#1 The ability to disbale the Issue tracker would be nice.

8 سال پیش باز شده توسط DeletedUser · 2 دیدگاه

The ability to disbale the Issue tracker would be nice.

The ability to disbale the Issue tracker would be nice.
bill-auger نظر 8 سال پیش

@deavmi -

this would be an issue for upstream - i forked this only yesterday

the upstream repo is here --> https://notabug.org/hp/gogs/issues

@deavmi - this would be an issue for upstream - i forked this only yesterday the upstream repo is here --> https://notabug.org/hp/gogs/issues

This will be fixed with the new Gogs anyway. Repos have an option to disable issues tracker and wikis.

This will be fixed with the new Gogs anyway. Repos have an option to disable issues tracker and wikis.
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