1. pkgbase = scotch
  2. pkgdesc = Software package and libraries for graph, mesh and hypergraph partitioning, static mapping, and sparse matrix block ordering. This is the all-inclusive version (MPI/serial/esmumps).
  3. pkgver = 7.0.4
  4. pkgrel = 2
  5. url = https://gitlab.inria.fr/scotch/scotch
  6. arch = i686
  7. arch = x86_64
  8. license = custom:CeCILL-C
  9. makedepends = gcc-fortran
  10. makedepends = cmake
  11. makedepends = flex
  12. makedepends = bison
  13. depends = zlib
  14. depends = openmpi
  15. depends = bzip2
  16. provides = ptscotch
  17. provides = ptscotch-openmpi
  18. provides = scotch_esmumps
  19. provides = scotch_ptesmumps
  20. conflicts = ptscotch-openmpi
  21. conflicts = scotch_esmumps
  22. conflicts = scotch_esmumps5
  23. options = !emptydirs
  24. source = https://gitlab.inria.fr/scotch/scotch/-/archive/v7.0.4/scotch-v7.0.4.tar.gz
  25. sha256sums = 8ef4719d6a3356e9c4ca7fefd7e2ac40deb69779a5c116f44da75d13b3d2c2c3
  26. pkgname = scotch