#457 Captcha doesn't loading

vor 6 Monaten geöffnet von Shulker · 15 Kommentare
Shulker kommentierte vor 6 Monaten

OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 Bookworm



Winecfg Function:dxgi,d3d9,d3d10core,d3d11

wine uninstaller list:Wine Mono Runtime 8.1.0,Wine Mono Windows Support 8.1.0

Status: Captcha and all in game browser(like "Forget Password" Page) doesn't load anything,and if you trying to close them the whole game stuck.

OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 Bookworm Wine:wine-8.21(Staging) DXVK:dxvk-2.3 Winecfg Function:dxgi,d3d9,d3d10core,d3d11 wine uninstaller list:Wine Mono Runtime 8.1.0,Wine Mono Windows Support 8.1.0 Status: Captcha and all in game browser(like "Forget Password" Page) doesn't load anything,and if you trying to close them the whole game stuck.
Krock kommentierte vor 6 Monaten

@Shulker Have you yet seen the workarounds mentioned in TROUBLESHOOTING.md? Please give them a try and report back if you need any further assistance or if none of the workarounds were successful.

Even if it might not seem intuitive, I would recommend you to first install the Microsoft Fonts from your distro repository. Wine will pick them up automatically.

@Shulker Have you yet seen the workarounds mentioned in [TROUBLESHOOTING.md](./src/master/TROUBLESHOOTING.md#login-shows-a-white-rectangle)? Please give them a try and report back if you need any further assistance or if none of the workarounds were successful. Even if it might not seem intuitive, I would recommend you to first install the Microsoft Fonts from your distro repository. Wine will pick them up automatically.
Shulker kommentierte vor 6 Monaten

Sorry for didn't mention that,I already tried TROUBLESHOOTING and tried that "vulkan-1.dll" etc... and didn't work for me,btw the game working on my system the day before yesterday,and this problem just came out today,AND I already installed all MS fonts from an other Windows 11 Machine.

Sorry for didn't mention that,I already tried TROUBLESHOOTING and tried that "vulkan-1.dll" etc... and didn't work for me,btw the game working on my system the day before yesterday,and this problem just came out today,AND I already installed all MS fonts from an other Windows 11 Machine.
Shulker kommentierte vor 6 Monaten

And I tried use Launcher's Fixed function but it is said the game files have no problem,So I think may miHoYo(HoYoVerse) updated their in-game briwser?or Auth System something?I don't know..

And I tried use Launcher's Fixed function but it is said the game files have no problem,So I think may miHoYo(HoYoVerse) updated their in-game briwser?or Auth System something?I don't know..
Shulker kommentierte vor 6 Monaten

Oh I checked other issues and I found, when the game running properly on my system with game version 4.2.0,it have the same problem with #453 and when the game broken today I found the password input now can show the password properly.I think this may be helpful.

Oh I checked other issues and I found, when the game running properly on my system with game version 4.2.0,it have the same problem with https://notabug.org/Krock/dawn/issues/453 and when the game broken today I found the password input now can show the password properly.I think this may be helpful.
Krock kommentierte vor 6 Monaten


The same issue was also mentioned in #325. There are many possible causes, thus it is usually best to try & error to find a solution that works for you. The TROUBLESHOOTING.md document might not be 100% complete.

tried that "vulkan-1.dll" etc... and didn't work for me

Assuming that you have tried it all, I would recommend you to try any recent Wine-GE-Proton version. Unzip the archive into a new location (NOT inside the game directory!). Also try using a new WINEPREFIX like this:

export WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine_ge_testing"
export WINE="/your/path/to/lutris-GE-ProtonX-XX-x86_64/bin/wine64"

cd "/path/to/genshin/"

# option 1: start with domain checks
"$WINE" explorer /desktop=Genshin,1024x768 launcher.bat
# option 2: if there is no launcher.bat file
"$WINE" explorer /desktop=Genshin,1024x768 GenshinImpact.exe

# Note: If you would like to use this WINEPREFIX for playing the game, you will have to install DXVK into it (winetricks, same environment variables).

Alternatively if you have Steam, you could instead add Genshin as an external game to your library. See INSTALLATION.md for instructions.

AND I already installed all MS fonts from an other Windows 11 Machine.

Please double-check whether the fonts are recognized by Wine: start notepad.exe and use its font selector.

updated their in-game briwser?or Auth System something?

