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  233. <h1>Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 versus UNIX</h1>
  234. <h3>by</h3>
  235. <h3>John Kirch</h3>
  236. <h3>Networking Consultant and
  237. Microsoft Certified Professional (Windows NT)</h3>
  238. <p><i>Last update: 7 August 1999</i>
  239. </p></td></tr></tbody></table>
  240. <table width="85%" cellspacing="0">
  241. <tbody><tr>
  242. <td>
  243. <hr>
  244. <h2>Executive Summary</h2>
  245. <p>IT managers worldwide are being confronted with the question, should
  246. we go with Microsoft Windows NT Server or one of the UNIX operating
  247. systems? As you may already know, UNIX is not a single operating
  248. system; it refers to a family of operating systems which includes AIX,
  249. BSDI, Digital UNIX, FreeBSD, HP-UX, IRIX, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD,
  250. Pyramid, SCO, Solaris, SunOS, just to name the more prominent ones.
  251. Windows NT Server is increasing in popularity, but is it increasing the
  252. productivity of your MIS operations? Most important of all, though,
  253. for you as a manager is, are you increasing the profits of your company
  254. when you choose a Microsoft solution?
  255. </p><p>The bottom line is, which is cheaper? Hardware costs, software
  256. licenses, technical support agreements, prices of upgrades/service
  257. packs, costs of hardware upgrades, profits lost for every hour of
  258. downtime, personnel costs for recovering/recreating data lost due to
  259. product defects in the operating system and/or hardware platform
  260. required by your choice of operating systems, and personnel costs for
  261. systems administrators, these are only some of the factors that
  262. contribute to the overall budget resulting from your decision. It is
  263. not a trivial consideration.
  264. </p><p>Although money is the bottom line for you as a manager, given the
  265. complex set of factors I've just presented, a technically superior
  266. combination of server hardware and operating systems could prove to be
  267. less expensive in the long run. UNIX is a mature, technically superior
  268. group of operating systems with a proven track record for performance,
  269. reliability, and security in a server environment. The almost thirty
  270. years of continual development, performed often by volunteers who
  271. believe in what they're doing, has produced a group of operating
  272. systems--and extremely powerful multiprocessor server hardware
  273. tailor-made to its needs, whose performance is still unparalleled by
  274. Intel hardware--that not only meets the demands of today's computing
  275. needs, but in many cases exceeds them.
  276. </p><p>Why Windows NT Server 4.0 continues to exist in the enterprise would
  277. be a topic appropriate for an investigative report in the field of
  278. psychology or marketing, not an article on information technology.
  279. Technically, Windows NT Server 4.0 is no match for any UNIX operating
  280. system, not even the non-commercial BSDs or Linux. A manager is not
  281. expected to have the technical expertise of a systems administrator
  282. with 15 years of industry experience. There is no shame in not having
  283. the facts, only in being ignorant of such facts, which will in the end
  284. cost your employer, and eventually all consumers, money. The aim of
  285. this article is to give you the resources which will enable you to make
  286. thoughtful and informed decisions regarding your organization's
  287. IT planning and operations.
  288. </p><p>The following article relies on my experience in this industry,
  289. which started back in 1979 with Chevron Geosciences Company, and on
  290. roughly 150 links to other technical articles, white papers, and
  291. executive summaries. At this point it should be noted that I am not
  292. promoting the product of any one company, nor would my employer benefit
  293. should you choose UNIX. My goal is to ease the burden of systems
  294. administrators, promote more efficient and economical computing
  295. worldwide, and encourage a more fair and diverse community of software
  296. vendors.
  297. </p><hr>
  298. </td></tr></tbody></table>
  299. <table width="85%">
  300. <tbody><tr>
  301. <td valign="TOP">
  302. <h2>Contents</h2>
  303. <ul>
  304. <li><a href="">Introduction</a>
  305. </li><li><a href="">Operating Systems</a>
  306. <ul>
  307. <li><a href="">Product costs and licensing issues</a>
  308. </li><li><a href="">Functionality</a>
  309. </li><li><a href="">Reliability</a>
  310. </li><li><a href="">System Management</a>
  311. </li><li><a href="">Performance</a>
  312. </li><li><a href="">Security</a>
  313. </li></ul>
  314. </li><li><a href="">Some Common Misconceptions</a>
  315. </li><li><a href="">Views of Other MIS Professionals</a>
  316. <ul>
  317. <li><a href="">
  318. Feedback from Readers of this Article</a>
  319. </li>
  320. </ul>
  321. </li><li><a href="">Web Servers</a>
  322. </li><li><a href="">Conclusion</a>
  323. </li><li><a href="">Linux and NT Server 4.0 at a Glance</a>
  324. </li><li><a href="">What are Major Companies Deploying?</a>
  325. </li><li><a href="">Related Links</a>
  326. </li><li><a href="">Disclaimers and Other Legal Information</a>
  327. </li><li><a href="">Acknowledgments</a>
  328. </li></ul>
  329. </td><td valign="TOP">
  330. <h2><a name="highlights">Highlights in this Article</a></h2>
  331. <ul>
  332. <li><a href="">Why Microsoft uses Solaris instead of NT</a>
  333. </li><li><a href="">Microsoft admits that NT trails Solaris</a>
  334. </li><li><a href="">Graphical comparison of the various operating systems</a>
  335. </li><li><a href="">Which operating systems do professionals choose when
  336. stability is the most important issue?</a>
  337. </li><li><a href="">A little-known fact about <b></b></a>
  338. </li><li><a href="">UNIX on a single processor PC outperforms a dual processor
  339. NT machine?</a>
  340. </li><li><a href="">Cisco changing from Linux to Windows NT?</a>
  341. </li><li><a href="">Linux and the United States Postal Service</a>
  342. </li><li><a href="">Web Server software; What do the Royal Family and the
  343. FBI have in common?</a>
  344. </li><li><a href="">Show me some UNIX, I want to <i>see</i> what it looks like!</a>
  345. </li><li><a href="">
  346. What is that Site Running?</a>
  347. </li><li><a href="">FreeBSD and Linux Resources with
  348. answers to the following questions:</a>
  349. <ul>
  350. <li>Where can I get Linux/FreeBSD to try this out?
  351. </li><li>Where can I buy a workstation/server with Linux/FreeBSD
  352. pre-installed?
  353. </li><li>Where can I find a consultant for these operating systems?
  354. </li></ul>
  355. </li></ul>
  356. </td></tr>
  357. </tbody></table>
  358. <table width="85%" cellspacing="0">
  359. <tbody><tr>
  360. <td>
  361. <p>
  362. </p><hr>
  363. <h2><a name="intro">Introduction</a></h2>
  364. The choice of server platforms can be difficult for managers who do not
  365. have highly specialized training in systems and network administration.
  366. In this paper, Microsoft Windows NT Server is compared to UNIX, a large
  367. family of commercial and non-commercial operating systems with a common
  368. heritage and many similarities. The main focus of the comparison is on
  369. the areas of functionality, reliability, system management, and
  370. performance. This paper is about servers, not workstations. Other
  371. factors, such as product pricing, quantity and quality of bundled
  372. software, and a section on common misconceptions about both groups of
  373. operating systems are presented to provide a more complete view of
  374. these products. The information used in this comparison is derived
  375. from a variety of sources: white papers, case studies by third parties,
  376. articles from technical periodicals, and observations made by IT
  377. professionals who have industry experience in the implementation and
  378. administration of both Microsoft Windows NT and various UNIX operating
  379. systems.
  380. <p>This article should be considered a work in progress. Anyone
  381. wishing to contribute to this project is welcome to send me <a href=""><b>e-mail</b></a>. Please confine your
  382. e-mail to <i>constructive</i> comments or criticism.
  383. </p><hr>
  384. <h2><a name="os">Operating Systems</a></h2>
  385. <h3><a name="costs">Product costs and licensing issues</a></h3>
  386. <p>Most managers will agree that the mere cost of an operating system
  387. is trivial when looking at the big picture. Although Windows NT Server
  388. 4.0 can be more expensive than some commercial UNIX operating systems,
  389. it can be had for trivial amounts at trade shows.
  390. </p><p>
  391. </p><center>
  392. <b>Price List for Windows NT Server 4.0 (Source:
  393. <a href="">Microsoft</a>)</b>
  394. </center>
  395. </td></tr></tbody></table>
  396. <center>
  397. <table border="2">
  398. <tbody><tr>
  399. <th>Product</th><th>Price (US-$)
  400. </th></tr><tr>
  401. <td>NT Server 4.0 (5-user version)
  402. </td><td align="RIGHT">$809
  403. </td></tr><tr>
  404. <td>NT Server 4.0 (10-user version)
  405. </td><td align="RIGHT">$1,129
  406. </td></tr><tr>
  407. <td>NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition (25-user version)
  408. </td><td align="RIGHT">$3,999
  409. </td></tr><tr>
  410. <td>NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition (50-user version)
  411. </td><td align="RIGHT">$4,799
  412. </td></tr><tr>
  413. <td>NT Server 4.0 Documentation Kit
  414. </td><td align="RIGHT">$69.95
  415. </td></tr><tr>
  416. <td>20 Quantity Client License
  417. </td><td align="RIGHT">$329
  418. </td></tr><tr>
  419. <td>Single Quantity Client License
  420. </td><td align="RIGHT">$19.95
  421. </td></tr></tbody></table>
  422. </center>
  423. <p>
  424. <table width="85%" cellspacing="0">
  425. <tbody><tr>
  426. <td>
  427. Is NT Server really worth its price? See <b>
  428. <a href="">
  429. NT Lies: Lie 6 - NT Server is worth more</a></b>. What
  430. is not trivial, however, is that a networked operating system in this
  431. price range should ship without a telnet server, SMTP server (e-mail),
  432. disk quotas, news server, or at least a DNS server that works to
  433. customers' satisfaction (many NT administrators feel compelled to go
  434. with third party DNS solutions). In order to match the functionality of
  435. a BSDI installation, additional Microsoft products and third-party
  436. solutions would bring the final price of a comparable NT solution to
  437. around $4,000, according to <b>
  438. <a href="">BSDI</a></b>.
  439. Maggie Biggs, a senior analyst in the InfoWorld who specializes in
  440. database technology and application design, development, and deployment
  441. via intranets and other networks, estimates a price of <b>$4,636 for a
  442. comparable Windows NT 4.0 solution</b> in her <b>
  443. <a href="">
  444. article</a></b> which compares NT 4.0 to Red Hat's <i>commercial</i>
  445. Linux (for only <b>$49.95</b>).
  446. Here one sees that successful marketing can often distract customers
  447. from considering their need for functionality.
  448. <p>NT is often chosen for budget reasons since many customers are not
  449. willing to pay for the more expensive hardware required by most
  450. commercial flavors of UNIX. More important, however, is the overall
  451. cost of implementation which includes system administration along with
  452. several other factors like downtime, telephone support calls, loss of
  453. data due to unreliability, etc. For a more detailed discussion of NT's
  454. hidden costs, see the following
  455. <a href="">
  456. InformationWeek</a> article:
  457. </p><blockquote>
  458. "Windows NT systems carry lower sticker prices than
  459. their Unix counterparts, but ongoing maintenance and
  460. support requirements can make them much more costly
  461. to run."
  462. <p>
  463. -- Martin J. Garvey,
  464. <b><a href="">
  465. The Hidden Cost Of NT</a></b>,
  466. <a href="">
  467. InformationWeek</a>, 20 July 1998.
  468. </p></blockquote>
  469. <p>Tippett Studio, the company
  470. responsible for the graphics in <i>Starship Trooper</i>, which received
  471. an Oscar nomination for Best Special Effects, uses 130 SGI (
  472. <a href="">Silicon Graphics, Inc.</a>) machines running
  473. <a href="">IRIX</a>, SGI's
  474. very own UNIX operating system. Tippett's studio operations manager
  475. explains why they use SGI with IRIX instead of an NT solution:
  476. </p><blockquote>
  477. "'SGIs are cheap for what they do,' says Tippett's Jeff Stringer, the
  478. studio's operations manager. 'The cost of maintaining an NT system is
  479. pretty high when you think of all the system administrators you have to
  480. hire.'"
  481. <p>"Hiring is an especially big concern for the small studio. Unlike
  482. the super-studios, Tippett -- which designed the bugs that threaten
  483. humanity in "Starship Troopers" -- is an f/x boutique."
  484. </p><p>-- Greg Lindsay,
  485. <a href=",2334,13125,00.html">
  486. Oscar Tech</a>, The Netly News, 27 February 1998.
  487. </p></blockquote>
  488. <p>For the most cost-conscious customer,
  489. <b><a href="">Linux</a></b>,
  490. <b><a href="">FreeBSD</a></b>,
  491. <b><a href="">NetBSD</a></b>, or
  492. <b><a href="">OpenBSD</a></b>
  493. would be the obvious choices. They cost <i>nothing</i>, yet they are
  494. just as stable and offer as much functionality as, if not more than,
  495. the commercial UNIX operating systems.
  496. </p><p>Journalists R. Scott Raynovich and Polly Sprenger at <i>LAN Times</i>
  497. indirectly point out the flexibility of the
  498. <b><a href="">Open Source</a></b> concept
  499. in their recent article on Linux and how
  500. commercial organizations can benefit from it:
  501. </p><blockquote>
  502. " . . . Linux
  503. can be downloaded for free over the Internet or obtained
  504. inexpensively with support and documentation from a
  505. number of commercial vendors. This makes it an
  506. attractive product for companies trying to reduce the
  507. cost of licensing and managing OSes.
  508. <p>-- R. Scott Raynovich and Polly Sprenger,
  509. <b><a href="">
  510. Linux legitimacy rallies NT skeptics</a></b>,
  511. <a href="">LAN Times</a>,
  512. 17 August 1998.
  513. </p></blockquote>
  514. In <a href="">Software Magazine</a>'s
  515. recent cover story on Linux, Ann Harrison points out how even large
  516. companies are finding a cost effective alternative to Microsoft in the
  517. deployment of Linux servers:
  518. <blockquote>
  519. "Randy Kessell, manager of technical analysis for a Southwestern Bell
  520. operation center, notes that
  521. because Linux allows his company to do more remote network
  522. administration and software loads
  523. than was possible with either Microsoft or NetWare products, it has
  524. driven down their network management costs."
  525. <p>-- Ann Harrison,
  526. <b><a href="">
  527. In LINUX We . . .</a></b>,
  528. <a href="">
  529. Software Magazine</a>, Cover Story, September 1998.
  530. </p></blockquote>
  531. <p>One reader informed me that
  532. mentioning Linux would detract from the credibility of this article. I
  533. beg to differ. The existence of such alliances as mentioned in the
  534. article
  535. <b><a href="">
  536. Andreessen Sees Mozilla-Linux Upset of Windows</a></b> clearly shows
  537. that Linux is strengthening its presence in commercial environments.
  538. (For newcomers to this arena, Mozilla is the name of the
  539. Netscape/Communicator code and Marc Andreessen is Cofounder and
  540. Executive VP of Products at Netscape.) Also noteworthy is a new
  541. alliance between
  542. <a href="">Sun Microsystems</a> and <a href="">Linux International</a>.
  543. (<a href="">Slashdot</a>:
  544. <b><a href="">
  545. Sun Joins Linux International</a></b>, 21 May 1998) &nbsp;
  546. Yet another recent development is <a href="">Corel</a>'s special relationship with
  547. Linux:
  548. </p><blockquote>
  549. ". . . <a href="">Corel</a>, which has already
  550. announced plans to build a Linux-based network computer, said it will
  551. next month post free Linux-based development tools to its Web site,
  552. joining a number of software companies supporting the Linux open source
  553. movement."<br>
  554. -- Erich Luening,
  555. <b><a href=",4,21929,00.html">
  556. Corel joins Linux fest</a></b>,
  557. <a href="">CNET News.Com</a>, 8 May 1998.
  558. </blockquote>
  559. <p>The very latest headlines indicate that Linux is well on its way into
  560. the major leagues:
  561. <b><a href=",3441,2121004,00.html">
  562. Informix, Oracle ready to port to Linux</a></b>
  563. (<a href="">PCWeek Online</a>, 20 July 1998),
  564. <b><a href="">
  565. Oracle to port database to Linux</a></b>
  566. (<a href="">PCWeek Online</a>, 20 July 1998),
  567. and
  568. <b><a href=",4,20863,00.html?">
  569. Netscape: Linux a top priority</a></b>
  570. (<a href="">CNET News.Com</a>, 7 April 1998).
