.mbsyncrc 1.1 KB

  1. # -*- mode: conf-space; -*-
  2. IMAPAccount mail
  3. Host mail.gandi.net
  4. User mail@ambrevar.xyz
  5. PassCmd "pass mail@ambrevar.xyz@mail.gandi.net"
  6. SSLType IMAPS
  7. IMAPStore mail-remote
  8. Account mail
  9. MaildirStore mail-local
  10. # The trailing "/" is important
  11. Path ~/.cache/mail/mail/
  12. Inbox ~/.cache/mail/mail/inbox
  13. Channel mail-all
  14. Master :mail-remote:
  15. Slave :mail-local:
  16. Patterns * "!Sent"
  17. Create Both
  18. Expunge Both
  19. SyncState *
  20. Channel mail-sent
  21. Master :mail-remote:
  22. Slave :mail-local:
  23. Patterns !* "Sent"
  24. Create Both
  25. Expunge Both
  26. SyncState *
  27. ################################################################################
  28. IMAPAccount atlas
  29. Host mail.gandi.net
  30. User pierre@atlas.engineer
  31. PassCmd "pass pierre@atlas.engineer@mail.gandi.net"
  32. SSLType IMAPS
  33. IMAPStore atlas-remote
  34. Account atlas
  35. MaildirStore atlas-local
  36. # The trailing "/" is important
  37. Path ~/.cache/mail/atlas/
  38. Inbox ~/.cache/mail/atlas/inbox
  39. Channel atlas-all
  40. Master :atlas-remote:
  41. Slave :atlas-local:
  42. Patterns * "!Sent"
  43. Create Both
  44. Expunge Both
  45. SyncState *
  46. Channel atlas-sent
  47. Master :atlas-remote:
  48. Slave :atlas-local:
  49. Patterns !* "Sent"
  50. Create Both
  51. Expunge Both
  52. SyncState *