license.txt 590 B

  1. Code is licensed MIT.
  2. Stable diffusion (running locally, downloaded from, was used to generate these images:
  3. rob_opr_base_floor_concrete.png
  4. rob_opr_base_floor_wood_tile.png
  5. rob_opr_base_path_1_side.png
  6. rob_opr_base_path_1_top.png. I added the grid overlay, for all you lawyers that care about that.
  7. rob_opr_base_wall_blast.png
  8. rob_opr_base_wall_wallpaper.png
  9. All remaining graphics and models are licensed CC by SA 4.0 Nathan Salapat
  10. rob_opr_base_air_canon is derived from licensed CC0