  571. </p><p>Historically, large corporations have steered clear of free software
  572. due to the unfounded assumption that anything free can't be worthwhile.
  573. The recent trend among some corporations is to use these
  574. cost-effective operating systems. Hewlett-Packard used Linux instead
  575. of its own HP-UX operating system "to port the Carnegie Mellon Mach
  576. kernel to HP
  577. PA-RISC in order to use it for their imagery work."
  578. (<a href="">
  579. full story</a>) &nbsp; Schlumberger chose Linux over SCO for its new point of sale computers.
  580. (<a href="">
  581. Linux Journal</a>, November 1997, Issue 43, pp. 83-4) It is
  582. interesting to note that <b><a href="">SunWorld
  583. On-Line</a></b> gives Linux positive press in one of its articles, <b>
  584. <a href="">
  585. Linux lines up for the enterprise</a></b>.
  586. </p><p>The September 1998
  587. <a href="">Software Magazine</a>
  588. cover story reveals just how far Linux has managed to infiltrate
  589. corporate America and how it is not about to go away:
  590. </p><blockquote>
  591. "Tim Payne, director of
  592. database marketing at Oracle, says many of his company's corporate
  593. customers have made large
  594. investments in Linux. When Oracle announced in July that it would be
  595. offering 24x7 support for
  596. Oracle8 on Linux, he says 300 customers called the next day asking
  597. about availability. 'It's reliable,
  598. it's proven, it runs on commodity Intel boxes, and it's a really
  599. low-cost alternative to NT,' says
  600. Payne. 'The fact that you are going to be able to get enterprise
  601. quality support from Oracle to deploy on
  602. the Linux platform will help customers adopt Linux.'
  603. <p>-- Ann Harrison,
  604. <b><a href="">
  605. In LINUX We . . .</a></b>,
  606. <a href="">
  607. Software Magazine</a>, Cover Story, September 1998.
  608. </p></blockquote>
  609. <p>Since these operating
  610. systems are free for use even in commercial environments, many ISPs run
  611. on Linux or FreeBSD. NetBSD will run on practically anything: DEC
  612. Alpha, Motorola 68k (Amiga, Atari, Mac, MVME, Sharp, Sun3), PowerPC,
  613. Intel, DEC VAX, Acorn RISC, MIPS (Sony NEWS, DECstation), etc.
  614. OpenBSD's primary focus is on correctness and security. Linux is the
  615. most popular and will run on a wide range hardware: Sun, Intel, DEC
  616. Alpha, PowerPC, PowerMac, etc.
  617. Paul Krill's recent articles in
  618. <a href="">InfoWorld</a>
  619. (<b><a href="">
  620. Linux picking up steam</a></b> and <b>
  621. <a href="">
  622. Linux supporters rally around freeware OS</a></b>) focus on the ever
  623. increasing support of major vendors and future plans for added
  624. functionality, i.e. support for Intel's 64-bit Merced processor.
  625. Currently, Linux is perhaps the fastest
  626. growing operating system on the market. For more information, see <b>
  627. <a href="">Linux Resources</a></b> or <b>
  628. <a href="">Red Hat Software</a></b>.
  629. </p><p>Nicholas Petreley, editor-in-chief of <i>NC World</i> and columnist
  630. for <i>InfoWorld</i> and <i>NT World Japan</i> provides an explanation
  631. for the rise of Linux and FreeBSD in IT departments:
  632. </p><blockquote>
  633. "Yesterday's college students learned their UNIX expertise on Linux and
  634. FreeBSD. Today they're working in IT departments, and many of them are
  635. openly hostile to both Microsoft and Windows NT. As a result, Linux,
  636. BSD, Solaris, and other forms of UNIX are finding their way into IT
  637. departments, both overtly and on the sly.
  638. <p>"For example, are you sure that's an NT server you're connecting to
  639. at work? IS employees in many corporations have secretly installed UNIX
  640. servers that provide native NT services. Why take such a risk? Linux
  641. and FreeBSD are free, as is SAMBA, the software that provides NT
  642. services. So the IS department saves money. And managers are unlikely
  643. to find out UNIX is behind the scenes because fewer people will
  644. complain about server downtime.
  645. </p><p>"Fewer people will complain because the servers are more stable than
  646. Windows NT. Linux, FreeBSD, and BSDI UNIX outperform Windows NT by a
  647. wide margin on limited hardware, and under some circumstances can
  648. perform as well or better than NT on the best hardware. Once behind in
  649. scalability features, UNIX on Intel is catching up and may soon surpass
  650. NT in the number of processors it can use, and how it uses them.
  651. </p><p>-- Nicholas Petreley,
  652. <a href="">
  653. The new UNIX alters NT's orbit: The re-emergence of UNIX threatens to
  654. modify the future direction of NT</a>,
  655. <a href="">
  656. <i>NC World</i></a>, April 1998.
  657. </p></blockquote>
  658. <p>Even <a href="">The Economist</a> is now
  659. reporting on the rising popularity of Linux:
  660. </p><blockquote>
  661. "Oracle, a database firm, is planning to offer Linux versions of some
  662. of its software. . . . Even without such endorsements, Linux has
  663. achieved a measure of success. In only a few
  664. years, the program has evolved from a hacker's toy into software that
  665. is, at least in part,
  666. technically superior to Windows NT.
  667. <p>-- Stephen Morley,
  668. <b>Revenge of the hackers</b>*
  669. <a href="">The Economist</a>,
  670. July 11th - 17th 1998.<br>
  671. * Hyperlink is gone. Can be purchased from <i>The Economist</i>
  672. via their online archive.
  673. </p></blockquote>
  674. <h3><a name="functionality">Functionality</a></h3>
  675. What can you expect from Windows NT Server out of the box and from UNIX
  676. out of the box? NT can communicate with many different types of
  677. computers. So can UNIX. NT can secure sensitive data and keep
  678. unauthorized users off the network. So can UNIX. Essentially, both
  679. operating systems meet the minimum requirements for operating systems
  680. functioning in a networked environment. Put briefly, UNIX can do
  681. anything that NT can do and more.
  682. <p>NT is often considered to be a "multi-user" operating system, but
  683. this is very misleading. An NT server will <i>validate</i> an
  684. authorized user, but once the user is logged on to the NT network, all
  685. he/she can do is access files and printers. The NT user cannot just
  686. run <i>any</i> application on the NT server (in order to take advantage
  687. of the superior processing power of server hardware). An NT user can
  688. only run special applications that have been written in two pieces,
  689. i.e. client/server applications. When a user logs in to a UNIX
  690. server, he/she can then run <i>any</i> application (provided the user
  691. is authorized to do so), thus taking the processing load off his/her
  692. workstation. This also includes graphics-based applications since
  693. X-server software is standard issue on all UNIX operating systems.
  694. </p><p>For most businesses, e-mail has become an indispensable tool for
  695. communication, and most companies run their own internal/external
  696. e-mail systems. With Windows NT, you will have to buy a separate
  697. software package in order to set up an e-mail server. UNIX operating
  698. systems come with a program called <b>
  699. <a href="">Sendmail</a></b>. There are other
  700. mail server software packages (or <i>MTAs</i>, Mail Transport Agents)
  701. available for UNIX, but this one is the most widely used, and it is
  702. free. Some UNIX administrators feel that
  703. <b><a href="">exim</a></b> or
  704. <b><a href="">qmail</a></b> are better choices
  705. since they are not as difficult to configure as sendmail. Both exim
  706. and qmail, like sendmail as well, are free for use even in a commercial
  707. environment.
  708. Many NT-based companies use
  709. <b><a href="">
  710. Microsoft Exchange Server</a></b>
  711. as their MTA. This is an expensive solution with limited success in an
  712. enterprise environment. <b>Microsoft Exchange Server Enterprise
  713. Edition - 25 Client Access Licenses costs $3,549.00.</b>
  714. If you have more than 25 employees, the same package with <b>50 Client
  715. Access Licenses costs $4,859.00</b> (Source:
  716. <b>
  717. <a href="">Microsoft</a></b>)
  718. For more information on this topic see
  719. <a href="">
  720. Microsoft Exchange versus Sendmail:
  721. Views of Other MIS Professionals</a>.
  722. </p><p>Since Microsoft sees NT as a viable alternative to all other
  723. network-capable operating systems on the market, UNIX and Novell
  724. included, one would assume that NT would come with all the tools
  725. necessary to accomplish the most basic tasks required: file and
  726. printer services. Any systems/network administrator knows from
  727. experience that there are two important issues to be considered when
  728. setting up a file server or adding a new network user: security, i.e.
  729. passwords and file permissions; and quotas for limiting disk usage of
  730. any new or existing users or groups. Although NT provides basic
  731. password security, it only provides file-level security if you choose
  732. to use its proprietary filesystem called NTFS. More important than
  733. this issue, however, is that <b>NT does not provide any mechanism for
  734. limiting a user's disk usage!</b> UNIX and Novell, on the other hand,
  735. provide software for performing this seemingly elementary control.
  736. Microsoft has announced, however, that its not yet released NT Server
  737. 5.0 will provide "new storage management features such as disk quotas .
  738. . ." (see their press release, <a href="">
  739. Windows NT 5.0 Beta Delivered to Over 200,000 Developers</a>).
  740. </p><p>Another disk related design flaw in the Microsoft suite of operating
  741. systems is its antiquated use of "drive letters," i.e. drive C:, drive
  742. D:, etc. This schema imposes hardware specific limitations on system
  743. administrators and users alike. This is highly inappropriate for
  744. client/server environments where network shares and file systems are
  745. to represent hierarchies meaningful to humans. UNIX allows shared
  746. network filesystems to be mounted at any point in a directory structure.
  747. A network share can also span multiple disk drives (or even different
  748. machines!) in UNIX, thus
  749. allowing administrators to maintain pre-existing directory structures
  750. that are well-known to users, yet allowing them to expand the available
  751. disk space on the server, making such system changes transparent to
  752. users. This single difference between the UNIX and Windows operating
  753. systems further underscores the original intentions of their respective
  754. designers: UNIX was conceived as a client/server operating system for
  755. professional use, whereas Windows and its descendents sprang from DOS,
  756. an operating system that was never intended to be a player in a
  757. client/server environment, much less a server. For more detailed
  758. information on this topic, see Nicholas Petreley's article
  759. <b>
  760. <a href="">
  761. It will take less drive to make most PC operating
  762. systems work like Unix</a></b>.
  763. </p><p>Last but not least, UNIX operating systems are equipped with
  764. scripting languages (Bourne Shell, Korn Shell, C Shell, and sometimes
  765. Perl, just to name a few) and a "cron" facility for scheduling jobs to
  766. run at fixed intervals (every <i>n</i> minutes, every <i>n</i> hours,
  767. once a week, once a month, etc.). Cron scheduling is highly
  768. configurable and not just limited to these examples here. In short,
  769. high-level scripting languages + cron = a powerful resource for system
  770. administration, the likes of which cannot be found in Microsoft NT
  771. Server 4.0. A great deal of UNIX system administration is automated
  772. and customized for site-specific needs through the use of these tools,
  773. which in effect cuts down on personnel costs. As one reader pointed
  774. out, NT does have a "Scheduler" and an "at" command, and that Perl is
  775. available for NT. Yes, this is true, however, I don't feel that NT's
  776. limited cmd.exe scripting environment combined with the "Scheduler" or
  777. "at" can even begin to approach the functionality offered by the UNIX
  778. tools I've mentioned. One reader, Neil McKellar, provided an excellent
  779. <a href="">
  780. example</a>
  781. which supports this statement.
  782. </p><p>Running automated tasks is only useful when the
  783. scripts/tasks/executables can be run without human intervention. So
  784. much that runs on NT is GUI-based, and thus, requires interaction with
  785. a human administrator. If seen realistically, the types of automated
  786. tasks that are being run in most shops are site-specific routines that
  787. have to be programmed by system administrators. Based on my own
  788. industry experience, it is a rare site indeed where Perl is installed
  789. on NT servers and there is any NT administrator who knows the first
  790. thing about Perl. The driving force behind buying cheap hardware goes
  791. hand-in-hand with the hiring practice of selecting the cheapest NT
  792. administrators available; after all, it's NT, all you have to do is
  793. point and click!
  794. </p><p>To summarize, once you logon to an NT network, all you can do is
  795. read files and print. In a UNIX environment, once you log in to a UNIX
  796. server, you can <i>be</i> on that machine and do anything on it that
  797. you could do if you were sitting at its keyboard <i>and mouse!</i> With
  798. NT, don't plan on being able to set up an e-mail server with the
  799. software at hand. You will need to buy expensive mail server software
  800. like Microsoft Exchange Server separately. If your NT server should
  801. function as a file server - what else can you do with it really? -
  802. don't plan on being able to prevent users from crashing the server by
  803. filling up the disk(s) with their data.
  804. </p><p>Ease of configuration and being able to configure a server without
  805. causing downtime is yet another aspect of functionality:
  806. </p><blockquote>
  807. "Some versions of UNIX (Linux, for example) support loadable device
  808. modules. This means you can boot Linux and reconfigure its support for
  809. hardware and software on the fly. For example, you can boot Linux
  810. without support for the SCSI card you have installed. You simply load
  811. support for that SCSI card when you need to access one or more of the
  812. SCSI-connected devices, such as an optical disk for backup. You can
  813. unload the SCSI driver when you're finished. You can also freely load
  814. and unload support for sound cards, network cards -- even file systems
  815. such as HPFS, FAT, VFAT, and others (an NTFS driver is in the works).
  816. <p>"Any UNIX with loadable module support is therefore by nature more
  817. appropriate for a server environment because almost all configuration
  818. changes do not require system restarts.
  819. </p><p>"Windows NT doesn't even come close. Even insignificant changes to a
  820. Windows NT configuration require or request a shutdown and reboot in
  821. order to make the changes take effect. Change the IP address of your
  822. default gateway and you need to reboot. You can't even change the type
  823. of modem you use for a dial-up PPP connection without a reboot to
  824. update the system. None of these limitations exist in UNIX.
  825. </p><p>-- Nicholas Petreley,
  826. <a href="">
  827. The new UNIX alters NT's orbit: The re-emergence of UNIX threatens to
  828. modify the future direction of NT</a>,
  829. <a href="">
  830. <i>NC World</i></a>, April 1998.
  831. </p></blockquote>
  832. <p>When it comes to more sophisticated networking functionality, it
  833. seems that Microsoft's NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition can't hold a
  834. candle to the more mature commercial UNIX operating systems. Although
  835. not essential to network performance, 64-bit computing is here today
  836. with these UNIX operating systems (as opposed to NT's 32-bit operating
  837. system). D.H. Brown Associates Inc. reports the results of their
  838. analysis as follows (the following quotation along with the table and
  839. the three graphs immediately following the table are excerpts from a
  840. Web page on Digital Equipment Corporation's site entitled
  841. <a href="">
  842. AIX 4.3 Leaps To 64-Bits In Dead Heat With Digital UNIX 4.0</a>):
  843. </p><blockquote>
  844. AIX 4.3 takes the lead in Internet/intranet networking features
  845. by providing the broadest set of TCP/IP extensions and adding
  846. value with a bundled Notes server. Digital UNIX comes in second
  847. place with strong network security capabilities, bundling not
  848. only Web-browsing capabilities but also Web-authoring tools, with
  849. Navigator Gold, and a solid set of TCP/IP extensions. However,
  850. Digital UNIX lacks advanced NFS features such as CacheFS and
  851. AutoFS. IRIX 6.4 places third, bundling CacheFS and AutoFS, and
  852. network security features almost as strong as Digital's. But IRIX
  853. lacks network time facilities (NTP) and TCP/IP capabilities such
  854. as IPv6 and IPSec. Sun follows, with good support for NFS
  855. functions and the second-place array of TCP/IP extensions.
  856. However, Sun relies on its own Web server, rather than Netscape,
  857. Microsoft or Apache, and lacks authoring tools as well as
  858. important services such as Novell's NDS directory service. HP
  859. provides strong Internet support within HP-UX, bolstered by its
  860. good showing in advanced Internet protocol function and network
  861. security, while lagging behind in support for advanced NFS
  862. capability. HP-UX, along with AIX, has also established a lead in
  863. supporting NDS. While Microsoft NT 4.0 provides Internet/intranet
  864. support that overall rates as "Good," NT lags behind
  865. the leading UNIX vendors due to poor support for directory
  866. services, network security, NFS, and few TCP/IP extensions.
