#458 31-4302 error on new update

opened 6 months ago by prisma · 6 comments
prisma commented 6 months ago

There was a small in-game update earlier today and after it was installed, I started getting the 31-4302 error (advising reinstall) after going through the door (before the 7 symbols).

No changes were made to the game environments. I was using 6.17-staging and could login on Android.


There was a small in-game update earlier today and after it was installed, I started getting the 31-4302 error (advising reinstall) after going through the door (before the 7 symbols). No changes were made to the game environments. I was using 6.17-staging and could login on Android. Help!
Krock commented 6 months ago

@prisma In-game updates only affect the Persistent\ subdirectory contents. This error however is caused by invalid PE64 (e.g. dll, exe) files. I would recommend you use the launcher of your preference to repair the game files. Also remove any files from the game directory that do not originate from the game installation (e.g. FPS unlocker).

@prisma In-game updates only affect the Persistent\ subdirectory contents. This error however is caused by invalid PE64 (e.g. dll, exe) files. I would recommend you use the launcher of your preference to repair the game files. Also remove any files from the game directory that do not originate from the game installation (e.g. FPS unlocker).
prisma commented 6 months ago

thanks @Krock for the tip. I did try to verify (in-game) and found no errors. I didn't add anything else (dll or exe), deleted a bunch of dump files, launched the game from the original launcher - all made no difference. I did notice a number of .log files (e.g. ZFGameBrowser_d3d11.log) in the game directory but I think these are generated by wine? Would they cause problems? I also found "initDriver Failed: Error [4,1114,0]." in driverError.log, which doesn't mean anything to me.

Anything else I could try? I appreciate your help!

thanks @Krock for the tip. I did try to verify (in-game) and found no errors. I didn't add anything else (dll or exe), deleted a bunch of dump files, launched the game from the original launcher - all made no difference. I did notice a number of .log files (e.g. ZFGameBrowser_d3d11.log) in the game directory but I think these are generated by wine? Would they cause problems? I also found "initDriver Failed: Error [4,1114,0]." in driverError.log, which doesn't mean anything to me. Anything else I could try? I appreciate your help!
Krock commented 6 months ago
  1. Double-check whether there are any remains from previous installs. The following script will list all surplus binary files, hence no file name output is expected. Run it inside the game directory. Requires bash and jq.
#!/usr/bin/env bash

per_line_data=$(jq -r "[.remoteName] | join(\"\")" "pkg_version")
pefiles=$(find . \( -iname '*.exe' -o -iname '*.sys' -o -iname '*.dll' \))

while read -r filename; do
	if [[ ! "$per_line_data" == *"$filename"* ]]; then
		echo "$filename"
	count=$((count + 1))
done <<< "$pefiles"

echo "Compared $count binary files"
  1. Was there any recent update with the Wine version that you are currently using? I would recommend you to try a previous (known working) version.

  2. Create a new WiNEPREFIX like I suggested in #457 (unrelated issue).

  3. You can ignore the log files in this case. I have also seen people reporting that crash reports were saved to strange locations. Game browse issues are often caused by missing fonts or strange graphics drivers. Feel free to zip and send some of them to me by email (see LICENSE.txt).

1. Double-check whether there are any remains from previous installs. The following script will list all surplus binary files, hence no file name output is expected. Run it inside the game directory. Requires `bash` and `jq`. ``` #!/usr/bin/env bash per_line_data=$(jq -r "[.remoteName] | join(\"\")" "pkg_version") pefiles=$(find . \( -iname '*.exe' -o -iname '*.sys' -o -iname '*.dll' \)) count=0 while read -r filename; do filename=${filename##./} if [[ ! "$per_line_data" == *"$filename"* ]]; then echo "$filename" fi count=$((count + 1)) done <<< "$pefiles" echo "Compared $count binary files" ``` 2. Was there any recent update with the Wine version that you are currently using? I would recommend you to try a previous (known working) version. 3. Create a new WiNEPREFIX like I suggested in https://notabug.org/Krock/dawn/issues/457#issuecomment-38037 (unrelated issue). 4. You can ignore the log files in this case. I have also seen people reporting that crash reports were saved to strange locations. Game browse issues are often caused by missing fonts or strange graphics drivers. Feel free to zip and send some of them to me by email (see LICENSE.txt).
prisma commented 6 months ago

Thanks again @Krock! I ran the script and found nothing. As for WINE, I had used two versions (5.19-staging and 6.17-staging) and both were working just fine. I did upgrade some libraries maybe a week ago but that feels unrelated.

In the Persistent directory, there's a DownloadError.log file containing lines like "12-01 21:04:12 [Normal]deviceModel:Wine (The Wine Project)". Plus a test_file saying "WRITE_FAILED".

I'll try the new prefix next.

Thanks again @Krock! I ran the script and found nothing. As for WINE, I had used two versions (5.19-staging and 6.17-staging) and both were working just fine. I did upgrade some libraries maybe a week ago but that feels unrelated. In the Persistent directory, there's a DownloadError.log file containing lines like "12-01 21:04:12 [Normal]deviceModel:Wine (The Wine Project)". Plus a test_file saying "WRITE_FAILED". I'll try the new prefix next.
prisma commented 6 months ago

A new prefix fixed the issue. Seems like something got messed up somehow during the update. Let's hope this is a one-off. Thanks again @Krock for all your help!

A new prefix fixed the issue. Seems like something got messed up somehow during the update. Let's hope this is a one-off. Thanks again @Krock for all your help!
Krock commented 6 months ago

Thank you for the feedback. Documented as of 77e0e48.

Thank you for the feedback. Documented as of 77e0e48.
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