text-adventure.mdwn 1.0 KB

  1. <div class="infobox">
  2. <h2>Links</h2>
  3. <ul>
  4. <li> [[News]]
  5. <li> [[Releases]]
  6. <li> [[Forum]]
  7. <li> [[Tickets]]
  8. </ul>
  9. </div>
  10. [[!toc]]
  11. # Introduction
  12. **text-adventure** is an implementation in Haskell of the
  13. [[HERITAGE|https://notabug.org/SylvieLorxu/HERITAGE]] text adventure game
  14. engine and game definition format. It tries to add new features and experiment
  15. with new ideas, but makes them optional.
  16. It's still in an early development stage, there's nothing to run yet.
  17. # Download
  18. Releases are uploaded to Hackage. The source is in a Darcs repository:
  19. [[!darcshub fr33domlover/text-adventure]].
  20. # Documentation
  21. - Haddock generated pages and the source itself
  22. - The tutorial of HERITAGE
  23. - [[Definition]] - technical precise definition of the game file syntax
  24. # Freedom
  25. **text-adventure** is free software, and is committed to software freedom and
  26. to freedom in general. It is released to the public domain using the CC0 Public
  27. Domain Dedication. See [[/freedom]].
  28. # Bugs, Ideas, Tasks and Decisions
  29. - [[tickets]]
  30. - [[decisions]]