  867. Microsoft has largely focused adding value to its bundled Web
  868. server product and to tuning its Java Virtual Machine.
  869. </blockquote>
  870. </td></tr></tbody></table>
  871. <table border="1">
  872. <tbody><tr><td width="226"></td>
  873. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">HP-UX
  874. 11.0</font></center> </td>
  875. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">Solaris
  876. 2.6</font></center> </td>
  877. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">AIX
  878. 4.3</font></center> </td>
  879. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">Irix
  880. 6.4</font></center> </td>
  881. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">Digital
  882. UNIX 4.0d</font></center> </td>
  883. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">NTS
  884. 4.0/EE</font></center> </td>
  885. </tr>
  886. <tr><td width="226"><b><font size="2" color="#000000">Extension</font></b>
  887. </td>
  888. <td width="62"></td>
  889. <td width="62"></td>
  890. <td width="62"></td>
  891. <td width="62"> </td>
  892. <td width="62"></td>
  893. <td width="62"></td>
  894. </tr>
  895. <tr><td width="226"><i><font size="2" color="#000000">IPSec</font></i>
  896. </td>
  897. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  898. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  899. </td>
  900. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  901. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  902. </td>
  903. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  904. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  905. </td>
  906. </tr>
  907. <tr><td width="226"><i><font size="2" color="#000000">IPv6</font></i>
  908. </td>
  909. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  910. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center> </td>
  911. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  912. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  913. </td>
  914. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  915. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  916. </td>
  917. </tr>
  918. <tr><td width="226"><i><font size="2" color="#000000">RSVP</font></i>
  919. </td>
  920. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  921. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">Partial</font></center>
  922. </td>
  923. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  924. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center> </td>
  925. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  926. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  927. </td>
  928. </tr>
  929. <tr><td width="226"><i><font size="2" color="#000000">IP
  930. Multiplexing</font></i> </td>
  931. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  932. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center> </td>
  933. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  934. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  935. </td>
  936. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  937. </td>
  938. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  939. </td>
  940. </tr>
  941. <tr><td width="226"><i><font size="2" color="#000000">IP
  942. Multicast</font></i> </td>
  943. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  944. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center> </td>
  945. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  946. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center> </td>
  947. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  948. <td width="62"><center>Partial</center> </td>
  949. </tr>
  950. <tr><td width="226"><b><font size="2" color="#000000">Performance
  951. Optimizations</font></b> </td>
  952. <td width="62"></td>
  953. <td width="62"></td>
  954. <td width="62"></td>
  955. <td width="62"> </td>
  956. <td width="62"></td>
  957. <td width="62"></td>
  958. </tr>
  959. <tr><td width="226"><i><font size="2" color="#000000">Telnet
  960. in kernel</font></i> </td>
  961. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  962. </td>
  963. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  964. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center> </td>
  965. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  966. </td>
  967. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  968. </td>
  969. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  970. </td>
  971. </tr>
  972. <tr><td width="226"><i><font size="2" color="#000000">Kernel
  973. Sockets</font></i> </td>
  974. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  975. </td>
  976. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  977. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center> </td>
  978. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  979. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center> </td>
  980. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  981. </td>
  982. </tr>
  983. <tr><td width="226"><i><font size="2" color="#000000">TCP
  984. Large Windows</font></i> </td>
  985. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  986. </td>
  987. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  988. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center> </td>
  989. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  990. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center> </td>
  991. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  992. </td>
  993. </tr>
  994. <tr><td width="226"><i><font size="2" color="#000000">Zero
  995. Copy TCP/Hardware Checksum</font></i> </td>
  996. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  997. </td>
  998. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  999. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1000. </td>
  1001. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  1002. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1003. </td>
  1004. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1005. </td>
  1006. </tr>
  1007. <tr><td width="226"><i><font size="2" color="#000000">Path
  1008. MTU Discovery</font></i> </td>
  1009. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1010. </td>
  1011. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1012. </td>
  1013. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  1014. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center> </td>
  1015. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  1016. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1017. </td>
  1018. </tr>
  1019. <tr><td width="226"><i><font size="2" color="#000000">OpenShortestPathFirst
  1020. (OSPF)</font></i> </td>
  1021. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  1022. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1023. </td>
  1024. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  1025. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1026. </td>
  1027. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  1028. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center> </td>
  1029. </tr>
  1030. <tr><td width="226"><i><font size="2" color="#000000">RTP:
  1031. Real Time Protocol</font></i> </td>
  1032. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1033. </td>
  1034. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1035. </td>
  1036. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  1037. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center> </td>
  1038. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1039. </td>
  1040. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1041. </td>
  1042. </tr>
  1043. <tr><td width="226"><i><font size="2" color="#000000">RTCP:
  1044. Real Time Control Protocol</font></i> </td>
  1045. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1046. </td>
  1047. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1048. </td>
  1049. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  1050. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center> </td>
  1051. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1052. </td>
  1053. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1054. </td>
  1055. </tr>
  1056. <tr><td width="226"><i><font size="2" color="#000000">Parallelized
  1057. TCP/IP</font></i> </td>
  1058. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">Yes</font></center>
  1059. </td>
  1060. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">Yes</font></center>
  1061. </td>
  1062. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  1063. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center> </td>
  1064. <td width="62"><center>Yes</center></td>
  1065. <td width="62"><center><font size="2" color="#000000">No</font></center>
  1066. </td>
  1067. </tr>
  1068. </tbody></table>
  1069. </p><p>
  1070. </p><h3><a name="graphs">INTERNET/INTRANET NETWORKING FEATURES</a></h3>
  1071. <p><img src="./Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 versus UNIX_files/AIX43_f.gif" alt="Networking Features Graph">
  1073. <p><img src="./Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 versus UNIX_files/AIX43_h.gif" alt="Reliability and Scalability Graph">
  1074. </p><h3>SYSTEM MANAGEMENT</h3>
  1075. <p><img src="./Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 versus UNIX_files/AIX43_j.gif" alt="System Management Graph">
  1076. </p><p>Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1995-1998. All Rights Reserved.
  1077. </p><p>
  1078. <table width="85%" cellspacing="0">
  1079. <tbody><tr>
  1080. <td>
  1081. <p>See also D. H. Brown's
  1082. <b><a href="">
  1083. Operating System Scorecard page</a></b> for other graphical comparisons
  1084. of the operating systems compared above.
  1085. </p><hr>
  1086. <h3><a name="reliability">Reliability</a></h3>
  1087. <p>In today's world, reliability is often more important than speed.
  1088. Although performance is largely a function of hardware platform (see
  1089. the next section), it is in the area of <i>reliability</i> that the
  1090. choice of operating systems has the most influence. Even if one
  1091. operating system offers more functionality, is more scalable, and
  1092. offers greater ease of system management, what good are these
  1093. advantages when a server processing real-time financial transactions is
  1094. plagued by frequent crashes resulting in unacceptable downtimes? The
  1095. analogy of a fast, economical automobile with lots of gadgets, and
  1096. sporty appearance that frequently stalls in traffic despite repeated
  1097. visits to the authorized service center is actually quite
  1098. representative of Windows NT.
  1099. </p><p>
  1100. <a name="stability">One often hears about Windows NT Server</a>
  1101. being referred to as a "stable" operating system, but this is not
  1102. entirely accurate. Were it so, then we wouldn't be reading articles
  1103. like <b>
  1104. <a href="">
  1105. NT Lies: Lie 5 - NT is robust and crash-proof</a></b>, <b>
  1106. <a href="">
  1107. Software glitches leave Navy Smart Ship dead in the water</a></b>
  1108. (Gregory Slabodkin, <a href="">
  1109. Government Computer News</a>, 7-13-98),
  1110. <b><a href="">
  1111. Corporate IT needs an engine that never quits</a></b> (Peter Coffee, PC Week 3-30-98) or <b>
  1112. <a href="">
  1113. We do not have a failure to communicate</a></b> (Peter Coffee, PC Week
  1114. 04-13-98).
  1115. When the author of these last two articles posed the question,
  1116. "What do you use when failure is not an option?" he was bombarded by
  1117. "three times the usual number of vigorous e-mail replies." Concerning
  1118. these replies he states:
  1119. </p><blockquote>
  1120. "Notably, I did not get a single message from anyone who took the
  1121. position that Windows NT was good enough. Quite the opposite: Several
  1122. messages expressed a resigned expectation that Windows NT 5.0 would
  1123. stagger out the door, burdened with immature add-on services but
  1124. without achieving corporate-class reliability in its basic functions.
  1125. <p>"I heard from one reader who said that at his site, Linux on a 486
  1126. is outperforming Windows NT on a 200MHz Pentium, and he has Linux
  1127. machines that have been running without interruption since before
  1128. Windows NT 4.0 was released.
  1129. </p><p>"I also heard from enterprise-class sites where Linux is considered
  1130. a proven choice, with source-code accessibility outweighing the dubious
  1131. advantage of more traditional vendor support. What others promise
  1132. someday, Linux gives many users now--at a bargain price.
  1133. </p><p>-- Peter Coffee,
  1134. <a href="">
  1135. We do not have a failure to communicate</a>,
  1136. <a href="">
  1137. PC Week</a>, 4-13-98.
  1138. </p></blockquote>
  1139. <a name="ms-summit">Indeed,</a> Windows NT is a great improvement over Windows 3.1 or Windows
  1140. 95, but it still has a long way to go before it can reach the level of
  1141. stability offered by even the
  1142. <b><a href="">
  1143. Open Source</a></b> (free) UNIX operating systems. When
  1144. pitted against Sun Microsystems's Solaris, there's really no comparison
  1145. at all. At the recent Microsoft Global Summit,
  1146. <a href="">Computer Reseller News</a> journalists
  1147. Barbara Darrow and Stuart Glascock interviewed some of the attendees:
  1148. <blockquote>
  1149. "We have a
  1150. Solaris box that hasn't been rebooted in two years," said
  1151. James Domengeaux, president of Comspace.Com, a
  1152. Houston-based Web reseller. In comparison, NT servers
  1153. are rebooted often, he said. "That's a problem especially in
  1154. e-commerce if you're talking transactions per second,
  1155. because how many orders do you miss?" he said.
  1156. <p>-- Barbara Darrow and Stuart Glascock,
  1157. <b><a href="">
  1158. Microsoft Admits NT Trails Solaris</a></b>,
  1159. <a href="">Computer Reseller News</a>,
  1160. 28 July 1998.
  1161. </p></blockquote>
  1162. <p>Windows NT's lack of stability is a known issue yet managers tend to
  1163. deal with it in discrete ways, reports one IT professional:
  1164. </p><blockquote>
  1165. "'I know three companies that are silently putting more and more into
  1166. UNIX . . . at the expense of NT, simply because NT falls over too
  1167. often,' says Peter Flynn, a consultant in Cork, Ireland. NT is known to
  1168. crash too frequently for many IT manager's tastes. Typical causes are
  1169. memory access violations and I/O errors.
  1170. <p>"These companies aren't inclined to talk about their decisions
  1171. 'because of pressure from upstairs,' Flynn says. 'The
  1172. buy-Microsoft-only ethos has taken over from the buy-IBM-only, and
  1173. managers who decided [against advice from technology people] to use NT
  1174. rather than UNIX are now unwilling to lose face,' he adds.
  1175. </p><p>-- Mark Gibbs,
  1176. <a href="">
  1177. Lookin' into Linux</a>,
  1178. <a href="">Network World</a>, March 30, 1998.
  1179. </p></blockquote>
  1180. <p>Any IS professional who has worked in a Windows NT environment has
  1181. intimate knowledge of the infamous "Blue Screen of Death," a situation
  1182. in which the normal desktop windowing system disappears completely and
  1183. is replaced by a full screen of hexadecimal numbers on a blue
  1184. background. The <i>only</i> method of recovery in this situation is
  1185. powering the machine off and rebooting. What causes "blue screens" in
  1186. NT varies. In my own experience, the following can induce this state
  1187. of failure:
  1188. </p><ul>
  1189. <li>When both IPX/SPX and TCP/IP protocols are used and technicians put
  1190. a machine with a static IP address on a different subnet;
  1191. </li><li>When some 16-bit Visual Basic applications are <i>not</i> being run
  1192. in "separate memory space." NT does not run them in separate memory
  1193. space by default. This is a <i>manual</i> configuration which should
  1194. be set for each and every 16-bit application on the machine;
  1195. </li><li>Certain brands of memory modules or cache will induce this, even
  1196. though the same hardware runs fine under other operating systems, such
  1197. as Windows 95.
  1198. </li></ul>
  1199. <p>In some situations, Linux too will complain about its hardware. I
  1200. personally have not experienced this despite having installed Linux on
  1201. a wide variety of hardware, but it may happen. It appears to happen
  1202. mainly when one is compiling the kernel on a machine with bad memory.
  1203. For more information see
  1204. <a href="">Signal 11</a>.
  1205. The above list is by no means complete. As a matter of fact, Tim
  1206. Newsham, a software developer for both Windows and UNIX platforms,
  1207. found this short list very misleading:
  1208. </p><blockquote>
  1209. In the BSOD section you mention a few ways that a BSOD can be caused.
  1210. I think this (small) list is misleading to the reader. There are
  1211. <i>so</i> many ways that an NT system can crash, that by listing a
  1212. small number you are likely to give the wrong impression. More
  1213. dangerous yet is the fact that your cases mostly involve a person who
  1214. is on the console doing something BAD to cause a crash. Many of the
  1215. ways to crash an NT system happen inadvertently in the day-to-day
  1216. operation of the system (indeed, leaving the system on too long while
  1217. running a myriad of applications can cause bizarre crashes with little
  1218. clue to their cause). Additionally malicious users can trigger crashes
  1219. due to shoddy implementation in software modules such as the login
  1220. program (LSA) or the tcp/ip stack.
  1221. </blockquote>
  1222. The "Blue Screen of Death" can be commonplace in some computing
  1223. environments and is often difficult to troubleshoot due to the either
  1224. cryptic or non-existent error reporting. In addition to this, NT is
  1225. particularly prone to virus attacks on the Intel-based hardware. For
  1226. operating systems on Intel hardware that must be booted from a hard
  1227. drive, i.e. NT Server, the Master Boot Record of a hard drive can be
  1228. the death of the operating system. Linux, along with several other
  1229. UNIX operating systems that run on Intel-based hardware, can load a
  1230. compressed kernel from a boot floppy, thus avoiding this problem. What
  1231. this means is, an NT Server can theoretically be crashed by a virus
  1232. written 10 years ago for MS-DOS computers. Anyone planning to deploy
  1233. an NT Server in a mission critical environment should consider this
  1234. fact. I personally have encountered MBR viruses in a corporate
  1235. environment running Windows NT 4.0 (no Windows 95 clients!), and their
  1236. effects are devastating. In addition to this, most viruses that would
  1237. incapacitate a Windows operating system don't have an effect on UNIX
  1238. operating systems since they often require the MS Windows environment
  1239. to do their damage.
  1240. <p>One real-life situation involving NT's reliability is reported by
  1241. the University of Nebraska Press's Information Systems Department
  1242. manager, Quinn P. Coldiron, who writes,
  1243. </p><blockquote>
  1244. Life after moving Cats [an order fulfillment and inventory system] to
  1245. NT was a nightmare. The system was crashing two to three times a day
  1246. with no reason that I could find. I was on the phone with Microsoft and
  1247. Cats constantly, but nobody could figure it out. Microsoft had me apply
  1248. Service Packs one through three and a few HotFixes, which helped, but
  1249. it still was crashing at least twice a week with the infamous "Blue
  1250. Screen of Death". After many weeks and about $1500.00 in phone support
  1251. from Microsoft, the technical support rep told me that I should find a
  1252. better software package than The Cat's Pajamas. This was not the
  1253. solution I was looking for, since this is the package that a sizeable
  1254. percentage of presses our size nationwide are running, so I was forced
  1255. to bring the old Novell server back into production until I could
  1256. figure something out. . . . Fourteen months later, we are running Linux
  1257. as our server.
  1258. </blockquote>
  1259. <p>The UNIX equivalent of the "Blue Screen of Death" would be called
  1260. "kernel panic." It obviously exists, since I have heard and read about
  1261. it, but I've never been witness to it in my professional career.
