pwstore-fast.cabal 1.3 KB

  1. Name: pwstore-fast
  2. Version: 2.4.4
  3. Synopsis: Secure password storage.
  4. Description: To store passwords securely, they should be salted,
  5. then hashed with a slow hash function. This library
  6. uses PBKDF1-SHA256, and handles all the details.
  7. It uses the cryptohash package for speed; if you need
  8. a pure Haskell library, pwstore-purehaskell has the
  9. exact same API, but uses only pure Haskell. It is
  10. about 25 times slower than this package, but still
  11. quite usable.
  12. Homepage:
  13. License: BSD3
  14. License-file: LICENSE
  15. Author: Peter Scott
  16. Maintainer:
  17. Category: Cryptography
  18. Build-type: Simple
  19. Extra-source-files:
  20. Cabal-version: >=1.6
  21. Source-repository head
  22. type: git
  23. location:
  24. Library
  25. Exposed-modules: Crypto.PasswordStore
  26. Build-depends: base >= 4, base < 5, bytestring >= 0.9,
  27. base64-bytestring >= 0.1,
  28. binary >= 0.5,
  29. cryptonite >= 0.1, memory >= 0.1,
  30. random >= 1
  31. ghc-options: -Wall