#17 Improve interactive UX

jorgesumle ingin menggabungkan 1 komit dari jorgesumle/master menjadi SylvieLorxu/master

As https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html#Bash-POSIX-Mode says:

When invoked as sh, Bash enters POSIX mode after reading the startup files.

POSIX mode is garbage, I prefer to use Readline when writing text interactively, also there are some nice options for the read builtin.

  • Make use of the -p read option
  • Make use of the -e read option
As https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html#Bash-POSIX-Mode says: > When invoked as sh, Bash enters POSIX mode after reading the startup files. POSIX mode is garbage, I prefer to use Readline when writing text interactively, also there are some nice options for the `read` builtin. - Make use of the `-p` read option - Make use of the `-e` read option
Sylvia van Os komentar 6 tahun lalu

Well, mkblog.sh was supposed to be strictly POSIX Shell. Instead of discussing this pull request much, would you like it if I transfer the repository to you and let you become the owner of it? I have a fulltime job these days (I'm no longer a student) and lose pretty much all my spare time on maintaining Pext. I believe this project is probably in better hands with you than with me.

Well, mkblog.sh was supposed to be strictly POSIX Shell. Instead of discussing this pull request much, would you like it if I transfer the repository to you and let you become the owner of it? I have a fulltime job these days (I'm no longer a student) and lose pretty much all my spare time on maintaining Pext. I believe this project is probably in better hands with you than with me.
Jorge Maldonado Ventura komentar 6 tahun lalu

Well, mkblog.sh was supposed to be strictly POSIX Shell.

(Not sure if many people use a strictly POSIX shell though.) I guess the best way to go would be to add a --posix option.

Would you like it if I transfer the repository to you and let you become the owner of it?

OK, I can maintain it. You don't need to transfer it, I think you can add me as owner, but I don't really mind.

> Well, mkblog.sh was supposed to be strictly POSIX Shell. (Not sure if many people use a strictly POSIX shell though.) I guess the best way to go would be to add a `--posix` option. > Would you like it if I transfer the repository to you and let you become the owner of it? OK, I can maintain it. You don't need to transfer it, I think you can add me as owner, but I don't really mind.
Sylvia van Os komentar 6 tahun lalu

I added you as an administrator. Do with the repository as you wish :)

I added you as an administrator. Do with the repository as you wish :)
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