  1262. Although I am sure that UNIX servers do crash on occasion, these are
  1263. extremely rare events. If and when a UNIX server crashes, it is almost
  1264. always due to a hardware failure of some sort. Any software induced
  1265. problems in a UNIX environment generally make themselves known over a
  1266. period of time, sometimes in the form of overall gradual performance
  1267. degradation of the system, giving the administrator ample time to track
  1268. down the source of the problem, correct it, and stop/restart the
  1269. <i>process</i> (very rarely the entire machine!) causing the problem.
  1270. In general, a UNIX server is halted only in the following situations:
  1271. </p><ul>
  1272. <li>Due to a hardware failure, for instance, a hard drive fails;
  1273. </li><li>A hardware upgrade needs to be performed;
  1274. </li><li>A lengthy power outage has occurred and the backup power supply
  1275. resources have been exhausted;
  1276. </li><li>The kernel is being upgraded.
  1277. </li><li>A beta kernel is being tested (not recommended for production
  1278. environments).
  1279. </li></ul>
  1280. If none of the above the above occurs, then a UNIX system's uptime can
  1281. be measured in years. NT, however, cannot boast of such periods of
  1282. uninterrupted service. Even if one could eliminate the "Blue Screen of
  1283. Death," NT is hampered by its own design and use of
  1284. difficult-to-recreate proprietary binary configuration files, for
  1285. instance, the NT registry. Read about a
  1286. <a href="">
  1287. massive NT failure</a> that
  1288. lead to over 10,000 NT machines being rendered useless for any task
  1289. requiring network resources.
  1290. <hr>
  1291. <h3><a name="management">System Management</a></h3>
  1292. <p>The argument that Windows NT is easier to manage due to its GUI
  1293. (point-and-click graphical user interface) is unfounded. The
  1294. advantage, if any, of GUI over CLI (command line interface, i.e. having
  1295. manually to type commands from a keyboard) is questionable. The first
  1296. assumption is that Windows NT has an advantage over UNIX because of its
  1297. GUI. This is wrong. UNIX operating systems have a GUI as well (see
  1298. this
  1299. <b>
  1300. <a href=" of administration">graphic example</a></b>).
  1301. </p><blockquote>
  1302. "NT has long enjoyed an intuitive user interface for managing single
  1303. systems, largely benefiting from the exceptional familiarity of the
  1304. Windows look-and-feel adopted by the NT GUI. However, as users begin to
  1305. deploy large numbers of servers, and geographically-dispersed servers,
  1306. some of NT's architectural shortcomings for system management have
  1307. become more apparent, deriving primarily from its design as a
  1308. single-user system. The multi-user design of UNIX supports remote
  1309. access at multiple levels, including the ability to login with a
  1310. character session, via telnet, to edit configuration files, running GUI
  1311. tools over the network-enabled X Window System, and now through Java
  1312. versions of system management tools. NT currently enjoys none of these
  1313. features. Rather, remote NT management typically involves either
  1314. installing a local expert which Microsoft hopes will be easier due to
  1315. NT's larger volumes and similarity to mainstream Windows versions or
  1316. relying on layered system management products from Microsoft or third
  1317. parties. Neither option, though, quite matches the efficiency of
  1318. managing distributed UNIX systems."<br>
  1319. -- Quoted from:
  1320. <a href="">
  1321. An In-Depth Analysis of Five Commercial UNIX Operating Systems and
  1322. Windows NT Server 4.0 (Enterprise Edition) by D.H. Brown Associates,
  1323. Inc.</a>
  1324. </blockquote>
  1325. <p>See also: <b>
  1326. <a href="">
  1327. NT Lies: Lie 9 - Zero administration is here.</a></b>
  1328. </p><hr>
  1329. <h3><a name="performance">Performance</a></h3>
  1330. <p>Processing power is largely a function of computer hardware rather
  1331. than of operating system. Since most commercial UNIX operating systems
  1332. run only on high-end workstations or servers, it would be ridiculous to
  1333. compare an
  1334. <a href="">
  1335. IBM SP2</a>,
  1336. <a href="">
  1337. Sun Enterprise 10000</a>, or a
  1338. <a href=";$sessionid$DSWFMQYAABX5HAMW0JZE45UBS1JHEUDO">
  1339. Sun Enterprise 450</a>
  1340. to anything Compaq or Dell produces. UNIX has
  1341. been historically an operating system for high-end hardware. To say
  1342. that UNIX outperforms NT based on the results of differing hardware
  1343. would be unfair to Microsoft. On the other hand, Microsoft has
  1344. reduced, rather than increased, the number of hardware architectures it
  1345. supports. NT for MIPS has been discontinued due to lack of customers
  1346. and PowerPC support is only marginal. NT, now reduced to only x86 and
  1347. Alpha architectures will remain "a poor man's server" as it is commonly
  1348. referred to in the IT business.
  1349. </p><p>NT's lack of reliability is only surpassed by its lack of
  1350. scalability. The superior scalability achieved by the commercial UNIX
  1351. operating systems on their respective hardware is the reason why large
  1352. corporations with high capacity computing needs cannot switch to NT
  1353. even if they wanted to. Mary Hubley, Research Director with the <b>
  1354. <a href="">GartnerGroup</a></b>, mentions in her article <b>
  1355. <a href="">
  1356. NT and UNIX: Irresistible Force vs. Immovable Object</a></b> (January
  1357. 1998) that the public's overly positive perception of NT's
  1358. capabilities is based mainly on marketing hype:
  1359. </p><blockquote>
  1360. "Many people believe that NT is easier to use than it actually is,
  1361. scales better than it does, and is powerful enough to do what UNIX can
  1362. do. But most of this perception is due to great marketing by Microsoft,
  1363. and is not reality.
  1364. </blockquote>
  1365. If high performance Windows file sharing is of utmost importance,
  1366. then one should consider choosing a server configuration that has
  1367. broken the world speed record for such services, an SGI machine
  1368. running IRIX:
  1369. <blockquote>
  1370. "Samba 2.0 has been benchmarked using the Ziff-Davis NetBench (R)
  1371. benchmarking suite, as the world's fastest Windows server, achieving
  1372. 193 megabits per second file serving performance on a Silicon Graphics
  1373. (R) Origin 200 (R) server with 60 Windows clients."
  1374. <p><b><a href="">
  1375. Samba Team Releases Samba 2.0:
  1376. World's Fastest Windows Server Software</a></b> as
  1377. sent out on Sat, 16 Jan 1999 16:08:38 +1100 to recipients on the
  1378. Samba Announcement Mailing List ( with
  1379. the HTML version hosted courtesy of
  1380. <b><a href="">Linux Weekly News</a></b>.
  1381. </p></blockquote>
  1382. This announcement also reveals one <i>very</i> important fact regarding
  1383. the interoperability with Windows NT domains:
  1384. <blockquote>
  1385. "Samba 2.0 features the first non-Microsoft implementation of the
  1386. Windows NT Domain authentication protocols, allowing a Samba 2.0
  1387. server to be seamlessly integrated into an existing Windows NT Domain."
  1388. </blockquote>
  1389. <p>For even more information, try visiting one of the many
  1390. <a href="">Samba Web sites</a> located in 20
  1391. different countries.
  1392. </p><p>Ann Harrison's article provides an excellent testimonial from
  1393. Southwestern Bell regarding how Linux outperforms NT:
  1394. </p><blockquote>
  1395. "Randy Kessell, manager of technical analysis for a Southwestern Bell
  1396. operation center, . . .
  1397. adds that his company is thinking about replacing
  1398. their NT network server
  1399. with Linux. 'Our preliminary tests show that the Linux solution is
  1400. outrunning the NT solution,'
  1401. says Kessell. 'It's much faster.'
  1402. <p>-- Ann Harrison,
  1403. <b><a href="">
  1404. In LINUX We . . .</a></b>,
  1405. <a href="">
  1406. Software Magazine</a>, Cover Story, September 1998.
  1407. </p></blockquote>
  1408. <p><a href="">European MikroGraf Corporation</a>
  1409. has published the results of their own
  1410. <b><a href="">UNIX vs
  1411. NT</a></b> performance comparison and explains why:
  1412. </p><blockquote>
  1413. "Several times a month, customers in the printing and prepress industry
  1414. ask us what server platform they should use: Unix or
  1415. Windows NT. Windows NT might be acceptable for day-to-day operations in
  1416. the average business, but does not handle the loads that
  1417. publishers typically put on servers.
  1418. </blockquote>
  1419. <p>The interesting thing about MikroGraf's
  1420. <a href="">
  1421. UNIX vs NT comparison</a> is that the same hardware was used in two of
  1422. the four tests, a Digital Model 2100: once with Digital UNIX as the
  1423. operating system, and again with Windows NT on the same hardware.
  1424. </p><p>To be fair, one should compare NT Server's performance to that of
  1425. Linux or FreeBSD, since all three operating systems run on the same
  1426. hardware, Intel, the hardware-type most often used with NT.
  1427. Unfortunately, a truly objective analysis of performance would have to
  1428. based on benchmarks, but these are not plentiful and usually only focus
  1429. on specific areas like Web performance:
  1430. <a href="">
  1431. Caldera OpenLinux vs. Windows NT: WebBench Performance Test</a>. The
  1432. general consensus among IT professionals is, however, that Linux and
  1433. FreeBSD greatly outperform NT. Considering that these UNIX kernels are
  1434. custom-compiled to contain only the software actually required by the
  1435. administrator, Linux and FreeBSD can function more efficiently than NT.
  1436. Inherently, any operating system requiring fewer resources will
  1437. outperform a more <i>bloated</i> operating system like NT. UNIX does
  1438. not require a graphical user interface to function. NT does. Anyone
  1439. knows that graphics require incredible amounts of disk space and
  1440. memory. The same holds true for sound files, which seem to be so
  1441. important to the Microsoft operating systems.
  1442. </p><p>Benchmarks performed on similar UNIX operating systems using the
  1443. same hardware are more meaningful.
  1444. <a href="">Net Express</a>, an
  1445. Internet retailer of x86-based hardware, whose systems are "designed
  1446. for scientists, engineers and the telecommunications industry," shows
  1447. what results can be achieved with the proper operating system:
  1448. </p><blockquote>
  1449. <hr>
  1450. <h4><font size="-1">Byte UNIX Benchmark 3.2 for OS Comparison:</font></h4>
  1451. <p><font size="-1">In addition we are presenting these Byte UNIX
  1452. Benchmark 3.2 results for comparing the relative speeds of three
  1453. popular UNIX/UNIX-Clone OS's. Tests were conducted on Pentium 133MHz
  1454. machines with 32MB's of RAM, the Triton-II 430HX chip set and a
  1455. BusLogic SCSI controller: </font><br>
  1456. </p></blockquote>
  1457. </td></tr></tbody></table>
  1458. <table border="1">
  1459. <tbody><tr>
  1460. <th align="left" bgcolor="#0000FF"><b><font color="#FFFFFF">System</font></b></th>
  1461. <th bgcolor="#0000FF"><b><font color="#FFFFFF">Bytemarks</font></b></th>
  1462. </tr>
  1463. <tr>
  1464. <td><font size="-1">Linux on a Pentium 133MHz </font></td>
  1465. <td align="center"><font size="-1">12.2</font></td>
  1466. </tr>
  1467. <tr>
  1468. <td><font size="-1">BSD on a Pentium 133MHz </font></td>
  1469. <td align="center"><font size="-1">9.8</font></td>
  1470. </tr>
  1471. <tr>
  1472. <td><font size="-1">Solaris 2.5 on a Pentium 133MHz </font></td>
  1473. <td align="center"><font size="-1">6.2</font></td>
  1474. </tr>
  1475. <tr>
  1476. <td><font size="-1">Solaris on a Sun Sparc-II Ultra 167MHz System </font></td>
  1477. <td align="center"><font size="-1">13.7</font></td>
  1478. </tr>
  1479. <tr>
  1480. <td><font size="-1">Solaris 2.5 on an Orion Pentium Pro 200MHz </font></td>
  1481. <td align="center"><font size="-1">13.5</font></td>
  1482. </tr>
  1483. </tbody></table>
  1484. <table width="85%" cellspacing="0">
  1485. <tbody><tr>
  1486. <td>
  1487. <blockquote>
  1488. <p><font size="-1">From these results we can see that Linux is a very efficient
  1489. OS. Scores for Linux on the Pentium 133 were nearly as fast as Solaris
  1490. 2.5 on a 167MHz Sparc Ultra or a 200MHz Pentium Pro!!!</font></p>
  1491. <center><p><i><font size="-1">Copyright © 1996 Net Express All Rights
  1492. Reserved. </font></i></p></center>
  1493. <hr>
  1494. </blockquote>
  1495. <p><a name="KickAss">Perhaps</a> an example of the performance
  1496. advantage one could expect to find when choosing a UNIX operating
  1497. system coupled with the
  1498. <a href="">Open Source</a> (free)
  1499. Apache Web Server can be found in an
  1500. article by Sean Fulton that appeared in INTERNETWEEK on May 5, 1997,
  1501. <b>
  1502. <a href="">
  1503. Towers of Power -- We test five muscular Web servers aimed at high-end
  1504. intranet applications</a></b>. For NT, the test results were pretty
  1505. devastating:
  1506. </p><blockquote>
  1507. "Telenet System Solutions produced the most surprises during our tests,
  1508. with a BSDi-powered, single-CPU system that kept up with-and in some
  1509. cases outperformed-twin-CPU machines running Windows NT.
  1510. <p>"The differentiating factor here was the BSDi 3.0 OS loaded on the
  1511. machine and its Apache HTTP server software. All of the twin-CPU
  1512. machines were running Windows NT 4.0 with Microsoft's Internet
  1513. Information Server 2.0.
  1514. </p></blockquote>
  1515. <p>While on the subject of Web Server performance, IBM has regained the
  1516. title of fastest Web server with the introduction of its new 262 MHz
  1517. PowerPC RS64-II microprocessor:
  1518. </p><blockquote>
  1519. "The new processor will also make IBM's S70 one of the fastest Web
  1520. servers on the market when used in certain configurations, according
  1521. to a certain benchmark test selected by IBM. In a 12-way configuration,
  1522. the S70 delivered SPECweb96 performance of 9,081 HTTP operations per
  1523. second, making it the first system to break the 9,000 barrier,
  1524. according to IBM.
  1525. <p>-- James Niccolai,
  1526. <b><a href="">
  1527. New chip to debut in IBM's RS/6000 Model S70</a></b>,
  1528. <a href="">
  1529. InfoWorld Electric</a>, 12&nbsp;August&nbsp;1998.
  1530. </p></blockquote>
  1531. <p>For enterprise-level processing power, clustering wth Linux can
  1532. produce awesome results at a modest price. In a recent report by
  1533. Michael Stutz, NASA's Beowulf project sets an example for the
  1534. the potential of such <a href="">Open Source</a>
  1535. UNIX operating systems like Linux in the area of supercomputing:
  1536. </p><blockquote>
  1537. "Enter <a href="">Beowulf</a>,
  1538. a system that uses a parallel-processing
  1539. architecture and off-the-shelf machines running the freely
  1540. available Linux operating system. One machine is the server
  1541. node, and distributes a processing job to all of the other
  1542. machines, which are client nodes.
  1543. <p>
  1544. "The total hardware cost for CCD's 24-node Beowulf cluster
  1545. was US$57,000 -- as compared to most commercial
  1546. supercomputers today, which cost between $10 million and
  1547. $30 million. The cluster gives 2.4 gigabytes per second
  1548. throughput, which means that a 200 GB hard drive can be
  1549. scanned in only 20 seconds. While it took five to seven
  1550. weeks to analyze the evidence of several intruders in the
  1551. recent Israeli hacker case, Talleur said it would have only
  1552. taken a few hours with Beowulf.
  1553. </p><p>
  1554. "The Beowulf project was developed at NASA by Thomas
  1555. Sterling and Donald Becker in the summer of 1994; today,
  1556. anyone can buy a Beowulf CD-ROM -- Red Hat
  1557. Software's
  1558. <a href="">Extreme Linux</a>
  1559. package -- for $29.
  1560. </p><p>
  1561. -- Michael Stutz,
  1562. <b><a href="">
  1563. NASA Greets Beowulf</a></b>,
  1564. <a href="">Wired News</a>,
  1565. 17 August 1998.