To my knowledge, such binary updates always came with a separate game version, like 4.0.0 -> 4.0.1. Here are the md5sum hashes of the relevant files (also contained in the file pkg_version):

720ff377d13681f64a80ec094395aa83  ZFGameBrowser.exe
2331d04eaa86ba0ca375d7642ab17bb1  zf_cef.dll
077fa5c74d07de5a82f55b1703c4c357  vulkan-1.dll
@Shulker The same issue was also mentioned in #325. There are many possible causes, thus it is usually best to try & error to find a solution that works for you. The TROUBLESHOOTING.md document might not be 100% complete. > tried that "vulkan-1.dll" etc... and didn't work for me Assuming that you have tried it all, I would recommend you to try any recent [Wine-GE-Proton](https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/wine-ge-custom/releases) version. Unzip the archive into a new location (NOT inside the game directory!). Also try using a new WINEPREFIX like this: ``` export WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine_ge_testing" export WINE="/your/path/to/lutris-GE-ProtonX-XX-x86_64/bin/wine64" cd "/path/to/genshin/" # option 1: start with domain checks "$WINE" explorer /desktop=Genshin,1024x768 launcher.bat # option 2: if there is no launcher.bat file "$WINE" explorer /desktop=Genshin,1024x768 GenshinImpact.exe # Note: If you would like to use this WINEPREFIX for playing the game, you will have to install DXVK into it (winetricks, same environment variables). ``` Alternatively if you have Steam, you could instead add Genshin as an external game to your library. See INSTALLATION.md for instructions. > AND I already installed all MS fonts from an other Windows 11 Machine. Please double-check whether the fonts are recognized by Wine: start `notepad.exe` and use its font selector. > updated their in-game briwser?or Auth System something? To my knowledge, such binary updates always came with a separate game version, like 4.0.0 -> 4.0.1. Here are the md5sum hashes of the relevant files (also contained in the file `pkg_version`): ``` 720ff377d13681f64a80ec094395aa83 ZFGameBrowser.exe 2331d04eaa86ba0ca375d7642ab17bb1 zf_cef.dll 077fa5c74d07de5a82f55b1703c4c357 vulkan-1.dll ```
Shulker kommentierte vor 6 Monaten

You are right I checked those md5 ,and exactly the same as the md5 you gave,

{"remoteName": "GenshinImpact_Data/Plugins/ZFGameBrowser.exe", "md5": "720ff377d13681f64a80ec094395aa83", "hash": "c3cff963cc776610", "fileSize": 889360}
{"remoteName": "GenshinImpact_Data/Plugins/zf_cef.dll", "md5": "2331d04eaa86ba0ca375d7642ab17bb1", "hash": "fc4f108cfa7dde8c", "fileSize": 169623056}
{"remoteName": "GenshinImpact_Data/Plugins/vulkan-1.dll", "md5": "077fa5c74d07de5a82f55b1703c4c357", "hash": "9dd79b3871502d48", "fileSize": 828944}

And I found this in the log(didn't found it before)

0294:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation SystemCodeIntegrityInformation, size 8, info 0x7fffffbbf7d0, stub!
034c:err:service:validate_context_handle Access denied - handle created with access 34, needed 10000
0158:fixme:file:ReplaceFileW Ignoring flags 2
0364:err:module:import_dll Library WDFLDR.SYS (which is needed by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\HoYoKProtect.sys") not found
0364:err:ntoskrnl:ZwLoadDriver failed to create driver L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\HoYoProtect": c0000142

Don't know if this causes the problem.

You are right I checked those md5 ,and exactly the same as the md5 you gave, ``` {"remoteName": "GenshinImpact_Data/Plugins/ZFGameBrowser.exe", "md5": "720ff377d13681f64a80ec094395aa83", "hash": "c3cff963cc776610", "fileSize": 889360} {"remoteName": "GenshinImpact_Data/Plugins/zf_cef.dll", "md5": "2331d04eaa86ba0ca375d7642ab17bb1", "hash": "fc4f108cfa7dde8c", "fileSize": 169623056} {"remoteName": "GenshinImpact_Data/Plugins/vulkan-1.dll", "md5": "077fa5c74d07de5a82f55b1703c4c357", "hash": "9dd79b3871502d48", "fileSize": 828944} ``` And I found this in the log(didn't found it before) ``` 0294:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation SystemCodeIntegrityInformation, size 8, info 0x7fffffbbf7d0, stub! 034c:err:service:validate_context_handle Access denied - handle created with access 34, needed 10000 0158:fixme:file:ReplaceFileW Ignoring flags 2 0364:err:module:import_dll Library WDFLDR.SYS (which is needed by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\HoYoKProtect.sys") not found 0364:err:ntoskrnl:ZwLoadDriver failed to create driver L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\HoYoProtect": c0000142 ``` Don't know if this causes the problem.
Shulker kommentierte vor 6 Monaten

And I just tried Wine-GE and is it have same problem.

