sandbox.mdwn 552 B

  1. This is the SandBox, a page anyone can edit to learn how to use the wiki.
  2. ----
  3. Here's a paragraph.
  4. Here's another one with *emphasised* text.
  5. # Header
  6. ## Subheader
  7. > This is a blockquote.
  8. >
  9. > This is the first level of quoting.
  10. >
  11. > > This is nested blockquote.
  12. >
  13. > Back to the first level.
  14. Numbered list
  15. 1. First item.
  16. 1. Another.
  17. 1. And another..
  18. Bulleted list
  19. * *item*
  20. * item
  21. [[ikiwiki/WikiLink]]
  22. [[!calendar type="month" pages="blog/*"]]
  23. Nested list test:
  24. + Hello
  25. + World
  26. * I
  27. * Am
  28. - Thank
  29. - You
  30. * Fine
  31. + How
  32. + Are
  33. + You