  1566. </p></blockquote>
  1567. <hr>
  1568. <h3><a name="security">Security</a></h3>
  1569. <p>This topic is too vast and complex to be fully addressed in an
  1570. article of this scope. Security is, however, very important.
  1571. The following links are excellent starting points for comparing the
  1572. security weaknesses of the various operating systems:
  1573. </p><ul>
  1574. <li><a href="">
  1575. Probing into C2 security claims: Is NT as secure as Microsoft has said it is?</a><br>
  1576. </li><li><a href="">
  1577. NT Lies: Lie 2 - NT is less secure than UNIX</a><br>
  1578. (Real security means taking a server off the network and locking it up!)
  1579. </li><li><a href="">
  1580. NT Lies: Lie 4 - NT Meets Military Standards</a>
  1581. </li><li><a href="">
  1582. A BYTE article on Windows NT security problems</a>
  1583. </li><li><a href="">
  1584. NT secured filesystem (NTFS) can be read from Linux, bypassing filesystem security.</a>
  1585. </li><li><a href="">
  1586. Known NT Exploits</a>
  1587. </li><li><a href="">
  1588. NT Security - Frequently Asked Questions version 0.41</a>
  1589. </li><li><a href="">
  1590. AFCERT - Security Issues for various operating systems</a>
  1591. </li></ul>
  1592. <hr>
  1593. <h2><a name="misconceptions">Some Common Misconceptions</a></h2>
  1594. <p><b>NT is a toy operating system</b>
  1595. </p><p>For an operating system that <i>has</i> evolved from a toy operating
  1596. system, it offers some professional functionality. Although it does
  1597. not scale very well -- performance goes down with more than 4 CPUs per
  1598. server -- it has come a long way. Although I would not recommend it as
  1599. the primary operating system in an enterprise environment, it should
  1600. yield satisfactory performance for small businesses with fewer than 250
  1601. user accounts that do not run mission critical processes. Please keep
  1602. in mind, however, that a single NT server will not be sufficient to
  1603. service 250 users. The general recommendation is one PDC (Windows NT
  1604. Primary Domain Controller) and two BDCs (Backup Domain Controllers).
  1605. Having other server applications on the PDC is also not recommended.
  1606. Should RDBMS, E-mail, Web, and other typical services be required,
  1607. three NT servers will most likely prove to be insufficient.
  1608. </p><p><b>By converting everything to Windows NT a company can eliminate
  1609. the problems of a heterogeneous networking environment.</b>
  1610. </p><p>The first assumption here is that a heterogeneous networking
  1611. environment is a problem. I once worked at a company where NT and
  1612. Novell coexisted with very little conflict. As a matter of fact, the
  1613. very reason for this coexistence was because Novell outperformed NT in
  1614. the area of file and printer sharing services. With UNIX, one can
  1615. create Microsoft-compatible file and printer sharing without the users
  1616. ever knowing that these services emanate from a UNIX server. For all
  1617. they know, it's an NT server. This functionality is provided for in
  1618. Sun's UNIX operating system, Solaris. Linux can use a software package
  1619. called <b>
  1620. <a href="">
  1621. Samba</a></b> that ships with most distributions to achieve this. Samba
  1622. is available for practically all UNIX operating systems. It has also
  1623. been ported to VMS, MVS, OS/2, Stratus-VOS, Amiga, Novell, and MPE/iX.
  1624. </p><p><b><a name="gui">UNIX is this outdated, cryptic, command-line based
  1625. operating system.</a></b>
  1626. </p><p>Wrong! CDE (Common Desktop Environment) is a GUI desktop (Graphical
  1627. User Interface: you use a mouse to point and click, or drag and drop on
  1628. a colorful "desktop"; this is the basis for Microsoft's success.). CDE
  1629. ships with most commercial UNIX operating systems: Sun's <b>
  1630. <a href="">Solaris</a></b>,
  1631. IBM's <b><a href="">
  1632. AIX</a></b>
  1633. Hewlett Packard's <b>
  1634. <a href="">
  1635. HP-UX</a></b>,
  1636. DEC's <b>
  1637. <a href="">Digital UNIX</a></b>, to name a
  1638. few. For around $90 you can get CDE for Linux if you happen to be
  1639. dissatisfied with your choice of <b>four GUI systems</b> that ship with
  1640. Linux: OpenLook, the GUI that Solaris used to use; FVWM, an
  1641. <a href="">Open Source</a> (free) GUI
  1642. that has many similarities to the Windows 3.1 GUI; or FVWM-95, another
  1643. <a href="">Open Source</a>
  1644. GUI that mimics the Windows 95 GUI (when looking at a single
  1645. window, one can't distinguish between FVWM-95 and Windows 95). TWM is
  1646. the predecessor of the various FVWM window managers which also ships
  1647. with Linux. If you've never had the opportunity to sit at a computer
  1648. running UNIX, here are some <b><font color="RED">SCREENSHOTS</font></b>
  1649. of these window managers:
  1650. <b><a href="">
  1651. Enlightenment</a></b>,
  1652. <b><a href="">
  1653. CDE</a></b>,
  1654. <b><a href="">
  1655. TED</a></b> (TriTeal's CDE for Linux),
  1656. <b><a href="">
  1657. KDE</a></b>,
  1658. <b><a href="">
  1659. FVWM 1.24</a></b>,
  1660. <b><a href="">
  1661. FVWM 2.x</a></b>, <b>
  1662. <a href="">
  1663. FVWM-95</a></b>, <b>
  1664. <a href="">
  1665. olvwm</a></b>(OpenLook Virtual Window Manger). These are only some of
  1666. the GUI interfaces available to UNIX users. Matt Chapman's
  1667. <a href="">Guide to Window Managers for The
  1668. X Window System</a> is an excellent resource on this topic. You will
  1669. find many more screenshots on his site than I am able to list here.
  1670. Keep in mind that almost all of these window managers are highly
  1671. configurable; you shouldn't be surprised to see screenshots made of the
  1672. same window manager which look completely different. As Matt states on
  1673. his page, "Let's face it, people are different, and those that use
  1674. computers use them in different ways for different tasks. So why do
  1675. some think we should all use (suffer?) the same interface?"
  1676. Ironically, it is Microsoft's graphical user interface that is lacking
  1677. the features of customization.
  1678. </p><p>As for the claim that UNIX is behind the times, it is still the
  1679. operating system of choice for science, engineering, research, and
  1680. higher education. Most engineers would choose UNIX over NT without
  1681. hesitation. They are fully aware of its ability to be customized and
  1682. its tuning capabilities for the optimization of specialized computing
  1683. tasks. Readers' feedback to
  1684. <a href="">isd</a> confirm this attitude:
  1685. </p><blockquote>
  1686. "As we suspected, most designers are adamant: They want their EDA tools
  1687. to run under Unix. What's more, they say that Linux is
  1688. technically excellent by every measure, and NT simply isn't. Painfully
  1689. aware that technical excellence doesn't guarantee market
  1690. share, many readers say that this time it should.
  1691. <p>
  1692. "Although readers' sentiments overwhelmingly backed Linux, we were
  1693. impressed with the quality of the input . . . ."
  1694. </p><p>
  1695. <b><a href="">
  1696. Engineers Speak Out: Linux vs. Windows NT, Part 1</a></b><br>
  1697. -- Murry Shohat, <a href="">
  1698. <i>Intergrated System Design</i> Magazine</a>, July 1998.
  1699. </p></blockquote>
  1700. <p><b>Everyone is converting to NT anyway, we might as well gradually
  1701. replace our UNIX servers with NT servers. It's the way of the
  1702. future.</b>
  1703. </p><p>If you talk to MIS managers of some large corporations who had UNIX
  1704. and Novell two years ago, and then replaced their Novell servers with
  1705. NT servers, you'll find that none of them can manage without their UNIX
  1706. servers. It seems that heavy processing is still better accomplished
  1707. with UNIX servers. So far in my career, every Oracle server I've ever
  1708. seen was running on a UNIX server. One IT professional, however, did
  1709. send me e-mail saying, "I support several installations of ORACLE on
  1710. NT. There are performance and functional issues that I encounter which
  1711. I have never seen on UNIX (Pyramid)."
  1712. </p><hr>
  1713. <h2><a name="views">Views of Other MIS Professionals</a></h2>
  1714. <p><b>Robert Schindler, a mechanical engineer based in Florida who has
  1715. been working for the past decade as a free-lance consultant for various
  1716. Fortune 100 companies in the field of structural analysis, writes:</b>
  1717. </p><blockquote>
  1718. "It will be a long time before you hear me praise NT or any other MS
  1719. product. I believe that Gates and his empire have done more to lower
  1720. the standards of our society than anything else in my lifetime. If my
  1721. product had the same quality as theirs, airplanes would be falling out
  1722. of the sky hourly.
  1723. </blockquote>
  1724. <p><b>One professional who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of losing his job writes:</b>
  1725. </p><blockquote>
  1726. "At my day job I work at a big firm. It's one of the biggest of its
  1727. kind in the world. We decided to go with a Network Monitoring and
  1728. Management package from Cabletron. It's available on both NT and Unix.
  1729. The people who would run it gave them a blank check for the system to
  1730. be set up under NT because they were more familiar with NT than they
  1731. were with Unix. About a year and a quarter million
  1732. dollars later, they finally gave up on NT and did it over with Solaris.
  1733. Why? NT just doesn't scale up.
  1734. </blockquote>
  1735. <p><b>Tim Newsham writes in response to this article:</b>
  1736. </p><blockquote>
  1737. "I develop software in NT and in UNIX. I despise NT. It is a horrid
  1738. beast, it performs very very poorly and it is way too unstable. Some
  1739. parts of NT are so broken that the majority of time porting software to
  1740. the system involves working around microsoft bugs. It bothers me that
  1741. so many people are migrating away from unix to NT. I can only imagine
  1742. that eventually there will be a large anti-NT backlash as management
  1743. types realize how much NT has hurt their organizations.
  1744. </blockquote>
  1745. <p><b>Joseph Day, a consultant in Chicago, replies to Jessie Berst:</b>
  1746. </p><blockquote>
  1747. "I do a lot of software development on both NT, and 95. I can't seem to
  1748. understand why people are hyping up these platforms as being so great.
  1749. . . . The support you get in the Linux community through netnews is far
  1750. superior to anything that you will ever see with Microsoft products. .
  1751. . . NT has a ways to go before it will reach the level of stability
  1752. that Linux has.<br>
  1753. -- Excerpts from a letter by Joseph Day entitled,
  1754. <a href="">
  1755. How did Microsoft pay you to write this article?</a>, Source:
  1756. <a href="">
  1757. Jesse Berst's Anchor Desk.</a> February 16, 1998,
  1758. <a href="">ZDNet</a>.
  1759. </blockquote>
  1760. <p><b>Torsten Holvak, a systems administrator in Laramie, WY, replies to Jessie Berst:</b>
  1761. </p><blockquote>
  1762. "Jesse: I'm sure Microsoft, like IBM in the 60s, would love to have
  1763. people believe that choosing something other than their products would
  1764. be a career-limiting move. But it just ain't so! I'd fire an employee
  1765. for putting mission-critical e-mail or Web server applications on an NT
  1766. machine rather than a UNIX box. We use FreeBSD for everything and there
  1767. is nothing more stable. Not only are free UNIX servers faster, more
  1768. powerful, and more stable than NT, but the support is better, too. Just
  1769. try to get an answer from a Microsoft tech without paying big bucks
  1770. and/or waiting on hold. And consider yourself lucky if it actually
  1771. solves your problem. I find it hard to believe that this story appeared
  1772. on your front page. It's embarrassing. I sure didn't THINK you were
  1773. into spreading Microsoft
  1774. <a href="">
  1775. FUD</a>. <br>
  1776. -- Excerpts from a letter by Torsten Holvak entitled,
  1777. <a href="">
  1778. I'd fire someone for using NT</a>, Source:
  1779. <a href="">
  1780. Jesse Berst's Anchor Desk.</a> February 16, 1998,
  1781. <a href="">ZDNet</a>.
  1782. </blockquote>
  1783. <p><b>Quinn P. Coldiron, Information Systems Department manager for the
  1784. University of Nebraska Press, writes about his experiences with Novell,
  1785. Windows NT, and Linux:</b>
  1786. </p><blockquote>
  1787. "After completing the morning duties, we normally run a complete Cats
  1788. [an order fulfillment and inventory system] backup before we continue
  1789. with closing which usually would take two hours to complete on the
  1790. Netware server. The Linux machine was able to do the entire backup in
  1791. 45 minutes, cutting a little over an hour off our closing time. This
  1792. increase in speed came from a decrease in hardware because the Linux
  1793. server was running only 32 MB in RAM and IDE hard drives where the
  1794. Netware server had 64 MB in RAM and SCSI drives. The speed increase has
  1795. been noticed in daily work also. I get almost daily remarks that the
  1796. system seems to be running faster and more reliable.
  1797. <p>"We have recently upgraded the CPU to a 200Mhz Pentium and have
  1798. upgraded the Memory to 64 MB to handle the newest plans of making this
  1799. server replace our Windows NT file/printer server, which still crashes
  1800. about twice a month for no reason, even after an additional $1,500 in
  1801. tech support with Microsoft. This single computer running Red Hat Linux
  1802. will replace both our Novell Netware 3.11 server and our Windows NT 4.0
  1803. server, while decreasing total hardware requirements. With the recent
  1804. advances from the Samba team in supporting the NT domain structure and
  1805. the December 1997 release of Red Hat 5.0, I expect to have a very
  1806. efficient and inexpensive server for our Windows 95, Windows NT and
  1807. Macintosh clients. <br>
  1808. -- Quoted from: <b>
  1809. <a href="">
  1810. Replacing Windows NT Server with Linux</a></b>
  1811. </p></blockquote>
  1812. <p><b>On September 29, 1997 Nick Johnson writes in a
  1813. <a href="">Byte Forum</a>:</b>
  1814. </p><blockquote>
  1815. "From an administrator perspective, I have a very difficult time taking
  1816. an operating system seriously when it needs 128 megs of RAM, two
  1817. 200-Mhz processors and 8 gigs of hard drive space just to run a small
  1818. intranet web server, especially when the OS crashes and reboots from a
  1819. simple, standard TCP packet. NT is just impossible to consider when
  1820. reliability and speed are required. You could perform the same task I
  1821. mentioned above on a 386 with 16 megs of RAM running FreeBSD, without
  1822. paying the high Microsoft price tag.
  1823. </blockquote>
  1824. <p><b>
  1825. Mike Hucka, a UNIX administrator and programmer in Michigan, writes:</b>
  1826. </p><blockquote>
  1827. "What boggles my mind is <i>why</i> people are investing so much in NT
  1828. solutions when there is so much evidence that the UNIX solutions are
  1829. more mature, stable, less expensive, and perform so much better? Why?
  1830. What is wrong with people?
  1831. <p>"Do people simply not know about the capabilities of UNIX?"
  1832. </p><p>"Do people think that UNIX systems are too difficult to use? I may
  1833. be biased, but when I look at desktop environments such as CDE on a
  1834. Sun, or KDE, I think that's pretty close to what you find on a PC or
  1835. Mac. And there is a TREMENDOUS amount of documentation for UNIX now
  1836. available -- just consider all the books published by
  1837. <a href="">O'Reilly &amp; Associates</a>,
  1838. or the online manuals available at Sun's site <b>
  1839. <a href=""></a></b>, or any of
  1840. hundreds of sites with information about every imaginable aspect of
  1841. UNIX.
  1842. </p><p>"And not only that, but you can get free versions of UNIX that are
  1843. comparable in stability and scalability to Solaris, and will run quite
  1844. well on PC class hardware if you so choose.
  1845. </p><p>"And to top it all off, you can get source code."
  1846. </p></blockquote>
  1847. <h3><a href="">
  1848. Feedback from Readers of this Article</a></h3>
  1849. <p>This is a new external section containing some of the best feedback
  1850. I have received in response to the article.
  1851. </p><hr>
  1852. <h2><a name="web">Web Servers</a></h2>
  1853. <p>The life-blood of the Internet is the Web. This is the face that
  1854. the public sees. If your site is slow, plagued with technical problems,
  1855. or inaccessible, this will surely have adverse effects. Since most
  1856. large corporations are UNIX-oriented, they normally go with Web server
  1857. software like Apache or Netscape-Enterprise.
