name: >-
  482. B-SIDE- Alternate Recipe
  483. Annotation: >-
  484. [Bandcamp compilation release](
  485. Duration: '1:30'
  486. URLs:
  487. -
  488. -
  489. Commentary: |-
  490. <i>James Roach:</i>
  491. Toby sent me this as an mp3 of him playing a piano sketch, and then I sent him back this. we eventually settled on what became "Final Spice"
  492. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  493. This is like listening to the early unreleased version of Chrono Trigger's battle theme.
  494. <i>James Roach:</i>
  495. I think I've just been like.. Owned by proximity.
  496. ---
  497. Track: Heavy Snaking
  498. Additional Names:
  499. - Name: >-
  500. B-SIDE: Heavy Snaking
  501. Annotation: >-
  502. [original Bandcamp release]('
  503. - Name: >-
  504. B-SIDE- Heavy Snaking
  505. Annotation: >-
  506. [Bandcamp compilation release](
  507. Duration: '2:00'
  508. URLs:
  509. -
  510. -
  511. Referenced Tracks:
  512. - Half-Harley Manor
  513. - Table for Tooth
  514. - Joey Claire, Extraordinaire
  515. Commentary: |-
  516. <i>James Roach:</i>
  517. When we first envisioned the basement/snake strife it was gonna be really moody like the basement music. I wrote this as a joke but it worked out really well. But later we decided that scene could use a little BEEFING UP in terms of... intensity and energy? Anyway that's how a completely finished track ended up as a b-side. Could we re-use it later? Not really it's literally the mansion theme and table for tooth so it cant go anywhere else!
  518. <i>Cohen Edenfield:</i> (game director)
  519. (I actually thought we could use this song somewhere else but James was really insistent it be a B-Side, so I guess when the time comes when we could have used it he will have to write a whole new song. haha owned again roach)
  520. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  521. I don't even remember if I've ever heard this one. It would have worked too I guess if the Snake was more chill.
  522. <i>James Roach:</i>
  523. like just an unbelievably chill snake.
  524. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  525. Yeah like wearing sunglasses and its attack is to tell you to not do drugs.
  526. ---
  527. Track: SPOOKTUNE
  528. Additional Names:
  529. - Name: >-
  531. Annotation: >-
  532. [original Bandcamp release](
  533. - Name: >-
  535. Annotation: >-
  536. [Bandcamp compilation release](
  537. Duration: 0:50
  538. URLs:
  539. -
  540. -
  541. Referenced Tracks:
  542. - track:spooktune-undertale
  543. - Relatively Visible Darkness
  544. Commentary: |-
  545. <i>James Roach:</i>
  546. When Toby was working on undertale he'd send me little snippets here and there of music he was working on and when he sent me spooktune I fell in love with it. Instead of telling him I liked it, months later I sent him this like "haha nice song idiot" we are good friends who respect eachother but that doesn't mean we cant own eachother on occasion or constantly.
  547. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  548. I have to respect James for being the only fan of Spooktune in the entire world.
  549. <i>Toby Fox:</i>
  550. OK im done
  551. <i>James Roach:</i>
  552. Great job team
  553. <i>Cohen Edenfield:</i> (game director)
  554. OK everybody that's it. We'll be back next week with something else, which will also be good. Probably something about the art? Yeah. OK bye.