Jason K. MacDuffie PangolinTurtle
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Updated 3 years ago

A magic puzzle game

Updated 4 years ago

A set of tools for pen-and-paper ciphers

Updated 4 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

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kawa scheme

Updated 4 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

mooncake build of fudge

Updated 5 years ago

Property Lists in Scheme

Updated 6 years ago

YASOS-like object system based on association lists

Updated 6 years ago

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Common math utilities

Updated 6 years ago

define-library for R5RS implementations

Updated 6 years ago

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backup of emacs files

Updated 6 years ago

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R7RS JSON parser

Updated 6 years ago

The Word Replacement Game

Updated 7 years ago

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The dankest RPG on the net

Updated 7 years ago