init.lua 634 B

  1. -- TODO: coin press machine? (copper, silver) coins? melt coins back to ingots.
  2. -- Get mod path and execute additional modules.
  3. local path = minetest.get_modpath("coins")
  4. dofile(path .. "/crafting.lua")
  5. -- Register the gold coin craft item.
  6. minetest.register_craftitem("coins:gold_coins", {
  7. description = "Gold Coins",
  8. inventory_image = "coins_gold_coins.png",
  9. stack_max = "99",
  10. })
  11. -- Register the gold coin scrap bucket.
  12. minetest.register_craftitem("coins:gold_scrap_bucket", {
  13. description = "Bucket of Gold Scrap",
  14. inventory_image = "coins_bucket_scrap_gold.png",
  15. stack_max = 1,
  16. })