2 Commits 4a53b24b19 ... cd1b3d3187

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  Lucid Eagle cd1b3d3187 Cleaned Up With Bleachbit + Tweaked Panel Settings il y a 5 ans
  Lucid Eagle 047ef5b7e0 Cleaned Up With Bleachbit il y a 5 ans

+ 0 - 143

@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-pacman-key --refresh-keys
-sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys
-ssh-keygen -b 4096
-sudo pacman -S git
-sudo pacman -Syy
-sudo pacman -S git glibc
-cd /home/parabola
-git init
-git add .
-git commit -m "First Commit"
-git config --global user.email "LucidEagle@protonmail.com"
-git config --global user.name "Lucid Eagle"
-git commit -m "First Commit"
-git remote add origin https://notabug.org/LucidEagle/LXDE-Parabola-Desktop-Design.git
-git push -u origin master
-sudo pacman -S arc-gtk-theme arc-icon-theme
-cd /home/parabola
-git add . 
-git commit -m "Customized Look & Feel Settings With (arc-gtk-theme + arc-icon-theme)" 
-git push -u origin master
-git add .
-git commit -m "Updated Panel Settings"
-git push -u origin master
-sudo pcmanfm
-git add . 
-git commit -m "Updated Desktop Background To Parabola-Default-Wallpaper"
-git push -u origin master
-git add . 
-git commit -m "Updated Desktop Preferences To Delete & Remove All Icons"
-git push -u origin master
-pkill wbar
-sudo pacman -R wbar
-sudo pacman -S plank
-sudo pacman -S faenza-icon-theme
-git add . 
-git commit -m "Changed The Default Icon Theme From (arc-icon-theme) To (faenza-icon-theme / faenza-ambiance)"
-git push -u origin master
-sudo pacman -S vlc 
-git add .
-git commit -m "Updated Sound & Video Software To Include (vlc) & Hide (smplayer + mpv) From The Menu Selection"
-git push -u origin master
-sudo pacman -R abiword gnumeric && sudo pacman -S libre-office-fresh 
-sudo pacman -S libreoffice-fresh
-sudo pacman -Rns libreoffice-fresh
-sudo pacman -S libicuuc
-sudo pacman -Rns libreoffice-fresh
-sudo pacman -S libreoffice-still
-sudo pacman -Suy
-sudo pacman -S bleachbit
-sudo pacman -Rns libreoffice-still
-sudo pacman -S libreoffice-fresh
-sudo pacman -S java-runtime
-sudo pacman -S java-environment
-sudo pacman -S icu
-sudo pacman -S icu --nodeps
-sudo pacman -S libboost
-sudo pacman -S libicu
-sudo pacman -Syu
-sudo pacman -S boost
-/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_locale.so.1.69.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
-sudo pacman -Syu
-pacman-keys --refresh
-pacman-key refresh
-sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys
-sudo pacman -Syu
-sudo pacman -Scc
-sudo pacman -Syy archlinux-keyring archlinux32-keyring archlinuxarm-keyring parabola-keyring
-sudo pacman-key --init
-sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux archlinux32 archlinuxarm parabola
-sudo pacman-ky --refresh-keys
-sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys
-sudo pacman -Syu
-sudo pacman -S gufw
-sudo pacman -S etherape
-sudo pacman -S etherape
-sudo pacman -Rns etherape
-sudo pacman -S etherape
-sudo pacman -Rns etherape
-sudo pacman -S etherape
-sudo pacman -Rns etherape
-sudo pacman -Rns etherape
-sudo pacman -Rns etherape
-sudo etherape
-sudo pacman -S etherape
-sudo pcmanfm
-sudo pcmanfm
-sudo pcmanfm
-sudo pcmanfm
-sudo pcmanfm
-sudo pcmanfm
-sudo pcmanfm
-sudo etherape
-sudo pacman -S deluge
-sudo pacman -S gimp
-sudo pacman -S calibre
-sudo pacman -S calibre
-sudo pacman -S calibre
-sudo pacman -Syy
-sudo pacman -S calibre
-sudo pacman -S digikam
-sudo pacman -S clamtk
-sudo pcmanfm
-sudo pcmanfm
-sudo pacman -S parcellite
-sudo pacman -S audacity
-sudo pacman -S parcellite
-sudo pacman -S openshot
-sudo pacman -S obs-studio
-sudo pacman -S libfdk-aac libva-intel-driver libva-mesa-driver
-sudo pacman -S freemind
-sudo pacman -S orage
-sudo pacman -S homebank
-sudo pcmanfm
-sudo pacman -Rns digikam
-sudo pacman -S shotwell









+ 0 - 0

Certains fichiers n'ont pas été affichés car il y a eu trop de fichiers modifiés dans ce diff