1. pkgbase = petsc
  2. pkgdesc = Portable, extensible toolkit for scientific computation
  3. pkgver = 3.19.4
  4. pkgrel = 2
  5. url = https://petsc.org
  6. install = petsc.install
  7. arch = i686
  8. arch = x86_64
  9. license = BSD
  10. makedepends = gcc
  11. makedepends = gcc-fortran
  12. makedepends = cmake
  13. makedepends = cython
  14. depends = python-numpy
  15. depends = openmpi
  16. depends = boost
  17. depends = lapack
  18. optdepends = trilinos: support for trilinos
  19. optdepends = fftw: support for the FFTW
  20. optdepends = hdf5: support for the HDF5
  21. optdepends = hypre: support for the HYPRE
  22. optdepends = metis: support for METIS
  23. optdepends = mumps: support for MUMPS
  24. optdepends = parmetis: support for ParMETIS
  25. optdepends = scalapack: support for ScaLAPACK
  26. optdepends = scotch: support for Scotch
  27. optdepends = suitesparse: support for SuiteSparse
  28. optdepends = superlu: support for SuperLU
  29. optdepends = superlu_dist: support for SuperLU_DIST,
  30. optdepends = triangle: support for Triangle
  31. optdepends = trilinos: support for the ML package from Trilinos
  32. provides = petsc4py
  33. options = staticlibs
  34. source = http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/petsc/release-snapshots/petsc-3.19.4.tar.gz
  35. source = test_optdepends.sh
  36. sha512sums = b32b8cf72ea6bf3d976067ce0b722a6fb2ede525bc2293b72daf5693de48c6256e50f3968c0464a5e0d3bb067b936e1d78b66b51626fd27bbef2f57322509564
  37. sha512sums = 42aabecfc41b76ce5590bccb6799dde88ebad65310f1cddba52f3790a70ada0eb56224f336c609ff790e7ff18f3af332196ff29ac2454e41a020ac9c91a10de2
  38. pkgname = petsc