vocabularies-hs.mdwn 2.4 KB

  1. <div class="infobox">
  2. <h2>Links</h2>
  3. <ul>
  4. <li> [[News]]
  5. <li> [[Releases]]
  6. <li> [[Forum]]
  7. <li> [[Tickets]]
  8. </ul>
  9. </div>
  10. [[!toc]]
  11. # Introduction
  12. **vocabularies-hs** provides Smaoin resource and value definitions as Haskell
  13. variables for direct convenient fast use in Haskell code, and tools for
  14. generating these definitions.
  15. There can be many vocabulary packages for Haskell, made independently. This
  16. project provides vocabulary variable definitions for [[/projects/Kadma]] (i.e.
  17. base framework namespaces), and lists definitions provided for the
  18. [[/projects/Kiwi]] ontologies.
  19. All the vocabularies are under the `Data.Smaoin.Vocabulary` module, organized
  20. by namespace, with names based on the English localization. For example, if you
  21. define an ontology under namespace `hello`, you can place vocabulary entities
  22. under `Data.Smaoin.Vocabulary.Hello`.
  23. Vocabulary entity modules should be auto-generated from their source documents
  24. (mostly written in [[/projects/Idan]]), but at this early stage the variable
  25. definitions are written manually (but based on the Idan sources).
  26. # Download
  27. Releases are uploaded to Hackage.
  28. Components:
  29. - `vocabulary-kadma` - definitions for the base framework (currently
  30. hand-written)
  31. + Darcs source repo: [[!darcshub fr33domlover/vocabulary-kadma]]
  32. + Hackage package: [[!hackage vocabulary-kadma]]
  33. - `vocabulary-todo` - definitions for the
  34. [[todo|/projects/kiwi/data/idan-files/todo.idan]] ontology (currently
  35. hand-written)
  36. + Darcs source repo: [[!darcshub fr33domlover/vocabulary-todo]]
  37. + Hackage package: [[!hackage vocabulary-todo]]
  38. - `generate-vocabulary` - utility which generates definitions from semantic
  39. document source files written in Idan, Kort, etc. (hasn't been written yet,
  40. needs Kort and Idan parsers to be written)
  41. + Darcs source repo will be at: [[!rl4darcs generate-vocabulary]]
  42. + Hackage package will be: [[!hackage generate-vocabulary]]
  43. Some plans for the components, since development just started:
  44. - The generator can be both a library and a program which just parses command
  45. line options and uses the library
  46. # Documentation
  47. For now, see the Haddock generated pages and the source itself.
  48. # Freedom
  49. **vocabularies-hs** is free software, and is committed to software freedom
  50. and to freedom in general. It is released to the public domain using the CC0
  51. Public Domain Dedication. See [[/freedom]].
  52. # Bugs, Ideas, Tasks and Decisions
  53. - [[tickets]]
  54. - [[decisions]]