angela 於 5 年之前 修改了此頁面

Installation Instructions for Windows

A detailed set of instructions for first-time installs, with dependencies needed for Resgen's operation, along with explanations of why we need them. First-time installation is the only time you'll have to put any effort into using Resgen!

Once everything is set up, there's one command to run any time you want to launch it.

Download Git for Windows (latest version)

  • Git for Windows provides the Dash Shell needed to execute PDF conversion & a number of other operations necessary for the automation behavior in this application.

  • Git also makes it easy to obtain the codebase and keep your installation up-to-date (if you want new features of Resgen)

  • During the install, you can select the default options to get everything needed

Open Command Prompt Terminal

This is a terminal-based application, so here's a few steps to get you comfortable with using it

  • Start > Search > type cmd.exe and you should see a terminal application appear as an option

  • In the terminal window, type cd Desktop (we're going to put Resgen here) Tip: type dir if you want to see everything on your desktop, from the terminal.

Download Ruby for Windows (latest stable version)

Ruby is the programming language that powers this application and handles the automation

  • During install, if prompted with 3 choices, select 1 (base installation)
  • Once complete, head back to the Command Prompt Terminal (from the previous step)
  • You can confirm Ruby is ready to go, by typing ruby --version

Get Resgen

From the Command Prompt Terminal, we'll obtain Resgen's source code, using Git:

git clone && cd resgen

Easy application dependency installs

These programs can be installed to the default location the installer wants to send them to.

  • Firefox - utilized by the scraper to save the job postings
  • LibreOffice - The free software version of MS Office; this is where our resume templates will be handled and kept


Anytime you want to launch Resgen, simply run:

ruby resgen

from inside the Resgen directory.

Your resumes are saved to resgen/finished_resume unless you specified a custom location in config.yml