#59 bars are not 100% filled

vor 2 Jahren geöffnet von Moto · 6 Kommentare
Moto kommentierte vor 2 Jahren

check the image

check the image
MisterE123 kommentierte vor 2 Jahren

should they be?

should they be?
Moto kommentierte vor 2 Jahren

They're looking as 60% filled but actually they're full (except armor)

They're looking as 60% filled but actually they're full (except armor)
Moto kommentierte vor 2 Jahren

Idk why but my bars are fine now

Idk why but my bars are fine now
Moto kommentierte vor 2 Jahren

not fine again =(

not fine again =(
MisterE123 kommentierte vor 2 Jahren

any updates on this? Also, what minetest version?

any updates on this? Also, what minetest version?
Moto kommentierte vor 2 Jahren

Still having not full bars issue. I play on linux pc and the MT windowtitle says it's Minetest 5.4.1 [OpenGL 4.6.0] it seems it's from flathub (flathub) repository. Actually, that happens when I play using Windows too, so not sure if that is the reason. But on some servers my bars are okay. I think this is cause my PC has two displays (and one of them is pretty wide) and idk why sometimes I got good fully filled bars. I asked several server owners about that issue and we still cannot fix that, it seems it's something wrong with texts of the bars mod when we use several displays or something like that

Still having not full bars issue. I play on linux pc and the MT windowtitle says it's Minetest 5.4.1 [OpenGL 4.6.0] it seems it's from flathub (flathub) repository. Actually, that happens when I play using Windows too, so not sure if that is the reason. But on some servers my bars are okay. I think this is cause my PC has two displays (and one of them is pretty wide) and idk why sometimes I got good fully filled bars. I asked several server owners about that issue and we still cannot fix that, it seems it's something wrong with texts of the bars mod when we use several displays or something like that
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