  1858. <b><a href="">Apache</a></b>
  1859. was conceived with UNIX in mind. It is free and currently rules the
  1860. Internet. Roughly <i>half</i> the Web servers on the Internet are
  1861. running Apache (see
  1862. <a href=""><b>the Netcraft Web Server
  1863. Survey</b></a>). Microsoft's IIS Web server software does not even
  1864. amount to one-quarter of all Internet-connected Web servers. Apache is
  1865. currently being used by
  1866. <a href="">Javasoft</a>,
  1867. <a href="">The FBI</a>,
  1868. <a href="">Financial Times</a>,
  1869. <a href="">The Movies Database</a>,
  1870. <a href="">W3 Consortium</a>,
  1871. <a href="">The Royal Family</a>,
  1872. <a href="">Oxford University Libraries Automation Service</a>,
  1873. <a href=""> M.I.T.</a>,
  1874. <a href="">Harvard University</a>, and the
  1875. <a href="">University of Texas at Austin</a>.
  1876. Netcraft also mentions that "Virtual hosting company
  1877. <a href="">Rapidsite</a>
  1878. is now the fifth placed server in the survey. Their hosting system,
  1879. running a personalised version of Apache, supports 44,280 domain names
  1880. on 39,905 distinct ip addresses. An achievement, and probably the
  1881. world's largest hosting system." You will recall that in the
  1882. performance section of this article the
  1883. <a href="">UNIX-Apache marriage put the NT-IIS one to
  1884. shame</a>. Not only is Apache fast, it's free.
  1885. Apache's rule over the Internet has also been recognized by
  1886. <a href="">IBM</a> who now has a partnership with
  1887. Apache:
  1888. </p><blockquote>
  1889. <b>IBM Teams Up With Apache</b><br>
  1890. "IBM will ship the Apache HTTP server with the IBM WebSphere Application
  1891. Server, helping
  1892. current Apache users to evolve to e-business solutions. As part of the
  1893. WebSphere Application
  1894. Server package, IBM will provide commercial, enterprise-level support for the Apache HTTP
  1895. Server. In addition, IBM will be a full participant in the Apache HTTP Server Project, a
  1896. collaborative development effort, and will make contributions to enhance the capabilities of the
  1897. Apache HTTP Server. <br>
  1898. <a href="">
  1899. IBM helps companies turn simple web sites into powerful e-business
  1900. solutions</a>, IBM News, 22 June, 1998.
  1901. </blockquote>
  1902. <p>For the most robust Web server a corporation could ever need,
  1903. Netscape-Enterprise is a great choice. Although it is not
  1904. <a href="">Open Source</a>
  1905. like Apache, it will meet the most demanding needs. Netscape-Enterprise
  1906. is used by such
  1907. companies as
  1908. <a href="">BMW</a>,
  1909. <a href="">Dilbert</a>,
  1910. <a href="">Silicon Graphics</a>,
  1911. <a href="">Shell</a>,
  1912. <a href="">Sun Microsystems</a>,
  1913. <a href="">Sybase</a>,
  1914. <a href="">Ferrari</a> and
  1915. <a href="">The Vatican</a>.
  1916. </p><p>Microsoft's IIS is one of the few things that actually comes with
  1917. Windows NT. It does not possess any special or unique qualities not
  1918. already found in other Web server software. It excels neither in speed,
  1919. nor in popularity, nor in the number of concurrent hits it can handle.
  1920. It is currently being used by
  1921. <a href="">Compaq</a>,
  1922. <a href="">Nasdaq</a>,
  1923. <a href="">The National Football League</a>,
  1924. <a href="">Exxon</a>,
  1925. and <a href="">Tesco</a>.
  1926. To further substantiate my claim
  1927. that Microsoft IIS is not up to speed, while testing the validity of the
  1928. links for the sites above, I discovered that
  1929. <a href="">Tesco</a> was unable to service any
  1930. requests between 00:02:53 and 00:53:07 GMT on Monday, 22 June 1998.
  1931. Their Web server kept returning the message <b>HTTP/1.1 Server Too
  1932. Busy</b> despite my repeated attempts from my own domain and from
  1933. other domains I telnetted into. The Web server never did manage
  1934. to deliver their home page. I simply gave up after 50 minutes of
  1935. seeing the same error message from various clients in various domains.
  1936. I have only ever seen this message from IIS Web servers.
  1937. <a href="">Tesco</a> is running
  1938. Microsoft-IIS/4.0. Telnetting directly into their Web server on port
  1939. 80 revealed another unprofessional aspect of their site. Despite the
  1940. wide availability of ntp servers the world over, their system clock was
  1941. off by 8 minutes and 51 seconds.
  1942. </p><p><a name="win95">For</a> Windows 95 and NT users, one of the most
  1943. popular places on the Web to get freeware and shareware is a site
  1944. called <b>
  1945. <a href=""></a></b>. Due to
  1946. the immense popularity of the site it requires a robust operating
  1947. system and performance oriented Web server software. Since all the
  1948. software offered at this site is exclusively for Windows 95 or NT, and
  1949. the overall flavor tends to be very pro-Microsoft, one would assume
  1950. that NT servers running IIS would be the logical choice for their
  1951. Internet solution. Well, here's
  1952. <a href="">a quote from one of their own Web pages</a>:
  1953. </p><blockquote>
  1954. <b>What hardware and software is running on?</b>
  1955. <blockquote>
  1956. We use Pentium Pro computers running the BSDI UNIX operating system
  1957. with Apache Web server software. Our servers are connected to the
  1958. Internet via multi-homed T3 connections.
  1959. </blockquote>
  1960. </blockquote>
  1961. Note: This quote is from February 1998. They recently changed their
  1962. name from to although they still have use of
  1963. the domain name. This change took place in March 1998.
  1964. <p>To verify what an Internet site is running at any given time,
  1965. try the following link:
  1966. </p><center>
  1967. <b><a href="">
  1968. What is that Site Running?</a></b>
  1969. </center>
  1970. <hr>
  1971. <h2><a name="conclusion">Conclusion</a></h2>
  1972. <p>Ironically, it seems from the observations of experienced system
  1973. administrators that UNIX would be the operating system of choice either
  1974. for installations on a tight budget or huge corporations with a demand
  1975. for high-powered multi-processor servers requiring a scalable operating
  1976. system. <i>Washington Post</i> Staff Writer, Elizabeth Corcoran,
  1977. provides us with a real-world example:
  1978. </p><blockquote>
  1979. Cincinnati Bell Information Systems, for instance, has used Sun
  1980. workstations and servers to process checks for several years. It
  1981. recently bought several top-of-the-line Sun servers to handle the
  1982. demands of a million bills a day. The choices, said James Holtman, CBIS
  1983. vice president, were either Sun servers or IBM mainframes. Microsoft's
  1984. technology "isn't quite there yet. It has a ways to
  1985. grow to match those-size systems," he said.<br>
  1986. (<i>The Washington Post</i>, Sunday, February 8, 1998; Page H01)
  1987. </blockquote>
  1988. Provided that a company is small to medium-sized, has few
  1989. mission-critical processes to be run, is willing to hire additional
  1990. administrators for their Microsoft Exchange and Internet Information
  1991. Server(s), and has a substantial budget for Microsoft's "per server" or
  1992. "per seat" licensing scheme, then NT would be the operating system of
  1993. choice. The <b>
  1994. <a href="">Aberdeen<i>Group</i></a></b> has published an excellent <b>
  1995. <a href="">
  1996. case study</a></b> on migrating to Windows NT.
  1997. <p>NT is also an excellent choice for managers who need to show that
  1998. they used up their fiscal year budget for hardware/software
  1999. expenditures. Perhaps this is why it requires no prior purchase
  2000. approval within federal agencies; "NT has become the 'unofficial'
  2001. standard operating system for the federal government. Federal
  2002. employees whose responsibilities include the acquisition of computer
  2003. hardware/software require prior written approval from above before
  2004. ordering a UNIX operating system or hardware which cannot run Windows
  2005. NT. For Intel-based hardware or Windows NT, no prior approval is
  2006. required." (as reported by a vendor of Sun solutions who wishes to
  2007. remain anonymous)
  2008. </p><p>For small shops or power users on a budget, or even medium to large
  2009. businesses who are beginning to escape the antiquated mind-set that
  2010. performance is best gauged by the last figure on the sales receipt,
  2011. Linux or FreeBSD can easily exceed the performance and functionality of
  2012. an NT solution, do it with inexpensive Intel-based hardware, and do it
  2013. for $0.00, a price Bill Gates will find difficult to beat. Why invest
  2014. in an operating system that will require expensive training and
  2015. re-training with each new NT release? UNIX/Linux administrators are
  2016. plentiful and generally more technically capable than their NT
  2017. counterparts (most UNIX administrators have some coding/scripting
  2018. skills seldom found among the new generation of "NT admins"). Why spend
  2019. almost $5,000 for MS Exchange Server (this price only covers 50 client
  2020. accesses), which in some companies, seems to only be able to handle the
  2021. e-mail of a few hundred employees when you can use the built-in
  2022. "Sendmail" mail server software that ships with Linux, a tried and
  2023. proven application capable of supporting the e-mail demands of
  2024. thousands of employees?
  2025. </p><p>As to the actual overall features and performance of the two
  2026. operating systems, it seems that UNIX wins hands down. It offers a
  2027. variety of vendors (no threat of a monopoly), scalability, more
  2028. efficient use of system resources, remote administration, remote
  2029. computing, multi-user capabilities, large palette of (professional)
  2030. software resources, vendor independent standards (POSIX), control of
  2031. users' disk usage (unlike NT), and can't be crashed by viruses written
  2032. 10 years ago for DOS computers. But the most important thing of all to
  2033. remember from this article when trying to choose between Windows NT and
  2034. one of the many UNIX operating systems is this:
  2035. </p><blockquote>
  2036. A <b>UNIX</b> operating system will give you <b>choices</b>: any type
  2037. of hardware, CLI or GUI, commercial or GNU, diverse choice of vendors.
  2038. It is <b>dynamic</b>, i.e. you can build a customized kernel to fit the
  2039. specific computing needs at hand.
  2040. <p><b>Windows NT</b> will give you <b>restrictions</b>: only Intel or
  2041. Alpha; no CLI, only GUI (try booting NT into CLI-only mode) and then
  2042. only one GUI (no wide choice of windowing systems as can be found under
  2043. X); only commercial MTAs, only Microsoft (ever heard of another company
  2044. marketing "NT Server clone" operating systems?), etc. NT Server is
  2045. <b>static</b>, i.e. you will never be able to build a customized
  2046. kernel. One size fits few.
  2047. </p></blockquote>
  2048. <p>Although Microsoft is not the only "restrictions-oriented" software
  2049. vendor promoting its own closed, proprietary solutions, one would hope
  2050. that organizations promoting open systems and solutions would prevail.
  2051. Netscape is one vendor that promotes diversity and points out
  2052. Microsoft's pro-restriction, anti-choice stance regarding various
  2053. products:
  2054. </p><blockquote>
  2055. [Our] strategy is in sharp contrast to that of vendors like Microsoft,
  2056. whose business model depends on customers upgrading to the most recent
  2057. version of each operating system. Consider that Microsoft's component
  2058. model, ActiveX, and the underlying components are designed to run only
  2059. on 32-bit Windows. Many Microsoft APIs also run only on 32-bit Windows.
  2060. For example, an application that uses ADSI (Microsoft's API to access
  2061. the LDAP directory protocol), will not run on existing Win16 clients,
  2062. much less on Macintosh or Unix systems. Netscape's LDAP API is
  2063. available on 17 platforms in C and many more in Java. In addition,
  2064. Microsoft's future platform services like "Viper's" transaction
  2065. processing and "Falcon's" messaging only runs on NT 5.0 - an Oracle
  2066. database running on Unix, for example, is not supported. The difference
  2067. is clear: with Microsoft, developers write to the Windows platform,
  2068. with Netscape, they write to the Internet platform.<br>
  2069. -- Netscape,
  2070. <a href="">
  2071. Netscape ONE Advantages</a>
  2072. </blockquote>
  2073. <p>It would seem that the question of which operating system to choose
  2074. would be academic at this point based on the information I have
  2075. provided here, yet every day some highly-capable systems/network
  2076. administrator somewhere is told by his/her manager that the company is
  2077. switching over to NT. The administrator is left stunned and confused,
  2078. for he/she already knows the information contained in this article. It
  2079. is the management of your company who should be reading this. All too
  2080. often management rocks the boat and disrupts the harmony of stable,
  2081. economical, and technically superior implementations when they suddenly
  2082. discover that an unapproved operating system has been in use for quite
  2083. some time, based solely on political reasons:
  2084. </p><blockquote>
  2085. "The corporate IT managers notice someday what is that box in the
  2086. corner and they tell them that it's the departmental Web server that's
  2087. been running for a year and a half, and by the way it's running Linux.
  2088. One normal reaction is to upgrade it immediately to NT, but what
  2089. happens is that they go back to Linux because the performance
  2090. dropped.<br>
  2091. --
  2092. <a href="">
  2093. Linus Torvalds talks economics and operating systems</a>, InfoWorld, April 9, 1998.
  2094. </blockquote>
  2095. This very type of incident happened at <b>
  2096. <a href="">Cisco Systems
  2097. Inc.</a></b> but despite the order from senior management to switch
  2098. over to NT, they are still running Linux (get the
  2099. <b><a href="">details</a></b>). Obviously, some of the technical
  2100. staff refused to comply with this order. Why do you think that
  2101. technical people risk losing their positions over this issue? I'll
  2102. leave this question for you to answer.
  2103. <p>If you are a manager, try to use this information wisely to enhance
  2104. the computing environment at your facility. Talk to your technical
  2105. people and ask them what works. Make the right decision. Don't be
  2106. fooled by salespeople who use buzz words but can't explain them, let
  2107. alone explain their pertinence to <i>your company's</i> computing
  2108. goals. Seek out companies who have implemented both Microsoft
  2109. <i>and</i> UNIX servers for the type of solution you are considering.
  2110. Try meeting with their technical people to get objective, first-hand
  2111. reports on the feasibility, difficulty of implementation, and
  2112. initial+ongoing maintenance costs associated with your proposed
  2113. solution.
  2114. </p><hr>
  2115. <h2><a name="compare">Linux and NT Server 4.0 at a Glance</a></h2>
  2116. <p>Since NT is often chosen on the basis of cost-effective hardware
  2117. solutions, Linux will be the UNIX system in this comparison, for it
  2118. thrives on Intel hardware.
  2119. </p><p>Note: Only the items/features that actually <i>ship</i> with each
  2120. operating system are listed here. Perl 5.0, for instance, is available
  2121. for all platforms, but Microsoft does not provide this with its
  2122. operating systems. On the same note, most distributions of Linux ship
  2123. with only about four GUIs (window managers) to choose from, yet you'll
  2124. note from a previous section in this article, that this is only a small
  2125. number of what is available for Linux, or any other UNIX operating
  2126. system for that matter.
