help.txt 616 B

  1. "w2midi is a program which analyzes JACK audio stream and transforms that to MIDI\n"
  2. "-b [unsigned integer]\tFFT buffer size. Must be power of 2 and greater than 8\n"
  3. "Tip: the larger buffer, the higher frequency resolution, the smaller buffer size,"
  4. "the smaller buffer, the higher time resolution\n"
  5. "-d [floating point]\tAmplitude threshold in Db for 1.0 reference power\n"
  6. "-a [floating point]\tMax difference from ideal semitone frequency to received\n"
  7. "-n [client name]\tJACK client name\n"
  8. "-s [start] -e [end]\tAnalyzing range in semitones\n"
  9. "-o\tSolo mode\n"
  10. "-p\tPitch mode\n"
  11. "-h\t\t\tShow this help\n"