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Suspicious Network Activity on Android

Android devices are very chatty and make a lot of connections to servers you may not want your deivce talking to.

How to Find Suspicious (or Unwanted) Network Attempts

  1. Use a firewall (AFWall is a good one, if you're rooted)
  2. Block everything by default, allow only what you know needs internet access; any type of incoming/outgoing permissions
  3. Assuming that firewall has good log access to easily differentiate between denied and approved requests, look at them and research who the attempt is trying to talk to
  • logcat or adb logcat can show you DNS activity, too.

Once you have the IP addresses of the blocked attempts, focus on those, first. Then you can monitor with Wireshark to see what's making it's way through your approved apps.

Find the Owner of the IP Android is Connecting To

If you're on a Linux system, you can use the whois package to do whois lookups from your terminal


OrgName: Google LLC

Not every lookup will return a nameserver, but it can clue you in on what the attempt may have been trying to do

nslookup name =

This connection was the result of the NTP time settings of Android being set to 'null'; set a custom time server