  2127. </p></td></tr></tbody></table>
  2128. </p><p>
  2129. <table width="85%" border="1">
  2130. <tbody><tr>
  2131. <td width="28%"><strong>Component</strong></td>
  2132. <td width="28%"><strong>Linux</strong></td>
  2133. <td width="32%"><strong>Windows NT Server 4.0</strong></td>
  2134. </tr>
  2135. <tr>
  2136. <td width="28%">Operating System</td>
  2137. <td width="28%">Free, or around $49.95 for a CD-ROM distribution</td>
  2138. <td width="32%">Five-User version $809<br>
  2139. 10-User version $1129<br>
  2140. EE 25-User Version $3,999</td>
  2141. </tr>
  2142. <tr>
  2143. <td>Free online technical support</td>
  2144. <td>Yes,
  2145. <a href="">
  2146. Linux Online</a> or
  2147. <a href="">
  2148. Redhat</a></td>
  2149. <td>No</td>
  2150. </tr>
  2151. <tr>
  2152. <td>Kernel source
  2153. code</td>
  2154. <td>Yes</td>
  2155. <td>No</td>
  2156. </tr>
  2157. <tr>
  2158. <td width="28%">Web Server</td>
  2159. <td width="28%">Apache Web Server</td>
  2160. <td width="32%">IIS</td>
  2161. </tr>
  2162. <tr>
  2163. <td width="28%">FTP Server</td>
  2164. <td width="28%">Yes</td>
  2165. <td width="32%">Yes</td>
  2166. </tr>
  2167. <tr>
  2168. <td width="28%">Telnet Server</td>
  2169. <td width="28%">Yes</td>
  2170. <td width="32%">No</td>
  2171. </tr>
  2172. <tr>
  2173. <td>SMTP/POP3 Server</td>
  2174. <td>Yes</td>
  2175. <td>No</td>
  2176. </tr>
  2177. <tr>
  2178. <td>DNS</td>
  2179. <td>Yes</td>
  2180. <td>Yes, though reports indicate that it is a broken implementation
  2181. with limited functionality.</td>
  2182. </tr>
  2183. <tr>
  2184. <td>Networking</td>
  2185. <td>TCP/IP, IPv6, NFS, SMB, IPX/SPX, NCP Server (NetWare Server),
  2186. AppleTalk, plus many other protocols</td>
  2187. <td>TCP/IP, SMB, IPX/SPX, AppleTalk, plus many other protocols</td>
  2188. </tr>
  2189. <tr>
  2190. <td>X Window Server<br>
  2191. (For running remote <br>
  2192. GUI-based applications)</td>
  2193. <td>Yes</td>
  2194. <td>No</td>
  2195. </tr>
  2196. <tr>
  2197. <td>Remote Management Tools</td>
  2198. <td>Yes, all tools</td>
  2199. <td>Web Administrator 2.0 (a recent addition)
  2200. offers a large, but still not complete,
  2201. set of tools.<br></td>
  2202. </tr>
  2203. <tr>
  2204. <td>News Server</td>
  2205. <td>Yes</td>
  2206. <td>No</td>
  2207. </tr>
  2208. <tr>
  2209. <td>C and C++ compilers</td>
  2210. <td>Yes</td>
  2211. <td>No</td>
  2212. </tr>
  2213. <tr>
  2214. <td>Perl 5.0</td>
  2215. <td>Yes</td>
  2216. <td>No</td>
  2217. </tr>
  2218. <tr>
  2219. <td>Revision Control</td>
  2220. <td>Yes,
  2221. <a href="">
  2222. RCS</a></td>
  2223. <td>No</td></tr>
  2224. <tr>
  2225. <td>Number of file systems supported</td>
  2226. <td>32</td>
  2227. <td>3</td>
  2228. </tr>
  2229. <tr>
  2230. <td>Disk quotas support</td>
  2231. <td>Yes</td>
  2232. <td>No</td>
  2233. </tr>
  2234. <tr>
  2235. <td>Number of GUIs (window managers) to choose
  2236. from</td>
  2237. <td>4</td>
  2238. <td>1</td>
  2239. </tr>
  2240. </tbody></table>
  2241. <table width="85%" cellspacing="0">
  2242. <tbody><tr>
  2243. <td>
  2244. <p>&nbsp;
  2245. </p><hr>
  2246. <h2><a name="bigguys">What are Major Companies Deploying?</a></h2>
  2247. <p><b><a href=""></a></b><br>
  2248. Books, the world's largest on-line bookstore, relies on
  2249. DIGITAL UNIX AlphaServer 2000 systems to keep its Internet business
  2250. open around the clock. DIGITAL VLM64 technology keeps data highly
  2251. available to customers. "The extensive Web server capabilities of the
  2252. DIGITAL AlphaServer series, coupled with its smooth upgrade path,
  2253. provided the perfect solution for our rapid growth curve."
  2254. </p><p><b><a href="">Boeing</a></b><br>
  2255. Operating systems: HP-UX, IRIX, Solaris, and more NT than some of
  2256. its technical staff would prefer. <br>
  2257. <b><a href="">Read what Linus Torvalds has to say about Boeing!</a></b><br>
  2258. Web server: Netscape-Enterprise 2.01
  2259. </p><p>The <b><a href="">Dallas Cowboys</a></b><br>
  2260. Operating systems: <b>
  2261. <a href="">
  2262. IRIX</a></b>
  2263. (Silicon Graphics UNIX Operating System) and UNIX System V Release 4.0<br>
  2264. MTA: Netscape Messaging Server 3.01<br>
  2265. Web: Netscape-Enterprise 3.0
  2266. </p><p><b><a href="">Dow Corning</a></b><br>
  2267. "We're a global operation and have always used mainframes. Choosing
  2268. Sun was a higher risk than other choices, but they really impressed us
  2269. with their technology and commitment. Now that we've worked with Sun,
  2270. if we had to do it over again, we wouldn't even consider making a
  2271. different decision. Sun is doing an outstanding job." <br>
  2272. -- Mark Smith, Manager of Information Technology Systems, Dow Corning
  2273. </p><p>
  2274. <b><a name="ms-solaris" href="">Hotmail</a></b>,
  2275. <b><a href="">The Microsoft Corporation</a></b>
  2276. <br>
  2277. This free Web-based e-mail service runs a mixture of Sun Solaris and
  2278. FreeBSD. Apache 1.2.1 is the Web server software. After Microsoft
  2279. purchased the company in December 1997, they tried to migrate to NT,
  2280. but ". . . the demands of supporting 10 million users reportedly proved
  2281. too great for NT, and Solaris was reinstated." Get the full story:
  2282. <a href="">
  2283. Solaris calls Hotmail shots for Microsoft</a>.
  2284. </p><p><b>
  2285. <a name="usps" href="">
  2286. United States Postal Service</a></b>
  2287. <br>
  2288. "The United States Postal Service deployed over 900 Linux based
  2289. systems throughout the United States in 1997 to automatically recognize
  2290. the destination addresses on mail pieces. Each system consists of 5
  2291. dual Pentium Pro 200MHz (PP200) computers and one single PP200 all
  2292. running Linux." <br>
  2293. -- John Taves,
  2294. <a href="">
  2295. Linux is reading your mail</a>, April 8, 1998
  2296. </p><p><b><a href="">Yahoo!</a></b><br>
  2297. ". . . A couple of days later we added a FreeBSD box to our cluster
  2298. of Web servers. Not only did it out-perform the rest of our machines,
  2299. but it was more stable. A few weeks into this experiment and we were
  2300. sold. Although the price was certainly attractive, it was the
  2301. stability, performance, and access to the source code that sold us.
  2302. Ever since then we've used FreeBSD almost exclusively for production as
  2303. well as our development environment."<br>
  2304. -- David Filo, Co-founder of Yahoo! (<i>FreeBSD News</i>, Issue 1)
  2305. </p><p>This list of <b>
  2306. <a href="">businesses using Linux in
  2307. their day-to-day operations</a></b> seeks to inform the public about
  2308. the reality of Linux as a viable alternative to commercial UNIX
  2309. operating systems. Companies such as
  2310. <b><a href="">Cisco Systems Inc.</a></b>,
  2311. <b><a href="">Sony WorldWide Networks</a></b>, <b>
  2312. <a href="">Mercedes-Benz</a></b>, and <b>
  2313. <a href="">Yellow Cab Service Corporation</a></b>
  2314. are mentioned. A description of the capacity in which Linux is being
  2315. deployed accompanies each company's listing.
  2316. </p><p><a name="cisco">InfoWorld recently wrote about the possibility of</a>
  2317. <b><a href="">Cisco Systems Inc.</a></b>
  2318. switching from Linux to Windows NT:
  2319. </p><blockquote>
  2320. "Speaking of platform changes, Cisco Systems may be switching over its
  2321. internal network of print servers. Apparently, the company's current
  2322. infrastructure is based on Linux and works very well, but that hasn't
  2323. stopped the guys at the top from wanting to mess with it. I'm told
  2324. that in light of Cisco's ever-cozier relationship with Microsoft, its
  2325. senior management issued an order that the existing system be trashed
  2326. in favor of a Windows NT-based setup. Word has it, though, that
  2327. inertia has won out, and despite the order from on-high, the printing
  2328. system is still -- you guessed it -- Linux-based.<br>
  2329. -- Robert X. Cringely,
  2330. "No Sunday in the Park: Rain Pushes platforms closer to the precipice," in:
  2331. <a href="">InfoWorld</a>, February 23, 1998, vol. 20, issue 8, p. 115.
  2332. </blockquote>
  2333. <p><a name="boeing">Linus Torvalds, the founder of Linux, mentions</a>
  2334. in an interview with InfoWorld that Linux can often be on the
  2335. "unofficially approved list" at some companies:
  2336. </p><blockquote>
  2337. "But not many people want to come out of the closet to officially say they are using Linux.
  2338. <b><a href="">NASA</a></b> is very open about
  2339. supporting Linux, as are universities. I know that Linux is used in
  2340. places like <b><a href="">Boeing</a></b>, but I
  2341. can't point people to a Web page that says so.<br>
  2342. -- <a href="">
  2343. Linus Torvalds talks economics and operating systems</a>, InfoWorld, April 9, 1998.
  2344. </blockquote>
  2345. <p>See also
  2346. <b><a href="">
  2347. Web Servers of 101 Prominent Companies/Organizations</a></b>.
  2348. </p><hr>
  2349. <h2><a name="links">Related Links</a></h2>
  2350. <blockquote>
  2351. <p><b><a href="">
  2352. Providing Reliable NT Desktop Services by Avoiding NT Server</a></b><br>
  2353. by Thomas A. Limoncelli, Robert Fulmer, Thomas Reingold,
  2354. Alex Levine, Ralph Loura,<br>
  2355. <a href="">Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs</a>.
  2356. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2357. HP Delivers 24x7 Worldwide Support For Linux Systems and Applications</a></b>
  2358. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2359. NT looking great on paper</a></b><br>
  2360. Microsoft has stolen mindshare from Unix, says IDC<br>
  2361. by Steven Brody,
  2362. <a href="">SunWorld</a>,
  2363. 19 April 1999.<br>
  2364. <a href="">
  2365.'s version of this same article.</a>
  2366. </p><p><b><a href=",4586,2242246,00.html">
  2367. NT beats Linux ... maybe</a></b><br>
  2368. "Study finds NT is faster than Linux as a Web least
  2369. according to MS-sponsored tests."<br>
  2370. by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols,
  2371. <a href="">Sm@rt Reseller</a>,
  2372. 15 April 1999.
  2373. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2374. Linux: How Good Is It?</a></b><br>
  2375. D.H. Brown Associates, Inc., 12 April 1999.
  2376. <!--<P><B><A HREF="/web/20000815100517/">-->
  2377. </p><p><b>
  2378. Divorcing Thin Server Software from the Hardware<br>
  2379. This article is no longer available.</b><br>
  2380. Please direct inquiries concerning this article to the
  2381. <a href="">GartnerGroup</a>.<br>
  2382. by J. Staten,
  2383. <a href="">GartnerGroup Advisor</a>,<br>
  2384. "This document examines this issue in detail, particularly the differences
  2385. between Linux and FreeBSD, the current de facto leaders in the market."
  2386. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2387. IACT's 24x7 Report</a></b><br>
  2388. by John Drabik,
  2389. <a href="">IACT</a>
  2390. (International Alliance for Compatible Technology).
  2391. <!--<P><B><A HREF="/web/20000815100517/">-->
  2392. </p><p><b>Comparison between FreeBSD 3.1 SMP and SuSE Linux 6.0 SMP<br>
  2393. (Author has removed this article from FreeBSD's site.)</b><br>
  2394. "Looks promising for the Linux 2.2.3 SMP kernel, but actually FreeBSD
  2395. is still 19% faster."<br>
  2396. by Andreas Klemm,
  2397. <a href=""></a>,
  2398. 14 March 1999.
  2399. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2400. Windows 2000, Users Zilch:<br>
  2401. The Y2K Disaster Parading as Microsoft's
  2402. Windows NT Marketing Plan</a></b><br>
  2403. by Robert X. Cringely,
  2404. <a href="">PBS online</a>,
  2405. 11 March 1999.
  2406. </p><p><b><a href=",4153,389494,00.html">
  2407. IBM to Linux-ize PCs</a></b><br>
  2408. by Carmen Nobel and Scott Berinato,
  2409. <a href="">PC Week</a> Online,
  2410. 15 February 1999.
  2411. </p><p><b><a href=",4153,387766,00.html">
  2412. Linux: Enterprise-ready</a></b><br>
  2413. "2.2 kernel's multiprocessing, improved memory
  2414. management deliver enterprise goods"<br>
  2415. by Henry Baltazar,
  2416. <a href="">PC Week</a> Labs,
  2417. 1 February 1999.
  2418. </p><p><b><a href=",4,31511,00.html">
  2419. Computing heavyweights warm to Linux</a></b><br>
  2420. by Stephen Shankland, <a href="">CNET News.Com</a>,
  2421. 27 January 1999.
  2422. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2423. Windows NT could triple enterprise upgrade costs - report</a></b><br>
  2424. by John Lettice,
  2425. <a href="">The Register</a>,
  2426. 26 January 1999.
  2427. </p><p><b><a href=",4,31458,00.html?">
  2428. New version of Linux posted</a></b><br>
  2429. by Stephen Shankland, <a href="">CNET News.Com</a>,
  2430. 26 January 1999.
  2431. </p><p><b><a href=",4537,387506,00.html">
  2432. Linux Up Close: Time To Switch</a></b><br>
  2433. by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols &amp; Eric Carr,
  2434. <a href="">Sm@rt Reseller</a>,
  2435. 25 January 1999.
  2436. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2437. Linux bandwagon grows</a></b><br>
  2438. by David Pendery, Dan Briody, and Ed Scannell,
  2439. <a href="">
  2440. InfoWorld Electric</a>, 23 January 1999.<br>
  2441. "Momentum behind the Linux platform will soon surge again with both Hewlett-Packard and
  2442. <b><a href="">Tivoli Systems</a></b> planning to extend their
  2443. management platforms to the open-source Linux platform, according to high-ranking
  2444. officials at the two companies."
  2445. </p><p><b><a href=",4,31060,00.html">
  2446. Notes headed to Linux</a></b><br>
  2447. by Erich Luening, Staff Writer,
  2448. <a href="">CNET News.Com</a>,
  2449. 18 January 1999.
  2450. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2451. Linux 101</a></b><br>
  2452. by Jon maddog Hall
  2453. <a href="">
  2454. Performance Computing</a>,
  2455. January 1999.
  2456. </p><p><b><a href=",4,30027,00.html">
  2457. Linux shipments up 212 percent</a></b><br>
  2458. by Stephen Shankland, <a href="">CNET News.Com</a>,
  2459. 16 December 1998.
  2460. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2461. The story on FreeBSD: What you should know about this important free
  2462. OS</a></b><br>
  2463. by Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz,
  2464. <a href="">LinuxWorld</a>,
  2465. December 1998.
  2466. </p><p><b><a href=",4,29416,00.html">
  2467. Unix trounces Windows NT in testing</a></b><br>
  2468. by Stephen Shankland,
  2469. <a href="">CNET News.Com</a>,
  2470. 1 December 1998.
  2471. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2472. Charge of the Linux Brigade</a></b><br>
  2473. by Fred Moody,
  2474. <a href="">
  2476. 20 November 1998.
  2477. </p><p><b><a href=",4,28215,00.html?">
  2478. Microsoft: Linux a threat to NT</a></b><br>
  2479. by Dan Goodin, Stephen Shankland, and Paul Festa,
  2480. <a href="">CNET News.Com</a>,
  2481. 2 November 1998.
  2482. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2483. The Halloween Documents</a></b><br>
  2484. "Microsoft Confidential" Documents with annotations and comments<br>
  2485. by Eric S. Raymond, 30 October 1998.
  2486. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2487. Unix Growth Still Outpaces Win NT</a></b><br>
  2488. by Andy Patrizio,
  2489. <a href="">TechWeb</a>, 28 October 1998.
  2490. </p><p><b><a href=",4,28065,00.html">
  2491. Gates "on the warpath"</a></b><br>
  2492. by Bloomberg News,
  2493. <a href="">CNET News.Com</a>,
  2494. 28 October 1998.
  2495. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2496. Finding Unix ain't broke, chip side balks at NT</a></b><br>
  2497. by Richard Goering,
  2498. EE Times, Issue: 1032, Section: Special Report: Workstations And Windows NT,
  2499. 26 October 1998.
  2500. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2501. Unix back in the fight with NT</a></b><br>
  2502. by Miguel Helft,
  2503. <a href="">Mercury Center</a>,
  2504. 26 October 1998.
  2505. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2506. Wall Street Is Bullish on NT</a></b><br>
  2507. by Michael Moeller,
  2508. <a href="">WindowsPro Magazine</a>,
  2509. 16 October 1998.