And I just tried Wine-GE and is it have same problem.
linkmauve kommentierte vor 6 Monaten

Faced with exactly the same problem, removing GenshinImpact_Data/Plugins/vulkan-1.dll made Chromium start rendering the CAPTCHA again. It will make the whole game stutter for a good ten seconds, but afterwards we don’t need it any more anyway.

Faced with exactly the same problem, removing `GenshinImpact_Data/Plugins/vulkan-1.dll` made Chromium start rendering the CAPTCHA again. It will make the whole game stutter for a good ten seconds, but afterwards we don’t need it any more anyway.
Shulker kommentierte vor 6 Monaten

I've tried this and it is not same as you said, I will record a video later to show my problem.

I've tried this and it is not same as you said, I will record a video later to show my problem.
Shulker kommentierte vor 6 Monaten

I created a new wineprefix and configure it from scratch to show the problem, please check this video: https://streamable.com/271eeq

I created a new wineprefix and configure it from scratch to show the problem, please check this video: https://streamable.com/271eeq
tniouz9m kommentierte vor 6 Monaten

This is a shot in the dark but could this be locale related? Set env variable LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 before launching and see if that helps?

This is a shot in the dark but could this be locale related? Set env variable LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 before launching and see if that helps?
Krock kommentierte vor 6 Monaten


  1. Please use winetricks to install DXVK. It will also install d3dcompiler_47 (and d3dcompiler_43 for DirectX 9) and set all required DLLs to "native" in winecfg. For reference: INSTALLATION.md, Custom, Step 4. For example, you copied the 32-bit files into the 64-bit directory. I'm surprised that Wine actually finds the correct one. (EDIT2: see notes below)

    • After setting up DXVK, wait up to 30 seconds for the CATPCHA to appear. I have already seen unusual long loading times.
  2. Were the fonts not recognized initially? Did notepad.exe not list your system-wide installed ones?

  3. Fortunately I do yet not see any signs of the locale problem mentioned above. In that case the game would not start up at all. You should still give the locale workaround a try.

  4. If nothing helped - would you please be so nice to pipe the Wine debug output (2>debug.txt) to a file and share that with us?

EDIT2: Since DXVK commit e9e0949, this sentence has gone missing

Note that this is not an error, 64-bit DLLs are indeed supposed to go to the system32 directory. Please refrain from opening issues or pull requests to change that, the instructions are correct as they are.

Thus, winetricks seems to do it the wrong way - but it works regardless.

@Shulker 1. Please use [winetricks](https://github.com/Winetricks/winetricks/) to install DXVK. It will also install d3dcompiler_47 (and d3dcompiler_43 for DirectX 9) and set all required DLLs to "native" in winecfg. For reference: [INSTALLATION.md, Custom, Step 4](./src/master/INSTALLATION.md#custom). ~~For example, you copied the 32-bit files into the 64-bit directory. I'm surprised that Wine actually finds the correct one.~~ (EDIT2: see notes below) * After setting up DXVK, wait up to 30 seconds for the CATPCHA to appear. I have already seen unusual long loading times. 2. Were the fonts not recognized initially? Did `notepad.exe` not list your system-wide installed ones? 3. Fortunately I do yet not see any signs of the locale problem mentioned above. In that case the game would not start up at all. You should still give [the locale workaround](./src/master/TROUBLESHOOTING.md#game-crashes-on-launch) a try. 4. If nothing helped - would you please be so nice to pipe the Wine debug output (`2>debug.txt`) to a file and share that with us? --- EDIT2: Since DXVK commit e9e0949, this sentence has gone missing > Note that this is **not** an error, 64-bit DLLs are indeed supposed to go to the `system32` directory. Please refrain from opening issues or pull requests to change that, the instructions are correct as they are. Thus, winetricks seems to do it the wrong way - but it works regardless.
Shulker kommentierte vor 6 Monaten

I'm gonna try this later,but now I'm kind of busy,Thx for your advices Krock.

I'm gonna try this later,but now I'm kind of busy,Thx for your advices Krock.
Shulker kommentierte vor 6 Monaten

Oh damn , I'm flowing your advices to create a new prefix and install dxvk by winetricks,after those runtime configuration I forgot to install windows fonts and you guess what? the game just work properly.SO THE REAL PROBLEM IS LOCATED IN FONT!!!! How this could be possible.

Oh damn , I'm flowing your advices to create a new prefix and install dxvk by winetricks,after those runtime configuration I forgot to install windows fonts and you guess what? the game just work properly.SO THE REAL PROBLEM IS LOCATED IN FONT!!!! How this could be possible.
Krock kommentierte vor 6 Monaten

@Shulker Glad to hear that you found a solution. Is there anything else you need help with or is the issue solved entirely?

@Shulker Glad to hear that you found a solution. Is there anything else you need help with or is the issue solved entirely?
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