  2510. </p><p><b><a href=",4436,2149216,00.html">
  2511. Novell to unveil directory services on Linux</a></b><br>
  2512. by Mary Jo Foley,
  2513. <a href="">Sm@rt Reseller Online</a>,
  2514. 13 October 1998.
  2515. </p><p><b><a href=",4,26490,00.html">
  2516. Intel pushing unified Unix</a></b><br>
  2517. by Brooke Crothers, Staff Writer,
  2518. <a href="">CNET News.Com</a>,
  2519. 17 September 1998.
  2520. </p><p><b><a href=",4537,349576,00.html">
  2521. Quality Unix for FREE</a></b><br>
  2522. by Brett Glass,
  2523. <a href="">Sm@rt Reseller</a>,
  2524. <a href="">ZDNet</a>,
  2525. 7 September 1998.
  2526. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2527. ABC switches to Sun SAP environment:<br>
  2528. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) has successfully
  2529. migrated its SAP development platform from NT to Solaris, running on
  2530. Sun boxes</a></b><br>
  2531. <a href="">
  2532. Sun Microsystems Australia</a>,
  2533. <i>On#Sun</i>, vol. 5 issue 2, September 1998.
  2534. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2535. Beware the penguin, Bill</a></b><br>
  2536. by Charles Arthur,
  2537. <a href="">The Independent</a>,
  2538. 5 October 1998.
  2539. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2540. Intranets On A Shoestring</a></b><br>
  2541. by Chris Lindquist,
  2542. <a href="">Computerworld</a>,
  2543. 5 October 1998.
  2544. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2545. Gates pushes hometown to Linux<br>
  2546. Linux-based document system costs 10% of Windows NT solution</a></b><br>
  2547. by Christine Burns,
  2548. <a href="">
  2549. Computerworld News</a>,
  2550. 4 October 1998.
  2551. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2552. Service Pack 4 vs. NT 5 (a.k.a. NT2000)</a></b><br>
  2553. by Russ Cooper,
  2554. <a href="">ZDNet</a>,
  2555. 29 September 1998.
  2556. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2557. NT's Cloudy Future</a></b><br>
  2558. by Mark Hall,
  2559. <a href="">Performance COmputing</a>,
  2560. September 1998.
  2561. </p><p><b><a href=",4436,2140612,00.html">
  2562. New Security Flap Over Windows NT</a></b><br>
  2563. by Mary Jo Foley,
  2564. <a href="">Sm@rt Reseller</a>,
  2565. <a href="">ZDNN</a>,
  2566. 23 September 1998.
  2567. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2568. Linux Surfaces As Alternative to Windows NT</a></b><br>
  2569. by Masahiro Nakamura, Staff Editor,
  2570. <a href="">Nikkei Computer</a>,
  2571. <a href="">AsiaBizTech</a>,
  2572. 21 September 1998.
  2573. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2574. A Fight to the Finnish<br>
  2575. Why Linux Quite Appropriately Scares
  2576. the Bejesus Out of Microsoft</a></b><br>
  2577. by Robert X. Cringely,
  2578. <a href="">PBS online</a>,
  2579. 10 September 1998.
  2580. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2581. Dell ships PCs, servers with Linux</a></b><br>
  2582. by Connie Guglielmo of
  2583. <a href="">ZDNN</a>,
  2584. <a href="">MSNBC</a>,
  2585. 8 September 1998.
  2586. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2587. In LINUX We . . .</a></b><br>
  2588. by Ann Harrison,
  2589. <a href="">
  2590. Software Magazine</a>, Cover Story, September 1998.
  2591. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2592. Linux, an Alternative to Microsoft Windows, Shows Value of
  2593. Free Software</a></b><br>
  2594. by Leslie Helm, Times Staff Writer,
  2595. <a href="">Los Angeles Times</a>,
  2596. 24 August 1998.
  2597. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2598. NASA Greets Beowulf</a></b><br>
  2599. by Michael Stutz, <a href="">Wired News</a>,
  2600. 17 August 1998.
  2601. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2602. Is NT Ready for the Data Center?</a></b><br>
  2603. by Joseph P. McGarvey,
  2604. <a href="">Windows Pro Magazine</a>,
  2605. 26 August 1998.
  2606. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2607. Microsoft Admits NT Trails Solaris</a></b><br>
  2608. by Barbara Darrow and Stuart Glascock,
  2609. <a href="">Computer Reseller News</a>,
  2610. 28 July 1998.
  2611. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2612. NT vs. UNIX: An uphill battle</a></b><br>
  2613. by Kevin Burden,
  2614. <a href="">Computerworld</a>,
  2615. August 1998.
  2616. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2617. Open OS Provides Flexible, Stable Computing Platform --
  2618. Linux Environment Offers Endless Possibilities</a></b><br>
  2619. by Paula Rooney,
  2620. <a href="">Computer Retail Week (TechWeb)</a>,
  2621. 17 August 1998, Issue: 215, Section: Business Solutions
  2622. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2623. Linux legitimacy rallies NT skeptics</a></b><br>
  2624. by R. Scott Raynovich and Polly Sprenger,
  2625. <a href="">LAN Times</a>,
  2626. 17 August 1998.
  2627. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2628. Putting Unix in All the Right Places:
  2629. The reports of Unix's death are greatly exaggerated.</a></b><br>
  2630. by John Montgomery,
  2631. <a href="">Byte</a>,
  2632. January 1998.
  2633. </p><p><b><a href=",4,25013,00.html?">
  2634. Report: Wait on NT 5.0</a></b><br>
  2635. by Ben Heskett,
  2636. <a href="">CNET News.Com</a>,
  2637. 6 August 1998.
  2638. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2639. Users Should Skip NT 5.0, Analysts Say</a></b><br>
  2640. by David Wilby, <a href="">TechWeb</a>,
  2641. 29 June 1998.
  2642. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2643. Open Source's First Six Months</a></b><br>
  2644. by Eric Raymond,
  2645. <a href="">Linux Gazette</a>,
  2646. August 1998.
  2647. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2648. Linux versus NT:
  2649. Are you getting the most from your OS?</a></b><br>
  2650. by Cameron Laird,
  2651. <a href="">SunWorld Online</a>,
  2652. August 1998.
  2653. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2654. Foes fire at Microsoft</a></b> <br>
  2655. <b>"<a href="">RealNetworks</a> exec tells
  2656. Senate panel software giant 'breaks' his product"</b><br>
  2657. by staff writer John Frederick Moore,
  2658. <a href="">CNN Financial Network</a>,
  2659. 23 July 1998.
  2660. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2661. Linux manifesto</a></b> (A
  2662. <b><a href="">boot</a></b>
  2663. interview with Linus Torvalds)
  2664. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2665. Oracle to port database to Linux after all</a></b><br>
  2666. by Paul Krill, <a href="">
  2667. InfoWorld Electric</a>, 17 July 1998.
  2668. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2669. Informix gets set to embrace Linux</a></b><br>
  2670. by Paul Krill, <a href="">
  2671. InfoWorld Electric</a>, 17 July 1998.
  2672. </p><p><b><a href=",3441,2120879,00.html">
  2673. NT: One step forward, two steps back</a></b><br>
  2674. by Mary Jo Foley, <a href="">ZDNN</a>,
  2675. 20 July 1998.
  2676. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2677. NT Needs Patch To Comply With Y2K</a></b><br>
  2678. by Ellis Booker, <a href="">TechWeb</a>
  2679. (InternetWeek, issue 712), 27 April 1998.
  2680. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2681. Engineers Speak Out: Linux vs. Windows NT, Part 1</a></b><br>
  2682. by Murry Shohat, <a href="">
  2683. <i>Intergrated System Design</i> Magazine</a>, July 1998.
  2684. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2685. The "Decline" and Rise of Unix</a></b><br>
  2686. by Prasanto K. Roy, <a href="">
  2687. PC Quest</a>.
  2688. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2689. NT Lies</a></b><br>
  2690. by Ed Bott, <a href="">ZDNet</a>, July 1997.
  2691. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2692. Sun Joins Linux International</a></b><br>
  2693. <a href="">Slashdot</a>, 21 May 1998.
  2694. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2695. Update on Sun joining Linux International</a></b><br>
  2696. <a href="">Slashdot</a>, 29 May 1998.
  2697. </p><p><b>
  2698. <a href="">
  2699. The Cathedral and the Bazaar</a></b><br>
  2700. by Eric S. Raymond, 29 January 1998.
  2701. </p><p><b>
  2702. <a href="">
  2703. Microsoft: The Joker of Enterprise IS Computing</a></b><br>
  2704. by The <b>
  2705. <a href="">Aberdeen<i>Group</i></a></b>,
  2706. Executive Viewpoint, Volume 10 / Number 20, September 29, 1997.
  2707. </p><p><b>
  2708. <a href="">
  2709. Interoperability: Possibility or Elusive Dream? -- An Executive White Paper</a></b><br>
  2710. by The <b><a href="">Aberdeen<i>Group</i></a></b>, March 1998.
  2711. </p><p><b>
  2712. <a href="">
  2713. <i>OnSite</i> - Case Study: Migration Migraines</a></b><br>
  2714. by The <b>
  2715. <a href="">Aberdeen<i>Group</i></a></b>, 1997.
  2716. </p><p><b>
  2717. <a href="">
  2718. Case Study: Horns of a Dilemma</a></b><br>
  2719. by The <b>
  2720. <a href="">Aberdeen<i>Group</i></a></b>.
  2721. </p><p><b>
  2722. <a href="">
  2723. Windows NT no match for UNIX, IDC says</a></b><br>
  2724. by Rob Guth, <b><a href="">Computerworld</a></b>, 7-24-97.
  2725. </p><p><b>
  2726. <a href="">
  2727. It will take less drive to make most PC operating
  2728. systems work like Unix</a></b><br>
  2729. by Nicholas Petreley, <a href="">InfoWorld</a>,
  2730. 28 October 1996.
  2731. </p><p><b>
  2732. <a href="">
  2733. 1997 Product of the Year Award: Operating Systems - Network Operating System</a></b><br>
  2734. by Eric Hammond, <a href="">InfoWorld</a> Test Center.
  2735. </p><p><b>
  2736. <a href="">
  2737. 1997 Product of the Year Award: Best Technical Support Award</a></b><br>
  2738. by Ed Foster, <a href="">InfoWorld</a> Test Center.
  2739. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2740. Linux Reviews and Articles</a></b> by Christopher Blizzard. <br>
  2741. This page lists 65 articles or reviews of Linux.
  2742. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2743. Linux Grows Up: Red Hat's commercial Linux beats NT at its own
  2744. game</a></b>, by Maggie Biggs.<br>
  2745. The author is a senior analyst in the
  2746. <a href="">InfoWorld</a>
  2747. Test Center. She specializes in database technology and application
  2748. design, development, and deployment via intranets and other networks.
  2749. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2750. Linux lines up for the enterprise:
  2751. Is there a place in your shop for this inexpensive UNIX?</a></b><br>
  2752. by Rick Cook, in:
  2753. <a href="">SunWorld - January 1998</a>.
  2754. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2755. Lookin' into Linux</a></b><br>
  2756. by Mark Gibbs, Network World, March 30, 1998.
  2757. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2758. Doing the math to resolve the NT vs. UNIX debate</a></b><br>
  2759. by Wayne Spivak, Network World, August 18, 1997
  2760. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2761. The advantages of using BSDI BSD/OS over Windows NT Server</a></b><br>
  2762. iServer - Verio Web Hosting Inc. - Virtual Servers
  2763. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2764. Linux: Not Just For Geeks And College Kids Anymore</a></b>, by Jason Perlow,
  2765. <a href="">ZDNet</a>, February 11, 1998.
  2766. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2767. Leaning Toward Linux: Powerful, robust, and free, Linux is worth
  2768. investigating, especially if you plan to set up an Internet
  2769. domain</a></b> by Neil Randall,
  2770. <a href="">
  2771. ZDNet - PC Magazine Online, July 1997, Vol 16, No. 13.</a>
  2772. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2773. Replacing Windows NT Server with Linux</a></b> by Quinn P. Coldiron,
  2774. Information Systems Department manager for the University of Nebraska
  2775. Press.
  2776. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2777. An In-Depth Analysis of Five Commercial UNIX Operating Systems and
  2778. Windows NT Server 4.0 (Enterprise Edition) by D.H. Brown Associates,
  2779. Inc.</a></b>
  2780. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2781. Comparing BSDI and NT:
  2782. Building Intranet and Internet Servers with BSDI and Windows NT</a></b>
  2783. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2784. The Standish Group - SUN Also Rises: Solaris Vs. NT</a></b>
  2785. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2786. BitWizard B.V. "UNIX vs. NT"</a></b>
  2787. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2788. THE H-REPORT: Which Operating System For Your 'Intranet'?</a></b>
  2789. </p><p><b><a href="">
  2790. Linux Helps Bring <i>Titanic</i> to Life</a></b><br>
  2791. Daryll Strauss,
  2792. <a href="">LINUX Journal</a>,
  2793. <a href="">Issue #46</a>, February 1998.
  2794. </p></blockquote>
  2795. <hr>
  2796. <h2><a name="acknowledgments">Acknowledgments</a></h2>
  2797. <p>I would like to welcome three new editors who are volunteering
  2798. their services to the UNIX versus NT Organization: Bengt Kleberg,
  2799. Gregory J. Pryzby, and Robert G. Werner.
  2800. </p><p>My very special thanks to Martin Vermeer, who, thanks to his advice
  2801. on form, argumentation presented herein, as well as having provided
  2802. numerous valuable and sometimes explosive links, has been,
  2803. and continues to be, an invaluable contributor to the
  2804. positive development of this dynamic project. My deepest appreciation
  2805. goes to the translators who have been generous enough to donate their
  2806. time to this worthy cause: Brian Lin for the Traditional Chinese and
  2807. Simplified Chinese versions, Davor Ocelic for the Croatian translation,
  2808. Hanus Adler for the Czech translation,
  2809. Kobayashi Osamu for the Japanese translation, Donghun Han for the
  2810. Korean translation, Bruno H. Collovini for the Portuguese translation,
  2811. and Ilgam Vasilyev for the Russian translation, and Carlos
  2812. Lizárraga C. for the Spanish translation.
  2813. My thanks also to Nat Makarevitch, Sebastien Blondeel, and
  2814. Dennis Allard who are currently working on the French translation,
  2815. and to Guglielmo Alfieri, Michele Dalla Silvestra,
  2816. and Sergio Felleti who are working on the Italian translation.
  2817. </p><p>I would also like to thank the many readers who have contributed
  2818. links to important new articles on this topic, for instance, Lance
  2819. Bayless, Klaus A. Brunner,
  2820. Radovan Bukoci,
  2821. Peter Chen, Reinier de Vos,
  2822. Martin Espinoza,
  2823. Ariel Faigon, Paul Fischer, P. Gopalakrishnan,
  2824. Colin Kabaara,
  2825. Raj Mathur, Howard McKinney,
  2826. Adrian Mikeliunas,
  2827. Mike Miller, Mike Stephens, Jim Mohr,
  2828. Gene Mosher, Philip Obbard,
  2829. John Oram, Conrad Sanderson, Markus Senoner, Steve Sinnott,
  2830. Ryan Sumner, Raj Warty, Ken Webster, and countless others.
  2831. </p><p>Equally appreciated is the constructive criticism from Keith H.J.
  2832. Bevins, Joris Braakman, Marty Cawthon,
  2833. Phillip Chu, Baruch Cochavy, Nicholas Donovan,
  2834. Julian Elischer, Steve Fuller, Alex Gogan, Jake Hamby, Peter Jeremy,
  2835. Adam Johnson, Geoffrey King, Hannu Krosing, Greg Lehey, Kimberly
  2836. McBride, Richard Smith, and David Waine, to name just a few.
  2837. </p><p>No less important was the assistance provided by Leif Erlingsson and
  2838. Damon Conway back around the end of March when I had to upgrade my
  2839. connection and needed their mirroring services, both of whom continue
  2840. to provide mirrors to this site. Last but not least, my thanks to Ryan
  2841. Sumner for his everlasting moral support on this project.
  2842. </p></td></tr></tbody></table>
  2843. </p><p><a href=""><img border="0" src="./Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 versus UNIX_files/vh40.gif" alt="Valid HTML 4.0!" height="31" width="88"></a>
  2844. </p><p><a href="">©1998 Consulting, Inc.</a>
  2845. </p></center>
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